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Everything posted by SuperDimensionalDave

  1. Yeah from what I've seen def not worth the price of entry (to me) but I will admit a lot of great details. Looks really sharp. Especially the ARMD carriers. I like the subtle black outlines around the fluorescent areas.
  3. Here's a flashback to what could have been from the Beagle line. I fully intend to support the cause and buy multiples of every Sentinel Mospeada release. Maybe we'll get a complete set this time.
  4. Oh being alone in this room for 30 minutes. The fun I could have.
  5. Wow. Looks magnificent! Mine are en route from Amiami. Can't wait
  6. I def don't love the visor. But I don't give an F. I'm just happy to have another new Mospeada toy to play with. Visor aside looks amazing and fun. I honestly never thought we'd EVER get another Mospeada from any company. Kudos to Sentinel for making it happen! Now give us an Inbit!
  7. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1086160425&ref=list 31A just landed on Mandrake. Move fast
  8. It wasn't to say that those were bad per se but that I expect more from Mr. Hidetaka. Although based on the 30th ann scheme perhaps my expectations were unfounded.
  9. The 35th reminds me on the kind of paint scheme Toynami would come up with for one of their "original variant Veritechs". Like the VF-1R from the animation error with the 5 head lasers. Edit. I take it back. It's too complex for them.
  10. Great list and I agree but even just stick with Yamato reissues. I mean if Arcadia wants guaranteed sales why not continue their reissue trend and give us VF-1D variants and VT-1 variants. It seems a no brainer to me. If these Yamato variants are doing $600-$1,500 on the secondary market I'd say there seems to be low stock and high demand yes? Isn't that how secondary market pricing works. Come on Arcadia give the fans what THEY want to buy, not what you want them to buy.
  11. This latest anniversary Valk looks like it was parked overnight in the "hood" near MLK blvd and got graffitied by some urban artists.
  12. I'll judge the visor when I have it in hand!!! RELEASE ALREADY!!! WANT IT NOW!!!
  13. As I understand it CMS became or at least most of CMS now works for Evoultion Toys. And true to form they continue with the same somewhat cool toys from great licenses that leave you scratching your head on major design elements or decisions. From the micro/non functional tabs on VF-2SS (for starters) to the nose tabs? on front of their Legioss. All their Dynamite Action toys are the same too. For example I recently bought their Getta Robo Go because it was on sale. Well it could be a great toy. I love the magnemo magnets as they play well with classic Takara magnemo microman toys and the classic Jeeg but again they made a stupid decision. Getta Robo Go is entirely blue. He has small red areas and green markings but is 98% blue. So he's molded in white and painted blue. BUT his small red bits are molded in red. So if you even look at him funny paint scrapes or flakes off. Complete mental impotence. Big Dai X same deal. 99% red, molded in black and painted red. And the paint is layered on so thick the chest doors that open to reveal weapon are painted shut. Never been able to pry open.
  14. Never had any of those issues. That said I was aware from day one of those possible issues and always handle the Ride armors with a little more care. The Legioss however I ham hand with no problems. Heck I even dropped the Zeta once combined with her Tread from almost 5 feet without a scratch. The only issue I ever had with any of the CMs Mospeada releases were the ludicrous MSRPs. That's why I waited until each was in sale at Angolz to buy them.
  15. I opened one of every single release of the CMs ride armors and Legioss'. Never had anything break on any of them. These are all solid releases. Just that ride armors are fidgety as all heck. Actually just remembered on the set of two random nameless soldiers in armor that didn't include the bikes one small piece of plastic on back of knee broke off. A tiny piece. Did not affect anything but that's it. Esp the Legioss, those are inaccurate to anime and line art, floppy in fighter and the Tread connection is almost useless but they are very solid and fun to handle otherwise. Built like old school toys.
  16. Congrats on the haul. Was vascillating over that ET Mazinger now that it's in sale (only way I buy ET stuff), how is it?
  17. Oh that makes sense. Yeah won't be using them. Thanks
  18. What are the red dot stickers on the little strip for?
  19. Man I wish this thing would release already. It's not like I don't have enough Valks. I have too many probably but it's exciting to get a new Valk from new company. Like the rest of the planet I think the Arcadia/Yamato 1/60 V2 is as good as it gets overall, still each one you buy you basically know what you're getting. Same Valk, engineering etc. Just diff markings colors and maybe accessories. A new product in a different scale from new company just has me all excited. It's completely new and handling will be a 100% fresh and new experience. It's been a long time since I've had that experience opening a VF. I imagine if it turns out to be a crap flawed product my disappointment will be overwhelming lol.
  20. Does anyone in Asia know how well or not the HMR Destroids have sold overall? It looks like they've sold decently from my perspective. I know the Yamato 1/60's were shelf warmers (that now command double MSRP, probably because they sold so poorly Arcadia would likely never reissue so.. scarcity). I know the Regults seemed to fly off shelves and the Glaug seems to be a shelf warmer strangely. Heck it's even on Amazon Prime for $128 still since release. The Monster still lingers also but I'm sure it's due to the price tag (even though it's worth every dime of it). I'm concerned about them pulling a Yamato and pulling plug on Destroids before we get em all. And we all know we gotta Pokémon em.
  21. I can't complain about any part of this release (at least aesthetically, once I get it if there are actual build quality/durability issues that'll be different). The fact that another company (and a really good one) is taking a stab at this toy at all is amazing. And if the worst issue you have with it is that you hate the visor, we'll consider yourselves fortunate. Because there would be no funky visor if the toy never existed. I'm still shocked they're even making this. Personally I find my Beagle Mospeada's riders clothes turning to red and blue dandruff far more stressing. If this has no durability or wear issues I'll be one happy SOB. And I'll mod/customize anything on the toy I don't prefer. And I'll be happy doing it!
  22. Any toy producer releasing anything Macross, Mospeada or SC related that were to visit this site would EXPECT most of Macrossworld to have plenty negative to say about whatever they're producing. I imagine they'd take our input with a gigantic house sized grain of salt.
  23. Well that splains it. I need to bust that book out again and take another look thru it to whet my appetite for this release
  24. That visor is AWESOME!!! Lol. But seriously I do love it. Not anime accurate but I like the updated look of it. They didn't go (imho) overboard with the aesthetic liberties like some of their other mecha releases (Gaiking?). I feel like the changes are tasteful and give it a slightly futuristic edge that the Mospeada deserves.
  25. Jungle just listed an HMR Hikaru 1J for 5400 Yen. It's listed as "B" so used but looks complete so probably perfect for customization.
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