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Everything posted by Mechwarrior

  1. Merry Holidays Macross World.
  2. Bro, Hell of a job you did here. i just caught this thread, you do a sick job of making this stuff, Keep it Up!
  3. Not sure if anyone tried colorizing Old Black and White photo's before, but the I know when ever I did, it was a very time consuming process with photoshop. The good ole boys over at Diggnation came across an awesome (and FREE!) program that does it in a matter of minutes, I have played around with it and it is fricken awesome, easy to use too. I am gonna recolor some old photos for my Grandmother for Christmas, this guy should get major props for making it so easy. Colorize thos Black and Whites before they start charging for the program.
  4. I play the hell out of SWG, i am lookng forward to the revamp. Everyone who said they were gonna leave the last two major changes didnt, in fact the server i play on (Valcyn) had doubled in the past year. I can't wait for the change. I tried WoW, just couldnt get into it myslef, but seeing how SONY owns em both, they dont lose.
  5. NICE! That may just be my next project actually, Its basically just a fiberglass job anyhow, ty for the good idea!
  6. Hye, thanx for the info. I didnt even know they existed, the ghost is kewl. I am going to order mine from HLJ right now.
  7. Uh, yah downloading it would seem inappropiate, but as i read up in the Browncoat forums, which is where i got the link, they want poeple to download it and share the movies with others, their words, not mine, so i agree taht downloading episodes would be wrong, but i still bought the dvd's in anycase. I for one support file sharing on many levels, but lets not get into that.
  8. UH, hey guys, its just a movie, no sense in over analyzing it, lol. I finally got to watch all the episodes finally, the series was well written, i liked it alot, no wonder there is such a fan base. Also, if anyone wants to download all the episodes, the quality is nice, also the original pilot and outakes, most in real media player format, and the rest in quicktime. If you do like real media , like me, i perosnally hate it, use real alternitive, no crazy system take overs or codec problems. Firefly episodes Real Player Alternative
  9. Hmm, i dont know about Smallville, but if u r talking about the Kristin girl from that show, well, she is way too hot to compare to the chic from Serenity. But i guess someone may see how they can be sisters.
  10. The first 9 minutes of the movie was put online by the distribution company if anyone wants to check it out. Serenity Movie Intro Looks good at high definition
  11. In interviews Joss said they did have to have cut to make the 2 sets appear one, my guess is when the camera shifts from Mal to Simon in the hallway as they walk downstairs...seamlessly done if so 334517[/snapback] This one shot scene was talked about in an interview. Joss explained that he liked how QT did it in KIll Bill Vol I, he said he would never do it again since it takes so long to setup the camera rail and set. I can only imagine how one would go about doing a one take shot on second level sets with dialogue!
  12. I dunno, I mean it seemed like a nice vacant beurocratic reason to me, She might be psychic or able to read minds, high level government officials thought that perhaps she might have read their minds when they were thinking about whatever vile things they have done, jeez we better tie up that loose end, go capture or kill it! 333852[/snapback] That was the reason exactly. If you put all the top level officials in the room with someone who is a ble to read minds, then there is indeed a reason to worry about security issues, that is the main issue with River's recovery. i kinda understood it in the series, but the movie cleared it up rather quickly and explained it well.
  13. Dont know if it is the lack of Sci-Fi out their or what, but I cant get enough of Serenity, even though im just a couple months into it. I ordered the dvd's and saw the movie the second time , this time by myself. My favorite part would have to be when River jumps through the blast doors and starts a Melee execution of all the cannibals. Right now I would rather have teh DVD of the movie, then Star Wars episode III. Yah, Book when out like a champ, but damn i really liked Wash, one of my favorites, but part of making a good movie i guess is draining on peoples emotions and making sacrafices, and yes, i know this is one hell of a run on sentence ( Definition Of a Run On sentence ) , then again, im a low life Destroid Armour Waxer
  14. The Shawshank Redemption , Lord of the Rings, Godfather, Shindlers list? Wanna see something funny? Go to yahoo top rated movies of all time. Serenity is right there in top 10. Talk about a fanbase. Even if the movie has a moderate box office ticket sales, the fanbase sure pushes it to another level. Yahoo Top rated Movies
  15. Ahh crap, you did say spoilers though, lol. Yah, it was said in a few interviews that noone knows if this is the end, so when he wrote the movie, he did mention that some type of closure is necessary if nothing comes of the movie. Wash dead? Damn, guess ill have to take care of his widowed wife now! Actually, he was one of my favorite characters, too bad. Book gobe too? Liked him too, never figured out what his past was from the series, or maybe i never caught the episodes, im a newbie to Firefly actually, but if u know if there was any past to mention, plz, let me know. Ill check it out tonight for sure, and if anyone has more spoilers, share em. Wont make watching the movie any less eventful anyhow, thanx for the write up EXO.
  16. "007 the detail on that cockpit is awesome, how'd you do it?" Since he didnt reply yet, ill take s hot as to what he did. Looks like the ole toothepick dot method, and the decal for the rear cockpit screen, looks good. Ill be starting my Cat's Eye here in a week or soo, ill post a simple build up to get this thread started. I see someone already sold theirs on ebay for a nice profit too, just a matter of time i guess. The kit looks great for a recast, just not looking forward to the sanding, lol.
  17. U can never get enough of thiose kinda pics, thanx.
  18. Yah, I work tonight, bummer, let us know what you think if u can , give me something to read at work, lol. I can care less about spoilers, but i know other do, so start a new thread maybe, lol.
  19. Congrats, but as far as having MWCon there, I would hope not. Been their many times , never liked the drive personally. But, as far as it being a possibility, its not that hard getting everyone in the base it self, the gate guards are inept anyhow Hope the move goes good, keep us updated.
  20. Funny guy in a great show, i musta seen the reruns a dozen times or more, funny everytime.
  21. Fiefly marathon on Sci-Fi channel, all day of Firefly this tuesday(tomarrow), Sure it may be the same for most local programming as well. I bring this up for those who never caught it, since I personally never saw an episode till this thread started, I liked it. Loking forward to the movie this friday.
  22. Great episode, was very intense at moments, making it even better. Can't really compare Cain of old and Cain of new, since so many other elements of the show have changed. I do like how the strict military discipline clashes with the lackadaisical Galactica. I can understand how the leadership would not mesh. I wonder if the President has direct control over Marines in BSG, that would be a trump card to offset the balance of conflict for sure. Damn, now i cant wait for January to get here
  23. Yah, I my self never understood that either, throwing out cliche's like reality factor? I understand people have opinions, but come on, it is just a show. If you have that much time to post about a show constantly, then maybe it is not the show that has the problem, lol. However, i too am looking forward to tonight's show, can't believe how fast the season went by!
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