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Everything posted by SuperDimensionalDave

  1. Originally got Iczer 2 from Yahoo JP long ago. These were a limited release (300 ea I think) at a Wonder Fest like 6 or 7 years ago iirc. GigaBrain never made any more in this line. It was to be a Microman sized line of figs based on 80's/90's anime properties. Never happened though which is a shame.. . A Kei and Yuri in this scale woulda been pretty cool. How about some Macross figures in this scale. Oooh? This Iczer 1 finally showed up on Mandrake after scanning Yahoo JP,Anime Export and Mandrake forever. They don't seem to come up often.
  2. Finally found Iczer 1 to go with my Iczer 2! Now they can do battle in my Detolf!
  3. I assume this is dead dead deadski?
  4. With 10 Elintseekers I suppose no Zentraedi can hide in your toy collection.
  5. I personally have the original Yamato release YF-19. In fact that is the only YF or VF 19 toy I have ever purchased aside from the old school OG chunky Yamato release (1/72 I think they were?). Admittedly it has its faults (although at the time of it's release both I and all of Macrossworld were gushing about it's awesomeness lol) I have never seen enough of a reason to "upgrade". Like most collectible toys it was top of the heap for a time but has been one upped by superior efforts. It's still more than good enough for me though. That said the upcoming Bandai release has my interest. If it doesn't sell out 10 minutes before going up for pre-order I just might bite. The only Macross toys I ever upgraded and dumped were the original Yamato Macross VF-1 toys. I only had a few and they were the best of what was available at the time (Toynami "Masterpieces" anyone?) but as soon as their venerable 1/48 appeared I immediately grew severely underwhelmed at their prior efforts and dumped them on Ebay. Now I don't care what else gets released in the future, a Bandai SOC DX VF-1S, Arcadia 1/60 V3 VF series, I'll buy the new ones but I'm never dumping my 1/48's. Love those big SOBs!
  6. "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a God you say YES!" I feel like that applies to this question as well.
  7. We need more enemy mecha. Bring on the Queadluun and Nousjadeul already!!
  8. I agree on the overly cell shaded finish, although fantastic looking it's not my style. I was more referencing the level of detail/effort put into the finish. The paint shades and gradations. For the price tag on Arcadias PF I personally feel like you should be getting more. That said their use of glow in dark paint apps is brilliant and something I'm working on adding to my regular release.
  9. Wow that looks so good you could convince me it wasn't real and was a photoshopped image. Amazing work! If Arcadia sees this they may cancel their release of the "Premium Format" Macross out of shame. Oh wait the price tag on that is how much and it's pre-sold out? Oh yes they still would. But this is what the "premium" should look like for the price tag they've slapped on it imho.
  10. Courtesy of Mandrake. Hope it's clear enough. This is still listed as available in their site if anyone is interested
  11. Didn't they show a few Macross Figmas a few years back at a Wonfes iirc? MF is notorious for showing prototypes for figures they're 5 years away from releasing (and also never releasing). The God Hand from Berserk didn't all get released until a little over 3 years after I was drooling over the prototypes online. You never know, Macross Figmas may still be coming.
  12. I man not a fan. Blue and black are two of my favorite colors but blue black and gold? That is not a good color combo for a Valk. I see no celebration here.
  13. That Millia figure used to be the VOTOMS 1/12 Fyanna figure right? That looks great!
  14. I agree that just because Zero is complex or convoluted doesn't mean is it's smart and clever. And I did not find Zero to be particularly very much of either one of those things. But I do think it was a convoluted mess due to trying to accomplish and say too many things all at once. Like 7 different people all talking about 7 different relatively interesting things in a small room talking all at once At same volume. You can't really follow any one conversation. But if you break each one down later and look at it it makes at least a little sense and might be worth thinking about. But at the time everyone was speaking you were like WTF? I think it was well done overall despite that. At least it gives you a lot to think about afterwards.
  15. Nice! Yeah I'm in the same boat now. I was fine sticking with the 1/48 Max / Millia set but when NY put the Millia on sale I jumped also. Now I need a Max. Can't rock a Millia on her own. I think 1/48 Max Millia then 1/60 Max Millia in front of them and then the Hi Metal R Max Millia in front of that wil make for a really cool display. Think I m going to work on that.
  16. Ok guys. I appreciate all the attention. I guess I'm just not used to it on here. It's rare that anyone even notices one of my posts or comments on one. I apparently struck a few peeps nerves here. I hated Dullta. That's it. I liked Zero. Appraently I "got it" more than you guys did. My advice to you, put down the pitchforks and drop the accusatory fingers. I'll talk about something else now. Back to the toy side of the forum. Macross is about love. I love you all ❤ lol.
  17. Without a doubt, I gotta give you that one. I agree with every word here... Perfection
  18. I don't know man. Looks like you're spending way too much time and effort analyzing Just exactly what I didn't like most. The narrow gender views or the writing, directing or plot. While doing an awful lot of judgemental finger pointing. It seems to me like you subscribe to the dominant liberal view that if you aren't on the gender bending train that is ok with sex changes, cross dressing and the like then you are a racist, fascist hate monger. I love that attitude. Sorry but there is a middle ground. Yes I prefer men that look and act like men and women that act like women. No I don't want the next Macross to be dominated by men that look like women and act like women. Yes I liked Zero and I disagree that it was duller and more poorly written than Delta. My opinion buddy. Yes it was convoluted but at least they put thought into it. Dullta could have been written by High school kids. In fact I believe it was. I think they scanned the internet for fanfics and pulled the outline for the "plot" off of that. My opinions my man. Feel free to disagree but you can stop accusing me of having narrow views on sexuality and masculinity. That's simply your opinion. My views are simply oldschool and traditional and outdated by these liberal new generation standards. Too bad. Deal with it. If I have to deal with Mr./Mrs. Bruce Jenner getting a sex change and being voted Woman of the Year then you have to deal with me saying that I want my male characters to look and act like just that. Men! And I just read your summary of Zero. I get it, you didn't like it. That's fine my man, I don't care. Why do you care so much about exactly why I didn't like Dullta? I made it very clear. If you disagree then so be it. Remove thy beak from my heart already. Go troll someone else and stop whining.
