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Everything posted by mbs357
I think he means if the plane is in the hangar and the runway has been bombed. Sort of like the first episode of SDF. The runway was trashed, but Hikaru was still on the ground, so he had to go to another runway. If there wasn't another runway, he would have had to boosted and switched to GERWALK like in the clip from DYRL. (If only he knew how to do that stuff then.)
I have to agree. Also, isn't her hair a bit too pink? =x
Would someone be able to convert the model to MS Flight Sim 2004? =x
Oh yea, I too would like to see some tabs of the guitar version. That version does kick mightly. Or something. yay!
Liars. I'm the first mutant. I can shoot apples from my eyes and eat fourty hotdogs in under thirty seconds.
Welcome!! $80 for that thing seems like a good deal for me. About how much do these things usually go for? And what's the estimated height after completion? Edit: Wow, a 10ft by 5ft screen??? Where do you live? o_O *packs bags*
I'm confused. But she's purdy.
Oh I've been saying that since I first played the demo of that game all those years ago. That game has NEVER left my harddrive since I bought it. The acting in it was better than most of the movies I've seen lately. Truly a great peice of work.
myk, I'll pay money to see what you put together. I'll just download AvP I guess. =p
Uh oh, I hope Harmony Gold doesn't see that post. "VF-A1? Quick, get some guys researching the VF-A1 NOW! I want to see pictures and statistics on our website and I want to see it in our next comic issue!" *edit* On second thought, maybe they'll concentrate so hard on finding it that they'll forget about running the business and go belly up.....yea..... Great looking models!
Amazing! Can't wait to see how this mod progresses, good luck! =D
I've been around guns all my life, love them very much. I like rifles and all, but I'm more into pistols. Favorite Pistols: CZ-75 Original. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg51-e.htm Colt Single Action Army. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg32-e.htm USP Compact. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg11-e.htm Beretta 92FS. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg07-e.htm FN Five SeveN. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg18-e.htm Colt M1911. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg04-e.htm Favorite SMGs: HK MP-5A2. http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg14-e.htm FN P90. http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg13-e.htm The Thompson. http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg29-e.htm Favorite Rifles: Giat FAMAS. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as21-e.htm ArmaLite AR-10. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as16-e.htm M14. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as15-e.htm M16. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as18-e.htm M4. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as17-e.htm AK-47. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as01-e.htm And that's about it for firearms. Though I've probably left some things out. As far as melee weapons. The Katana. I've wanted one for a very long time, and wanted to study some sort of Kenjutsu for about as long. Unfortunatly, in this small town of mine surrounded by farms and the like, I doubt I could find a good instructor. Not too crazy about learning from an American, rather have a Japanese sensei. By the way, the site I'm linking to is very informative about just about everything related to guns, a definate reccomendation: http://world.guns.ru/main-e.htm
Hey...I'm not quite 18 yet....... But what caught my attention most was that mini valk. =D
http://www.universalcentury.net Looks like the game is nearing completion in Japan...so I hear. I'm also suprised I didn't find anything on it in here. D= Hopefully it'll come stateside. Looks like it'll be my first MMORPG if it does. =D
Welcome to MW! I, too, am a convert. I first saw RT on Cartoon Network all those years ago (never liked the other season, only liked Macross Saga! XD), and stayed loving it for a long time after it got cancelled and finally by the grace of God I found MacrossWorld! I still slip up and call Valkryies "Verytecks" every so often...but when I do, I promptly bite my tongue until it bleeds, and eat a big pretzel.
LOL! Yea, I did. That was the best part of the movie...
Indeed! Could've asked for more of the Yamato booth. And the way the guy pronounced every thing made me want to beat him. @_@
I always figured that the VF-1 was geared to look best in fighter mode, so then the text would be upside down on the gunpod, and up in fighter mode. Edit: Also, it's called a "Variable Fighter" not a "Variable Robot"
I haven't seen mention of this so far, but do the legs look a bit too short to anyone else? Amazing model though. =D
Heck. The only problem with that is that I live off of Ramen all the time... I have no fine living funds to cut into for toys. ='[
I got my first one for Christmas, 1/48 VF-1J as well. =D Can't wait to get some FAST packs, and I really hope that Yamato rolls out the GBP armor. And I also can't wait until I can afford more of them. =D <-- Needs a job.
James Sunderland was the player character in SH2. 312 was the hotel room (I think). Jolly Roger's post cleared up a whole lot of things for me, maybe you should check it out?
=O Wasn't 312 a locked room in one of those apartment buildings? I can't remember. NO WAIT! I remember now. =p Didn't know 2 and 3 were English only, interesting. =O How many American companies do you know that would make a movie or game totally in the language it takes place in? Hmm... NONE That's why Japan is cool. o_O
I finished the second game a few weeks ago. Amazing game. It was creepy, great graphics, great atmosphere, good controls, and a great story. I use the word great alot because I'm stupid and can't think of anymore superb, intreaging, or fascinating words. Best game I've played in a long time. I got the demo for the third...there wasn't much to it. I'll have to keep an eye out for this one. ------ Ok I just watched the trailer. Remembering the AvP thread, this is how trailors SHOULD be made. Wow that was freaky. Maybe I won't look into this game after all. @_@ Edit: Thanks Mr. Rogers, that cleared up alot that I didn't know about the game. I doubt I'll ever get the first one, or the third one now that I know it's a sequel to the first. I'm happy to say that I recieved the 'good' ending. =D Edit2: I also wish there was an option for Japanese audio with English subtitles in the second one. The acting was generally pretty good, but I'm a fanboy. =p