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Everything posted by Mechwarrior

  1. Well, I would have to say the Star Wars saga. It has kept me entertained for over 20 years, can't think of anything else that has had such a an impact really. Star Trek was close though.
  2. The kit itself is ok. A couple parts were a little warped, but that has more to do with the G-System casters, which are usually pretty good. No flash on the kit. Small bits were a little brittle, but generally ok. The engine bells were not the same thickness, which bothered me a bit. The kit goes together easy enough, but you have to pin the legs and the arms. I did this with some brass rod. This was a little difficult for me since it was my first time pinning a kit. The stand is too weak for the weight of the kit. I think in hot weather it will bow. I drilled two holes with two pins in the stand and then two holes in the bottom of the kit, so the stand would stay tight. I should've made a new stand, but I wanted to get this kit done. The ARMD's were generally pretty easy, but you can accidentally fill in some of the deck detail if you sand/putty too much. Overall, a good kit... I'd give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. 327942[/snapback] The model Looks great, its amazing how simple techniques can make the model look a whole lot better, i like the deck detail, looks great. Maybe one of these days ill complete mine.
  3. One of the best episodes so far in my opinion> The original BSG music was nice insert, I am surprised every week by this show. I for one never thought the reporter would end up being a cyclon, so it made the even better i guess. Cant wait for the rerun.
  4. Question/ I am PC game kinda guy, i was wondering if any of the Street Figher Games out lately for console games are , or have online capability? I would be interested in getting a Street Fighter Alpha if i could play others online.
  5. One thing i do enjoy about the Podcast, is the relaxed commentary about the show, its not scripted or anything cheesy about that, its just a couple guys sitting around talking about the show they produced or what not. Everynow and then they let something slip about the show notes, and one thing I have noticed, is that half the time the series is a write it as you go kinda style, which is a relief, so it makes it easier to ignore all those "I'm an expert, heres what to expect next" kinda posts. The funny thing is, is that a writer can wake up that morning, scrtach his head and say, " You know what?, I am making Adama a cylon today!"
  6. Show about Marines? Never heard of this one, but ill check it out for sure, thanx for the heads up. Just my input about Marines and the versatile roles they can play, I recall one tour i did in 93, on ship and being Comm with Top Secret clearence, i never thought in a million years I would be assigned to a .50 Cal hanging off the back of a Navy Ship. Excuse the pic, its a bit before Digiltal cameras, lol.
  7. Hmm, i dont use ipod, i went to the website and just downloaded the mp3's for the episode, the commentary's do give insight, good info, thanx
  8. Yes Rustall is simply awesome, and better yet, actually easier to apply then paint, and most any other weathering effects. Been using it for years, and found all kinds of ways experiment with it. Also it last a longtime, im on my 3rd set in only 7 years, wow, 7 years, im getting old You cant screw up the aplication either, use it on any kinda model, resin does require a rough sand first though, the new rustall set comes with fine dirt which you can mix with the flat matt and black matt, both come with the rustall kit.I am not sure if the old post exists, i had pictures loaded with some rustall applied to em, but i think that was years ago here on the MacrossWorld forums, ill dig up a pic and throw in post. i say get it, try it, about 20 bucks if i remember correctly, my last set lasted me about 2 years so far, of course i have done only about 6 models, lol. You cannot screw up with this, you want a weathered effects you will get em for sure, no matter how you put it on.
  9. "Need More Cowbell!" Way funny
  10. My fault, thought u meant Tenacious D! lol
  11. I agree, that live draft actually sucks for any league, even an office one, lol. Auto pick sounds fun, via yahoo, make it easier for everyone, and stat tracking is done so we just have to check results, so anyone can play. I'll check out the yahoo one tonight see how it works.
  12. I have a few i join every season, are the yahoo ones any good? Agent one, stop being stupid, half of your annoying responses are not a Anime or Science Fiction either
  13. oops, sry, didnt know u guys already used google earth, my fault.
  14. Mess'n around today, checking out downloads, found Google Earth, Yah i know, always someone out there who has known about it for years, U R special, we get it, but anyhow, spent a few hours playing with it, it is the most updated one i have seen yet. So for fun, to find me, put in zip code 85219 and move the little hand to 33 degrees 24'43.74"/111 degrees 29'49.32" , thats my house built not to long ago, so as you can i see, im in the middle of no where, lol. So anyone wanna show me where u live. Not sure how updated it is, but my area is within 4 months. I woudl like check places in other countries if anyone is up to it. It is easy and stright forward to use, the tilt feature is way kewl too. Its a free download, 10MB's. Key words, google earth, what yah waiting for?
  15. Just caught this trailer on SciFi during the pilot episode showing, the movie looks awesome, can't wait for it also. Is the trailer they showed the same one linked up here, my pc dont like apple, so i cant play it.
  16. Looks like something I would watch, thanx for the info. Oh yah, I like Portman, i think she is a hottie, some actresses are cast for looks for guys like me, lol, which why I think Jessica Alba should win a Osacr too. But thta's my Opinion
  17. No kidding, the only active forum i visit daily, scared me, welcome back : )
  18. Damn Damn damn, i so wanted to make it this year, this damn car project i have is eating up my time and money, post more pics, hope everyone had fun. Hopefully next year ill have my models done, lol. You lucky bstards
  19. Hey now, well, ironically i just took a 12 hour break from SWG, lol, been doing quests, came on forums to see how convention is going so far. Anyhow, I love the game,, tried other MMORPG's and this one does it for me, im On Valcyn, less lagg, planty of players, anyhow i reccomend the game to everyone, but trust me its addicting. Lots complain about aspects of the game, then again its always same people complaining about everything anyhow, give it a try youy just may love or hate it : )
  20. So then why does he have to disguise himself? It is so obvious he is the cookie monster, pretending to be granny bird, in order to get the bird seed cookies.
  21. Wow, those scratch builds are NICE
  22. Juts saw the movie tonight, my only complaint is that i did not take a leak before watching it (had to hold it, lol). But i saw it for what it was, A Movie! I look forward to getting the DVD when it comes, obviously not alot of other people plan on buying the movie when it comes out on DVD. Oh wait, yes you are, lol. Can't wait to see it again on an empty bladder.
  23. The script looks legit, i read the book and as far as i can tell it stays on track, how ever the dialogue may be outta whack, but no way to tell that., if u read the script, it may ruine the movie for some of you who like surprises.
  24. Now thats a great collection, very impressive.
  25. Actually, it sounds like a diffrent direction, gotta be better then a dumb Conan game, lol
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