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Everything posted by mbs357

  1. Been a while, reporting back: RightStuf has been pretty superb so far. Gotten a couple things from them. THX U GUYS
  2. I've bought a couple things from Amazon so far...Totoro and Escaflowne seem to have...fairly accurate subs. Hopefully subs wont matter to me soon anyway. Amazon just doesn't have the selection I want and sometimes the quality of the publishing is questionable... I'd never go for bootlegs because if I do that I may as well torrent it. Agent ONE. Good to see you are still you after all these years.
  3. Gosh, I haven't posted here in many years. Curious to see most of you have the same avatars... So where do you guys buy anime DVDs? I presume that Amazon isn't the best. They don't have a lot of what I want and what they do have doesn't appear to be great quality. Has to be online store.
  4. Wow, you guys are still working on this after all these years? Very cool. Glad I hung onto HW2. It'll be nice having another good mod to complement Star Wars Warlords and Gundam. (I wonder if there's a way to get all the factions from those mods, the original game, and the DYRL one going at once....that'd be hilarious.)
  5. I wonder if anyone could make a model or convert an existing one for use in Battlefield 2? Doesn't have to transform, it would just be nice seeing a VF-1A or something chasing after those MiGs or even bombing tanks.
  6. Hrm I haven't seen any of them. Can someone post or link some pix so that I may cast my votes?
  7. I want a Sharon shaped computer case.
  8. I just saw the video here: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=bK2HW3hi_aA Am I the only one that's not impressed?
  9. Do you have any particular lines for us to read for auditions or do you just want us to grab something the character said in the movie and recite it?
  10. This man is absolutely correct. +cookie
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e=post&id=32353 I wonder how that works with a gunpod attached...
  12. It's my understanding that it really was... From what I've read it was discovered accidentally during the crash landing of a test flight.
  13. I've been around for a good while...but not lately.
  14. Wait wait. The man fell asleep and goes on about how much he hates the movie? If you're going to review something...at least try to stay awake, eh?
  15. Looks pretty good, actually (from the pic). At least he didn't dress up as a woman, eh.
  16. Copper is not used as a core, to my knowledge, but most bullets have copper jackets. For the record, the handgun was a 1911, so .45 ACP most likely, and the machine gun was a Browning M2HB in .50 BMG.
  17. I don't care how smart or qualified he is. Look at those pecs. +1 for A1 being an admin.
  18. Chowser, nice lightsabers. Nice bag too. ;D
  19. I am not impressed with the voices. Yea, Claudia and Roy sound good, but they could be better. The just, over all, make me cry. =(
  20. Hiigaran battle cruiser is from the Homeworld universe.
  21. You the one of the far left? >_>
  22. I just have to add that Agent One is awesome and has only become more awesome in my years being here. I nominate him for admin!
  23. Janeway. She kicks rear.
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