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Everything posted by SuperDimensionalDave

  1. First review is already up. Looks like exactly what I've been expecting to receive. Not line art nor anime perfect, Not Yamato/ Arcadia and certainly not Bandai quality. But I haven't seen Yamato/Arcadia's nor Bandai's VF-2SS yet since they don't exist so I won't complain about it. From what I could glean this is still not the final product and It seems the hinges, knees landing gear and ankles are diecast and the eyesore screws and hinges on the tailfins will be painted white on final version. I like how the wings can cant upwards. http://s.ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12085022976.html
  2. Nah, Laserion never didn't for me. I have Big Dai-X, Shin Jeeg, original Jeeg, Getter Dragon, Metallic Getter Dragon, Shin getter Dragon, Bryger, Gaiking, Daikengo and 2 Mazinger villains (forgot names). None are perfect. All have some niggling imperfect item or design choice. All are (IMHO) over priced for what I got. Thrilled to own all of them. They tick all the boxes for me.
  3. I have alot of experience with Evolution Toys. I have bought 11 of their Dynamite Action line figures. There are a few immutable trends that each and every one of their figures I have bought share. They always look like they are high quality well made figures, yet when handled feel much cheaper than they look. They always feel more fragile than they actually are (mind you never had one break or anything, they just don't feel as hearty or robust as say a SOC). They are always of some more obscure or less familiar hero or even villain and they are always tons of fun to play with and handle. Especially their Dynamite Action line. They use the magnetic ball joints and all parts are interchangable w each other including the original Takara Magnemos. They make me feel like a kid again. You can actually play with them and make different combinations etc.. Ok I digress. Every one of their toys I enjoy, yet I always look at them and wonder why they chose to do this or wish that they had done this slightly different. I almost never do that with say a SOC. For example their Big Dai-X is fantastic, I love it. It has a chest weapon and little doors that open up on the chest to expose it. They applied the paint so thick on the chest that it's almost impossible to get the chest doors open due to there being limited clearance because of the thick paint. I used a exacto to pry both doors open carefully and worked them opened and closed enough so that it's better, but you'd never see this on a SOC. Little things like this with each figure that I wish they had done differently or put more care or attention into, but are not deal breakers nor do they make me regret the purchase. At the end of the day I have a new toy of a character that either has never had a toy produced of it or hasn't had a toy produced of it in the last 30 years. And I'm happy to have it and not another superiorly constructed re-re-re-re-paint re-re-re-re-release of Mazinger Z. Evo Toys niche is making small limited runs of slightly better than average, though not stellar or Bandai quality figures of obscure or non mainstream characters that no large company has the cohones to produce for fear of less than stellar sales. This VF-2SS is no different. Bandai and Yamcadia have made um.. How many different Valkyrie toys in how many different scales re-released how many times? Yet NEVER a VF-2SS. Because they know it won't sell as well as still yet another VF-1S Hikaru Strike. I commend Evo Toys on having the sack to make this and I will buy every release and have no regrets. Because my expectatinos are being set accordingly. I will get a toy that looks good but not perfect that I will handle and say to myself "well I wish this was different or better" and I won't care. Because thanks to them I finally have a VF-2SS to join my countless other mechs on the shelf. And who knows maybe this will sell just well enough and spark Bandai or Arcadia into throwing their hat into the VF-2SS ring. Then I'll get another undoubtedly superior VF-2SS to stand next to tis one. Win win win.
  4. How about Yor Hunter from the Future. Had the best theme song too. He never sees the sun, he's always on the run. Gonna make them white bees look tame tonight.
  5. True. They have had the Alien Quadrilogy BluRay set listed for almost a year now.
  6. It's great that Transformers is paving the way for giant mech movies. Can't future movies be original though? What's with all the clunky, clicky gear transformers sounds at the end of trailer and the disappearring transforming helmet that vanishes? I'm not hoping for much... I'd like it to be awesome, but setting expectaton levels to disappoint. Best I'll hope for is a flashier Robot Jox.
  7. Swiffer dusting cloths and a paint brush. Even a good hairdryer that has a hot or cold air setting. Swiffers are great though!
  8. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;picture=out Shadow Beta up for preorder on BBTS!!!
  9. What a gorgeous and menacing looking bird. In every mode no less... Can't wait for my total confirmation from AmiAmi!!! Got this and the Mac Quarter coming.
  10. That looks like a bashed Yujin SRDX figure. One of the Zoids girls perhaps...
  11. I would be interested in a Houquet to try and Frankenstein the head of the CM's figure onto the Matchbox "Rook" figure. The figure wouldn't be too bad with a better head...
  12. I would be interested in a Houquet to try and Frankenstein the head of the CM's figure onto the Matchbox "Rook" figure. The figure wouldn't be too bad with a better head...
  13. With or without Mr. knish bulge?
  14. So does anyone have the Aoshima version of the Tread (Beta Toynami) yet? If so is it just as good in the quality dept, just diff colors?
  15. In the reflection of that clear vertical tube. I see a spectral Ride Armour! I want a Milano!
  16. How's this for making the most of a Detolf? The one on right in 1st pic is not Detolf but I did buy it from Ikea.
  17. Thanks! A friend did it for me. I wouldn't have the patience and he's good with asci art and owed me a favor. Called in the marker for an Asci-Klan!
  18. Which was the first 1/60 V.2 to have the "fixed" shoulders?
  19. All 3 of mine lock in very well. I can see the potential of it wearing after many transformations though. Hope I'm wrong. You know the act of locking the groin together is pretty much the Valkyrie F'ing himself. My new Valks are hermaphrodites!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Maybe one could use some of these stickers to apply over the shoulder hinge so it can cutely hold the arm on to the Valk once the hinge cracks off...
  21. So far the VF-1D is the only 1/60 ver 2 that has sparked my interest enough to buy. I'm VF-1'd out after purchasing most of the 1/48 offerings. Can anyone tell me if the shoulder problem has been addressed on these more recent releases or are they prone to cracking like the first few. After playing with Bandai latest offerings I'm spolied. I'm swearing off any Yamato that isn't confirmed to not fall apart. No matter how appealing it looks
  22. All this Valkyrie are soooo belong to me! My wallet is on it's way to destruction.
  23. As excited as I am at this announcement and the pics. Something as large and undoubtedly expensive will have to be a pass until I read multiple and extensive reviews after it's release. If it has floppy arm syndrome ala 1/100 Koenig then it'll be El Passo Texas for me. However if Yamato can pull this off and have it be issue free.... I'll be all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake. Time will tell...
  24. I own 4. Two of each. All perfect QC-wise and I love them more than I thought I would. Anyone skipping these because they are not 100% perfect screen accurate carbon copies in every which way shape and form to what was shown in the anime is really missing out.
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