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About Pervataru

  • Birthday 08/30/1973

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  • Location
    The Pitts

Pervataru's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. interesting thanks both of you.
  2. I just got my Yamato 1/60 Macross Zero QF-2200D-A Ghost Valkyie yesterday and in the instruction book it lists the Yamato Macross Zero 1/60 QF-2200D-B Ghost booster. This did not bother me too much I just figure that it was a different paint job, and was the one that came with the YAMATO 1/60 Macross Zero VF-0S/A & Ghost Booster Figure set, but when i went on to ebay to look at prices for the YAMATO Macross Zero 1/60 SV-51 Gumma Ivanov. and long story short I saw that the Yamato Macross Zero 1/60 QF-2200D-B Ghost booster was up for sale by itself, so what are the differences between the and what they come with cause I did not see a boxed layout to compare?
  3. http://www.toynami.com/macross.html# Here are some new 1/100 Ihad never seen before what do you all think?
  4. Ranma 1/2 that is all you need to know, that boy kicks ass he would take out the whole Zentrody armada in one move. lol just got abd watched the whole 161 eps 12 OAV and 2 movie set, thats a whole lot of cross dress'n, gender confusing, speices befuddled madness. now I can sleep
  5. hey MYK share, pass it along I have stuff to trade send me a PM BTW I have found the one flaw with Zero, you get so awe struck with it's beauti you miss out on reading the subtitles, especially durring the dog-fights
  6. I'm sure but one can still dream. Oh and the Monster I loved it when it unfurled it's fingers and grabed th carrier deck to fire too wicked.
  7. I'm not one to collect the enemy forces but would love to have a Zero facing off with DD's bird hope Yamy makes us a bad guy lol.
  8. I am watching Zero right now for the first time, and I must say Holy poo that is sweet. I just saw the first Zero Transformaion, and it sent chills down my spine, Gwad that is beautiful.
  9. They are just things, like the 1-60 GPB and the morphers that I bought and don't work for the diarama I'm working on or were just not what i hoped they would be, they are all almost new out of the box for less than 30 mins with decals untouched if they came with them. But I will post a list on the trade forum later today.
  10. thx then I didn't lose a Hikaru then. sweet any body want to buy 1/60 GBP, lol will post in sale/trade later with all the things i'm parting with.
  11. do these come with pilots?
  12. Dear Jesus, i feel down right lacking compared to some of you guys. I wish i had the space to display all my toys, but would need an empty living room and basement and alot of fishing line alas no such space.
  13. Thanks both of you, Dante74 you have restored my faith in myself I'm not the only total gumba to try and break that thing. Yamy should go either metal for that part or double up the plastic posts. But all I need to know if any ideas on the backpack hook cover.
  14. I got my 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo, and GBP armor today In the full armour all is well cause the thruster pack locks into wing housing, but without the armour, the hatch that covers the lil backpack hook in fighter mode keeps popping open when the backpack is latched. So I imagin if in standard battleliod, or SS battleloid the weight would pop it open. Any ideas? And has anybody ever broken the missle plate in the chest, I have one slot that just seems a lil tight no matter what missle I use, afraid if I push any harder it will break, so i just shaved a missle a very little bit. Also what does GBP stand for?
  15. Now I have a similar problem: got my 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo, and GBP armor today In the full armour all is well cause the thruster pack locks into wing housing, but without the armour, the hatch that covers that lil hook in fighter mode keeps popping open when the backpack is latched. So I imagin if in standard battleliod, or SS battleloid the weight would pop it open. Also for the lost GBP=?
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