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Everything posted by joseph

  1. No problem.
  2. Although I have taken much time finally I have can to finish a design of Katy that does from the last year.
  3. VF-0D Top View con Drome and Fast Pack. // Escribiria algo más pero tengo que volver a afilar mi ingles. :)
  4. Top Transformation VF-11 YF-19 VF-2J SV-51 YF-21
  5. The last designs are based on model's image download the internet and I do Flash and Corel Draw by make then. I don't draw on paper on years.
  6. Thank you Hello Hikaru by the commentary. Now I am doing the side view of the SV-51.
  7. Don't wait more. Here is the VF-0D in top view form. The nose isn't 100% equal. A custom tuoch. :)
  8. Thank you, Jedi Knight. I am doing now the VF-0D. :)
  9. My top view of a SV-51. I hope that like you. :)
  10. joseph


    I remember your picture. Good job. PD: The link "ENTER" in your web is not work, the "link image" is work.
  11. joseph

    VF Girls

    Excelent work Bake Art.
  12. My top view of a VF-11. I hope that like you. :)
  13. But she now has a look more bad.
  14. Good work. Are very nice.
  15. The design is cool but has black points as reactor wing or fast packs. Orgus has tank mode?
  16. joseph

    macross lineart

    VF-5000 with fast packs.
  17. joseph

    macross lineart

    More views.
  18. joseph

    macross lineart

    Another view.
  19. joseph

    macross lineart

    VF-5000 side view. PD: Hace meses que ni subo nada al foro. :)
  20. Design of Flemenmik Nousjadeul-Ger. :)
  21. I use Flash for draw with vector grafics
  22. Design of Quimeliquola Queadluun-Rau. I hope that like you.
  23. Excuse me but ... What is V&F and T&A?
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