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Everything posted by mbs357

  1. I still think they should have tried converting the second game to a movie. =p Awesome game. But anyway, I'm pretty sure it'll have some good action in it. But I'm totally SICK of slow motion action scenes. And what's the point of bringing guns on an archeological mission? I'm hoping that it'll suprise us, but I'm not too optomistic.
  2. I want one of those mechanical back scratchers that George Jetson used.
  3. Quick Google searched yielded these: Latitude: 36.286N Longitude: -76.985W Sounds about right, should be in the northeastern corner of NC.
  4. Also nice to see that white booster in that last pic. =]
  5. Don't throw it away, give it to me! o_O I couldn't pay $4,000 for a TV. Even if I had it to spare. Er, and yea, great pics. Make more. And I too would love to see more Mikimoto anime.
  6. Ah yes, I eventually decided to click the link, saw the thing about braking, that's good enough a reason. On another note: Amazing the details in 80s animation!
  7. Amazing! How would one submit their number? I have one VF-1J 1/48. I assume you haven't counted me. =p
  8. Oh yea, I forgot to ask...what's the point?
  9. I remember that being a limozine. I shall dig it up. Grr, I may not be able to find it. Not where I thought it was.
  10. If I'm not mistaken, people from India are called "Indonesians." Otherwise, I just call people by what country they're from. If you're not sure, just call him or her an Asian person, because from the looks of it, he's from somewhere Asia, no?
  11. Looks nice, but...what is it?
  12. rofl It does exist!
  13. mbs357

    1/60 Gbp

    I'm still convinced that Yamato foresaw GBP on the 1/48 and putted the radar and nose cone gimmick in just in case they went with it! =O
  14. That's amazing. Does anyone have any information on this "MCAD" program? I've been interested in this sort of thing for a long while but always turned up dead ends. I can't really afford many Legos, but maybe I'll be able to make them in 3D, eh?
  15. That's some high dollar equipment you've got there! Do you work for a company that gives you access or is this your own and personal?
  16. mbs357

    1/48 lineup

    $500 is an awfully lot for a recast! =O Must be high dollar models, I'm not familiar with them. =]
  17. I'd buy all that for a dollar.
  18. AWESOME! But... My video must be coming up incomplete... I haven't gotten to the part where it transforms...
  19. WOW! Compared to the PCJ, the Person and that Bradley, that thing is huge! Full scale mecha = win! Edit: It's even bigger than Godzilla!!
  20. Anyone else lost?
  21. mbs357


    I'd rather see all the lights working on the thing... Hehe... That'd be neat... Landing lights...and strobe lights...
  22. I went to Hampton to see the IMax NASCAR thing, on the way back, we went to Waterside. There we went to a small mall, in some kind of bar slash arcade thing, I found these big gray box like things... Upon further examination, I found they were simulators for, according to the big huge banner on the wall that I had missed, BATTLETECH. Or essentially a Mechwarrior spinoff. I didn't get to try it, they looked out of order, but man did it give me ideas. For one, they had a door that slid and closed so you were totally enclosed within this full scale and full functional cockpit. It was awesome. I don't know how hard it'd be to make a Macross version of this...I know having the transformation to battroid would be way difficult, but man it gave me ideas...
  23. This topic confuses me... Are we talking about a video game RPG or text RPG? o_O
  24. Wow... I'd buy that for a dollar...
  25. I'd suggest a C++ book to start out with. I'm sure you can pick one up for pretty cheap somewhere! An intro level book will give you the necessary background more than a website will. Although not all web pages are created equally, so I may be wrong. ; ) Personally, I'd highly recommend C++ as a first language. It's not the most forgiving language, but it lays the foundation for many of the advanced aspects of the computer science field. I am, of course, quite masochistic, so take my advance with a grain of salt. ; ) Feel free to e-mail me with questions if you start learning C++! -cmg_cobra Thanks for the info and assistance! I'll look for a book, hopefully it won't be too much. I'm poorer than uh...poor people. >_>
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