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Everything posted by Mechwarrior

  1. Isthere a Conan Obrian game? I would enjoy that way more then a conan/barbarian game, come on, whats next, a "herbie goes bananas" game, lol.
  2. WOW was not for me. I dropped SWG for wow thinking it would be better, but it was not even close, as far as my opinion goes, so i went back to SWG, totally love it. I did not choose the Jedi Way, i went Bounty Hunter, talk about fun, hunting Jedi is way better , In my opnion. And as far as the Combat Upgrade next month, Jedi better be vet's and know all their skills and apply them in combat, because in the test center i didnt see one win a Player vs Player. Star Wars Galaxies is a great game, nothing comes easy, you work for what you have or want, which is a big turn off for most gamers, it is too bad they dont offer the 10 day trial, thats how i got started last july.
  3. My kids love Jar Jar, im not gonna hate them for their opinion! Personally I like all the Star Wars movies, imagine if everyone ideas and opinions were puit into the Ultimate Star Wars movie? I think it would come out to be about as good as Robot Jox, who knows, for all we know, someone would want to change that movie too! Imagine that.
  4. Wow, good question. I would have to go with Picard, even though Kirk was the pimpest player in the universe, I would choose logic over instinct myself.
  5. John Lithgow from footloose, major bad guy, i mean come on, who hates dancing?
  6. He was so much scarier in Leon/The Professional. Awww Shiz-nit! YOU BEAT ME TO IT!! Gary Oldman in "The Professional" was amazing. Pure unadulterated evil. Michael Madsen as Mr. Blonde is a close second. How about Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element, i always liked him in that.
  7. Still sanding the crap out of that resin recast cats eye, got about 22 hours in it so far, and trying to get GT40 replica done also (and no its not a model), headers r a bitch when u never done them before.
  8. You didnt buy anything? Wow, you have awesome willpower, my new hero
  9. Denzel Washington in Training day.
  10. Even though Jar Jar is only a Jedi Knight(Not a Master), what color is his lightsaber? Is he the first Gungan to climb so high in the ranks, I know his distant relationship with the counsil had training advanced From Jedi Initiate to Padawan since the trials were biased against big ears, does this affect the crystals used in their Lightsaber?
  11. It is called Galexies due to the fact its a MMORPG game, and yes it does have a cock pit view, I play on Valcyn, any others their too?
  12. Dude lay off the sauce lol, don't know where you got those two mixed up but the only relation Galatica and Starwars had in common was space battles in fighter planes against an evil fleet of menacing evil guys......yeah. but that's still really funny >< I was just making a funny but i am curios as to what fly's the cyclon ships, is it organic or what?
  13. How come you cant see any repair droids in the Vipers, didnt luke have an R2 unit when he flew his, or did the cylon base ships revoke command droids from participating in combat roles, sry i dont know much about sci-fi.
  14. He was a cop, had it "Installed" from being shot previously while on duty, back in his Michale Schlong days. The ...to be continued... episode of KITT vs Goliath was the best, I remember that like it was yesterday, that was the first time time I remember saying fcuk. (Fcuk! To be continued?") my mother was freaked out, my dad laughed, oh the funny childhood memories.
  15. No, not without a lot of sanding, that chrome look is actually a heavy layer from when the whole sprue was originally dipped in the color, but if u r not worried about alot of detail, u can always do a light sandover the surface, then paint it, good luck.
  16. Thatone is actually a cast of an Imai Blowsperior. It turned into a dog toy, he was unable to transform it though, being a dog and all.
  17. I appreciate the engineering in the variable kit itself, imagine sitting down at a desk and attempting to comprehend how to make a prototype of a VR-052f/t itself. Talk about patience! I know they r not perfect, but everynow and again ill swipe it off the display and transform it, i find that most appealing.
  18. Great kit, it is the same mold actually of the Bandai kit of Blowsperior. Ironically I mentioned that kit in my previous post in the models sections. I have pics of one i threw together at work 5 years ago with a custom paint job. I'll post those when I get home later. Tranforming it is a chore, but I like it in any case.
  19. I applaud you! At least you take the time to put it together and not horde it away. I wish I had kept my first model, that would have been a big laugh to look at, if I am not mistaken it was a Monogram Cykill, man did I ever screw that thing up. It is possible to use light coats of can spray paint also, I still do that Method from time on diffrent models, I am talking about the cheapy ones u find at Walmart and such in the paint department, nothing special. Good job and thanx for sharing, i had to put in my two cents, i visit model section daily, but I never post much, but thanx for putting it together and sharing.
  20. I am looking forward to attending my first time, so anywhere works for me, even a Chuckie Cheese will do.............
  21. Its all good now, yay!
  22. Here is a Gobots Cyclone model I did a few years back.
  23. I was gonna ask which one it was, but never mind, it was not that difficult to figure out, (no offense to other modelers), at least they have entries:)
  24. I just started playing this game June 19, 2004. (Yesterday) I dont know how it was in the past, but the game play now is simply amazing. The depth of play is limitless and now I am unfortunately addicted. Yes I am new with lots to learn and look forward to playing every day. Sadly I have been playing straight now for 20 hours. The promotion for this game was horrible, they could have given a better description of game play to attract more players (like there is not enough already . What other game can you meet someone from Poland or Australia in the middle of nowhere on a planet far far away. Great game indeed. If anyone still playing wants to hook up and give me pointers, let me know, I play alot and even though I downloaded the trial I will keep going for sure.
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