  19. Whoa whoa Capt. Butthurt I have laid it out there. I said that very clearly. It's just not solely that despite your attempts to try and convince me otherwise. And if I'm not onboard with the trendy and hip view of liberal liquid genders thing that doesn't mean I have a narrow view of gender or sexual roles. It's just means that I prefer men that look and act like men. And women that look and act like women. I know that is an outdated concept nowadays but I give Zero F's. Not apologizing for or hiding that buddy. Bobby from Frontier doesn't fit my "narrow view" but I enjoyed his character because he was written well and interesting. That is sadly missing from Dullta. And I didn't say Zero was great. Just good. And it was and is good. To me. Not great, not perfect. Lots of "issues" with it. My opinion. Yours is clearly differing. No need to start a war over it or break the internet. Why are you so angry?
  20. That makes sense. There's a severe lack of classic SDF figures. I'll buy whatever it is. Bring it on already.
  21. Brother I'm right there with you hopin' my man! I rewatched all 5 Mac Zero last night after not watching for several years. Man I forgot just how good it was. I needed a good classic Macross fix to rinse away this new crap.
  22. That hair looks too sharp and detailed to be a Figma figure. More likely a kit. But man I hope I'm wrong!!! Gonna buy it regardless!
  23. I don't think he is womanly per se. I said that the trend started with his character. I'm fine with Basara. Won't say I liked him but I didn't hate him either. Call me apathetic towards him. But since then we got Frontier which moved slightly closer to the trend of the beautiful boy characters with Alto who is effeminate and Bobby who is gay. Mind you I actually liked Bobby. He was funny and kind of a badass behind the wheel of the Quarter. Might be one of my favorite Bridge Bunnies. Now skip to Dullta and the entire cast (okay not all but MOST) is Bishonen. Bobby the gay Bridge bunny from frontier could drag any one of them outside behind the woodshed and give him a good old fashioned a** whooping. They'd probably get off on it too. And that pathetic excuse for a love triangle? It was like watching painful High School hair pulling and love note passing. Now I hear the discussions of the new series coming and people speculating that the idols are a "boy band" and the fact is that I am putting a bit of stock in this theory. Looking at this progression towards the Macross beautiful boys I'm thinking this might not be far off. And it worries me. Greatly. What worries men more though is just how dull and boring Dullta was. Just lazy lazy writing and directing. The animation was great and mecha designs were fabulous and the music was good. I guess to me as an anime it was abysmal. But as a commercial to sell toys and music CDs and downloads it was a success. And that makes money. So I'm concerned that this is what we'll continue to get. All Macross' exist to make money and sell toys and whatever else hey can slap the brand name on. But they were entertaining at same time. This was not entertaining at all to me.
  24. You know you are right. I am very angry about this series. I haven't spent a dime on it either. Nor shall I. All online. Yeah you are definitely an answer guy I'll admit your knowledge of this show and Macross as a whole exceeds mine. I'm just very... angry. Despite my low expectations of this show it came in far BELOW them. And they were already sub-basement level!!! Although I've only watched (now 4) episodes from what if seen and now read about it online I'm done. Throwing in the towel. Seen enough. I skipped all the way to the last episode and watched that. Granted I didn't know much of what was going on but I can tell that I also don't have any interest in finding out beyond what I read online. I had low expectations of Frontier just due to character art, bios and plot outline but I'll admit it exceeded them greatly. Not a favorite but It had an interesting story tied in well to larger mythos and I loved Ozma (go figure, the Marlboro man stereotype lol). Hell I even liked Bobby (He was gay and STILL a bigger badass than anything I've seen in the little I watched of Dullta). Still no use for Alto though. This Dullta though. No sir El Paso Texas man. Sorry if I came off a bit rude. Going back and reading through your replies I can see where you were coming from. Couplenthat with the fact that I know where I'm coming from. It's a place of bitter anger and disappointment lol. I'm 45 and it's just that Macross holds a dear place in my heart. From my high school days of rushing home to watch Robotech to discovering that Robotech was actually three even more amazing shows that had been bastardized. That led me to discovering anime as a whole (Gall force, Urotsukidoji lol, Votoms, Layzner, the Lovely Angels...) and it was all downhill from there. I'm now 25 years in to my massive anime/Sci-Fi and horror collection that legitimately could fill my entire house (if my Wife wouldn't divorce me) and I owe it all to Macross really if I really trace it all back. Well Macross for Anime and John Carpenters and Sam Raimi's classics for horror. Dullta really hurt me like on a personal level I guess lol. Oh I forgot to mention my love of Klan Klein or Klein Klan (never get it right), she alone could make me rewatch Frontier over and over. She was a great idea. See I'm cheering up already thinking positively about all the good stuff Macross has to offer. Think I'll bust out my DYRL Bluray tonight. That will help unchap my a**.
  25. That's a very good point lol
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