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Everything posted by mbs357

  1. Errrr...I downloaded something from the first post... I assumed it was the plane... o_O
  2. That is the best thing about Agent ONE.
  3. Excellent! Too lazy to install it all tonight. Sick and stuff. >_< I'll let you all know how awesome I think it is tomorrow. ;D Can't wait for the updated version!
  4. ARMDs ARE awesome. I really loved having them in the HW mod. They're very cool ships.
  5. Time to reinstall FS2k4. I'll probably look up Edward's AirForce Base...I'm sure that's in there. ^.^
  6. I came back at a good time. !
  7. I might like Elmer Fudd if they gave him a FN FAL or something...but that Buggs is hideous! WAH!
  8. mbs357


    Hehehehehehehehehehehe The coat looks well made, good job. Weren't there pants in the show though? I can't remember. Still a nice job. =D
  9. You are my hero. \o/ I am just saddened that I won't be able to afford them. =(
  10. I want one....... =O
  11. Every time I think about Macross the electric guitar version of the first intro (that's on the DVD) comes up. Ahhh, that intro jams... Someone better at guitar than me should tab it. =(
  12. mbs357

    Zero VF-0S

  13. I had my uncle log into my Steam account and purchase HL2 for me the night before last. Unfortunatly, you can't use one credit card to buy two of the same package to prevent fraud. @_@ He bought Silver on his account, then bought it on mine, and I can't play it because of fraud protection. And now the "Browse Games" function isn't working so we haven't been able to use another card. Apparently you can buy it from the Steam Powereed mainsite...I'll try that tonight if Browse Games doesn't work. BUT, before the purchase was processed and thus refused, I got to play it for a few hours. Awesome game.
  14. The link doesn't work. =(
  15. mbs357

    Ebay win

    Super Deformed rocks.
  16. These are the times I wish I had a decent job....
  17. I was Bonnie. O_O http://www.stanford.edu/~atd10/quizes/bonnie.jpg Strange..........
  18. What caliber is it? =p Seriously though, does it shoot those 6mm BBs? That'd be neat. Even neater if it was really full auto and full function multi barrel.
  19. If you make the human sized gunpod fire 9mm (or even 5.56! ooo) I'll buy one. =P
  20. Wow, that's amazing. Here's where I wish I had skills in models. o_O I should get a couple of cheap ones from Wal-Mart to practice up...Macross models seem like a must to me. =X
  21. Wow....they actually work.... Cool. O_O
  22. The combat looks amazing, like it was choreographed. Just amazing. This is for PS2? I think I might have to get one now...
  23. Wow. A famous artist and a famous writer from Japan get together to make a book about a famous musician from America. =D Sounds great. =p
  24. All the hyped up "scary" movies aren't usually too scary, they just jump stuff out at you to make you jump. Now a REAL scary movie was one me and my dad ended up watching one night called "Below." That was such an awesome movie, we were generally creeped out and paranoid through the whole thing. Great movie.
  25. mbs357

    1/72 GBP?

    Wow that's amazing. I love that, especially this "THE MOST OFFENSIVE DEFENSE" =D
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