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Everything posted by mbs357

  1. Exactly the pic I was trying to get. Through no means could I get it. Snagit wouldn't do it, nor print screen. It kept taking a pic of WMP, with a black spot where the video should be, and the video would seep through that black spot, it's hard to explain.
  2. You are very welcome! Can't wait to see this model completed. Though it's awesome as it is! =D
  3. If I can figure out a way to get this stupid Snagit to capture a pic from WMP or any other friggin media player, you'll have your reference shots...
  4. Yea, outside of school I have nothing to do. I have the least amount of life of anyone I know. Which makes me really wish I could help on some sort of mod out there... =\
  5. Pic I found with Google search. http://www.ehobbyland.com/Macross/MAC-Nichimo-12.jpg http://www.ehobbyland.com/Macross/MAC-PodGlaug.jpg This one may help if you aren't specificaly looking for a model shot or decal scan. Heck, found some here on MW: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/mwat/j...ohn_moscato.htm http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/sdfmacross/glaug.jpg Looks like a TV style or something. Hope these help...dunno if they will. Good one http://www.okino.net/~tutumi/glaug/gla2.jpg Its page: http://www.dsnw.ne.jp/~comet/model/gulaug.html
  6. Awesome. =O
  7. That one doesn't look bad. I'd like to get one.
  8. Will there be any changes to the way the fighters behave? I found a nifty mod, either on the Relic or Homeworld2 forums, that changes the fighters' behavior, and gives them missles. It makes them behave less predictably and more interestingly. I would love to see some Valks flying all around doing nifty new stuff and launching missles...maybe even shooting some missles down...*cough*...
  9. It also left a Valk's decapitated body lying on the floor next to his own severed head. A head which at this time has no name. I know his name. There can be only one! I have something to say! It's better to burn out, than to fade away! Graham Highlander was a great movie. The forehead guy! (aka Christopher Lambert)
  10. mbs357

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    That's a really awesome custom, Jung... I'll buy that for a dollar!! Nice wallpaper, too! =D
  11. That's interesting... Can anyone tell me about the Kite symbol? Am I supposed to put the blank white sticker on before the Kite itself? I'm still confused on this. Also, I too have the problem with the TV hands, the gunpod one seems too big, it stays in but pokes out a bit, and the open one is too loose, but doesn't fall out.
  12. I can't afford an 80 dollar joystick.
  13. 1/72 VF-1A/J/S with GBP armor. And/or 1/48 VF-1A/J/S with GBP armor. Only thing I can think of at the time.
  14. mbs357

    Gualg CG

    That DOES look like a toy, awesome work man.
  15. Sweet, I'm in the US, so it'll probably be a bit less for me. I'll stop by HLJ and look around. Edit: Great, looks like HLJ has a couple of them in stock, looks like there's alot better selection out of stock though...I'll keep these in mind, and might end up buying one of the smaller ones, thanks for the reccomendation. =D
  16. Downloading this now, as for music: I've noticed that if you start the VO opening...and then start Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone" at juuust the right point, it syncs up with the video great...it's uh...great. o_O Edit: Wow, that was great. XD
  17. OoOOOoo I love flightsims. I've never had a joystick though. D= I've got a Suncom F-15 joystick, but it doesn't work right...no drivers...or something. I've been thinking about a good flight sim, but haven't been able to find a good one (with jets). Meh. Anyway, I would really love for some type of Valkyrie to be imported into a game... XD
  18. Very sorry for my lack of replies in this thread, I had thought I posted in the other models forum and couldn't find it...silly me. Anyway, much thanks for all the feedback. I had been wanting to stick with Hasegawa, because from all the picks I've seen of their models they look the best. Like the difference between the Bandai's VF-19 and Hasegawa's...what's up with Bandai's wings? I had been hearing around that the VF-1 fighters were difficult to build. A previous post has made me lean towards a battroid VF-1, they sound straightfoward. I also looked at their WWII fighters, I've always been a fan of the P-51. =] Sooo...in conclusion, thanks alot for the feedback, I guess I'll think about getting a VF-1 battroid or some WWII fighter, thanks alot. =]
  19. Sure the captain would have died, but what a way to go! w00t melodrama!
  20. I must see this!! I've downloaded the Robotech version of Pineapple Salad, but alas! D= Could you point me to it a bit more?
  21. Best rendition of said story of inspiration EVER. D=
  22. Kenshin is or never was a samurai. He was never trained as one. He was a hitokiri. Taku Iwasaki is a great composer, he has some greaet acoustic songs. And yea, OAV 1 Tsuiku Hen (Samurai X is a dumb, Americanized name that the dubbers gave it) is a great OAV. Seisou Hen was great too, but really only if you were a fan of the series/manga. It was quite depressing. o_O
  23. mbs357

    Larger Scale VF-0

    Ah, thinks for the clarification. I was under the impression that it was essentially a VF-1 minus nuclear engines. Apparently it's alot more. =p
  24. mbs357

    Larger Scale VF-0

    Wow, that's a big difference. How in the world can a VF-0 simply be a VF-1 minus the nuclear engines with such a size difference? I guess some other things were left un-canon. o_O
  25. mbs357

    MechMod for HL

    That 1J model does look nice, non variable or not. And, MilkMan! Long time no see.
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