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Everything posted by Mechwarrior

  1. The whole Alien story was nothing more than creative ideas based on the fact that another movie was going to be produced. There is no canon. There are hundreds of websites claiming that theirs adhere to there idea of what they believe as canon. The fact is , is that writers and creative department personal made up crap as they went along, in order to make the next movie. I like all the Alien movies for what they are, Entertainment.
  2. 1/72..........1 1/60..........4 1/48..........0
  3. Holy Crap! That's a bootleg for reals? Or is this a joke
  4. I'm not a big transformers fan, but I think it looks pretty cool.
  5. Awesome models, sucky website layout.
  6. Good to be back. I see that the post count junkies are hard at work already.
  7. Still doing the boring Mechwarrior name.
  8. Thanx for the link!
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