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Everything posted by SuperDimensionalDave

  1. Rookin' sharp
  2. Wow, no doubt. The only that might be more expensive would be collecting Nihonto from that time period.
  3. Ever since i built my AR pistol in 300 blackout my shooting hobby has gotten a little pricey also. Lol
  4. My Ray was delivered from Ami minty and undamaged and the top tape disc was unadhered. I can tell by the actual cardboard lip that tucks into box that it had not been actually opened though. I think those tape discs just usually don't adhere as well as a long piece of tape. Plus if your box encountered some shipping trauma I'm sure that's all it is. Sucks about the box though but congrats on getting a bad ass toy.
  5. No it's a regular Detolf just like you have. I have 4 total in this room. Two next to each other facing one way and behind those two, two more next to each other behind them facing other way. The lights and close up of pic are confusing everyone. Those clamps are also a good idea and I considered something like that as well but I didn't want to risk clamps slipping. Looks great though.
  6. I am going to rearrange everything but this was just after I put shelf in. This picture might better illustrate. I'm not recommending anyone to do this unles it makes sense for their display. I see some ppl using a whole Detolf to display a total of 4 Hot Toys figures and that's cool. I personally have to make use of all the room I can as to do a display like that with all that I have I'd need about 500 Detolfs lol. It also appears more crowded as I have the door closed in these pics and there is also a Detolf behind this one. I have 4 of them in middle of the room side by side and back to back facing away from each other.
  7. For anyone interested in adding a shelf or shelves to their IKEA Detolf. I bought a locker shelf from Amazon that includes two essentially upside U shaped legs for this purpose and it came out great. I secured it with Velcro tie wraps around the leg and the internal wire frame of Detolf. I also put rubber pads on top of each support to grip the glass shelf. With the shelf on its 100% sturdy and not going anywhere. So where do you get the actual extra shelf? Well I wound up with three extra Detolf shelves as one of the metal rod frames was bent so when I called IKEA they actually just sent me the whole box that includes all the pieces with that part (Detolfs come in two separate boxes with different pieces). So I had the two glass sides and three glass shelves in addition to part I needed. So I made three additional shelves. I'm going to add a few more later. There are online places you can order pieces of glass from cut to your size specs which is where I'll get additional shelves from. Or also IKEA makes extra glass shelves for their "Billy" bookshelves that are not the same size (slightly smaller) but can also fit they're just not as deep.
  8. Hopefully that means they're applying some tweaks to address the prior release's shortcomings. I really just want it to lock together in the front properly in Fighter mode and I'll be happy enough with it. Well and lower msrp to 18000 yen
  9. Although I can see how these might be desirable to some, I like Cap's idea of working on saddle bags and additional armaments nstead!
  10. Both Destroids are fantastic. This 1/100 is the perfect scale for Destroids. Just good solid poseable fun!
  11. Yeah so buying from Amiami via eBay is def the way to go when an option. I bought the Ray yesterday and I just got a text from DHL this morning that delivery is scheduled for tomorrow. I wish I had not placed the order for the first Ray on Ami's webpage just a few minutes earlier before checking their eBay auctions. I haven't even gotten a payment request for that one yet. I could request a cancellation but meh whatever.
  12. Good idea also. Believe it or not that was first thing I tried. Works perfect but i just prefer the clippers. I have kinda big and clumsy hands and fat fingers so I don't know the clippers just feel more maneuverable. Personal preference I guess.
  13. I just use plain old nail clippers. One cut to remove from tree and then I use them to gnaw at any additional sprue still on piece. Probably not quite as smooth as sanding but to the naked eye it's just fine. I just love repurposing.
  14. I'm glad Amiami got at least a few Rays back in. I preordered two Sticks many moons ago but I figured I'd wait until I had him in hand and gauged the quality before I'd order Ray. I didn't count on them releasing them like 3 weeks apart and both selling out so quickly. Was afraid Stick would be a lonely soldier boy. Lol
  15. I really feel like Arcadia's doing themselves a great disservice with how they treat the packaging on the PF releases. I know it's all about the contents but... for the additional price I really feel like instead of taking away the standard product pics and giving you a black black box they should go opposite route and give you glorious artwork akin to what you get on a Bandai HMR box. Some nice Tenjin art or even any art at all would add to the "premium" feel of the overall presentation. Instead they take it the exact polar opposite direction and give you a plain black box with standard font white lettering. Odd choice.
  16. I don't see this selling out any time soon. I see it lingering for some time due to the price of admission. Maybe even getting a discount. Then I see down the road this becoming very sought after and bringing secondary market values of $1,000+. Just my prediction. I feel bad for anyone who has the original Yamato version still listed on Ebay for $1,000+ you'll really ever see that now. Lol
  17. I bought one but there were 2 more. They sold out already... https://m.ebay.com/orderDetails?itemId=273202624059&txnId=1988453004017 theyre still available on their webpage though. But if they decide to relist on Ebay I'd advise you do that. It'll be cheaper after Yen plus shipping and also Amiami ships via DHL for their Ebay auctions. I usually get the stuff I buy from them off Ebay 4-5 days after I buy it. Also as of this morning Stick and Ray are both in stock at Nippon Yasan but the Stick has a HEFTY markup and Ray is high as well. I don't like this trend I've been seeing with NY on very recently released but hot items. Not cool.
  18. Mo betta. Amiami has the Ray Mospeada listed on Ebay as well. Buy it now $213 USD free shipping.
  19. Heads up Ray is back in stock at Amiami. And at their original price. Limit 1.
  20. BINGO! I didn't start collecting the line until the first Regult release. That drew me in. Now I'm like 30 pieces in.
  21. I was saying the same thing a few pages back. I think if they don't release the Rider figures alone troop builder style like CMs did they'll really be missing the boat. But first I want them to get to the Blowsperior and Houquet Mospeadas. Then they can milk the figure molds AFTER.
  22. Lol Shizuka you're outta control!!! There's crazy cat ladies but you're a crazy Valkyrie cat lady!
  23. The CMs Dark Legioss Drone is actually one of my favorite CMs releases. I bought like 6 to troop build. About as anime accurate (as in barely at all) as the others but yeah less fidgety. And stickered up they look pretty darn cool. Plus it's the only toy of this mech ever made. And likely to ever be unfortunately...
  24. True but the same can be said about the 1/55. It's an even simpler transformation and wasn't flawed nor in NEED of a redesign. It's even one of the most durable toys ever made. But I think Yamato/Arcadia did a great job with the 1/48 and V2 1/60. And perhaps the Legioss' original toys design wasn't flawed but it's literally been copied three times by three different companies and they have all been quite flawed. What is the definition of insanity again? Maybe not a complete redo but certainly stop straight up xeroxing and put at least some thought into it. Lol.
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