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Everything posted by joseph

  1. joseph

    Gualg CG

    I hope that these imagenes help you.
  2. This it is the new design in which I am working. I haven't very free time now, and all the projects are delayed. I hope that the design like you.
  3. YF-19 Side view
  4. Sara's wedding with some new colors and Mayan beach background.
  5. Later, I am going to doing new wall with different colors and backgorund.
  6. Excelent Job.
  7. That wedding I do not see much future but anyway when I haves more time perhaps does something. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Image is the first wall of the Sara's Wedding. - Why Sara has Red Hair? - Ummm, I don't know.
  8. Thanks to all for its good commentaries. I going to make a wallpapers version later.
  9. OK: OVA 6: Sara's wedding This is the color version.
  10. OVA 5: Sara's Wedding This is Preliminary design. I hope that like you
  11. Flash is seemed to Corel Draw, only that flash this oriented to project vectorial animations in Internet and Corel Draw is more for printing things. Flash include lenguaje action script for animation control. Freehand is Flash without animation.
  12. Look in: http://alanmccain.topcities.com/
  13. Color version. The hair in my version is diferent.
  14. A design of Eruma Elma or Elma Eruma.
  15. The VF-4 was the variable fighter more used in Macross and we don't not even have seen it transform. I believe that for that reason is a leyenda that never die.
  16. The design is very good. In special the transformation.
  17. The design is very good. A version B & W.
  18. Because not this Roy Focker in Valkyrie Development History?
  19. The second version, I like more. You could use the design of the image that is very similar to phalanx if you want.
  20. First attempt to make to Milia "M7 version" with dress meltran.
  21. Here a VF-4 Metal Muse. I hope that like you.
  22. This is an approach of the general galaxy logo.
  23. I use a design of First Macross Serie. Max and Milia from Macross 7 are deferents, are more cool. The design with Macross 7 Style but after.
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