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Everything posted by DARTHTODD

  1. Thanks for the info guys! That's what I was looking for, a list of what they've made for figures, thanks Graham. Anyone have any good sites that have information about the front mission 3 figures? I couldn't find any info on HLJ for them but I have found a couple around the net. These look pretty sweet too and I'd like to find a list of what they've made for this line if possible also. Thanks again.
  2. Hey, just wondering if anyone here knows a good armored core site/forum? I'm interested in these mecha and I specifically wanna find out what sort of figures are out there for this line. Thanks.
  3. I don't know about you guys, but for $20, I can't complain (course mine wasn't broken). Jees, if Yamato made this thing, it would cost about $200! For the price and the incredible detail on this, I think it's a great toy. Another thing is I've never really looked on McFarlane toys as toys that you'd wanna play with anyway. Their joints are typically in weird places and the figure is really meant for posing. I'm so sick of breaking the bank lately with all these expensive toys/collectibles that it's refreshing to buy something at a good reasonable price.
  4. Saw the film today and I liked it a lot. Have to say that it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.
  5. Yes, the decal instructions were on a separate sheet of paper.
  6. Does anyone have any pics of a completed Hasegawa F-14 Macross kit? Or perhaps any pics of the decal instruction sheet? Reason I ask is because I bought the Hase model kit and only kept the decals (I then used the decals on another F-14 model). Before I sold the Hase model, I scanned the decal instruction kit. Well, the scan didn't turn out that great (didn't notice this till now of course) so it's really hard for me to see where some of the small decals go/which numbers the decals are, etc. I know it's a long shot. Thanks.


    Thanks! And yes, I did mean should I mask it off BEFORE I started clear coating.


    Question....after applying the decals and then while covering with a clear coat...do I need to tape off the canopy section with the clear plastic? Is the clear coat going to damage the canopy's texture/glossiness or anything? Thanks & sorry for a dumb question.
  9. Thanks guys, it worked!!
  10. Ok, I've got it sanded and it's clear under water. Ready for the Future floor polish, where can I get this stuff from?
  11. Thanks guys, I'll say a little prayer and try the rubbing alcohol first. Yes, I mean canopy, not cockpit (Sorry, I'm not much for thinking straight on football sunday!)
  12. Got any suggestions for removing thin cement off of a transparent plastic surface? Got some on my cockpit and of course it has a fingerprint in it and is very noticeable. Thanks!
  13. Hey, just wondering if anyone knows of a good transformers forum. I'd like to join one and was wondering which one is the best. Thanks.
  14. Thanks Dave, I'll take a look at these paints and see if I can find some that'll work. I'll let you know Uxi if I find some good matches. And if anyone else has already tried matching these colors and has some suggestions, let us know.
  15. I'd go for both the low vis VF-1J and VF-1S. Bring em on, I'm not broke yet......
  16. Just wondering if anyone knows which paint colors match the yamato 1/60 VF-1A Max (the blue), the VF-1S Roy (the yellow), and the VF-1A Hikaru (the red). It doesn't matter which brand of paint though it would be nice if they were common brands. Any help would be appreciatted since I'm assuming some of you have tried touching up your valks or customizing, thanks.
  17. I've ordered most of these paints from greatmodels.com recently. Short story: it's been a month, contacted them, they're not sure they're going to get them in at all. Anyone know of a place where I can order these from? I'm trying to paint a F-14 (not the Hase raised panel line kit by the way) macross colors and the kit has the colors listed in Mr. Color or GSI Creos Aqueous Hobby Color. Haven't found either. Please help me with this as I am anxious to get started, thanks.
  18. Does anyone know where I can get some Yamato 1/60 VF-1S heads? I wanna do some customizing. I don't care if they're re-casts or originals. Thanks, any help would be appreciatted!
  19. Sounds like you've seen these before Sabretooth, are the ships worth buying? Are the ships comparable to action fleet vehicles? I'd like to find out how good they are before I buy them. By the way, here's a link to the furuta micro star trek ships. furuta star trek micros As far as I can tell from the pictures, they're pretty similar. Anyone have these? I'm looking for some hands-on impressions.
  20. Here is an internet site that has the yamato star trek ships. star trek micro ships I've also found quite a few listed on ebay when searching under "star trek yamato" for example. I hope someone can still answer my original questions as these ships look pretty cool and I wanna get some!
  21. Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on whether the furuta or yamato miniature ships are better. I am interested in these miniatures but I haven't been able to find any reviews on them yet. Also, are both these companies planning on making more miniature star trek ships? I don't wanna get into a line that's a dead end. Any help would be greatly appreciatted!! Thanks!
  22. In general though, does this kit look good? Are there receased panel lines, good detail, etc.?
  23. Didn't know that the Hase kit's wings can't swing.....that kind of sucks. Does anyone know if the Revel/Monogram or Academy kits wings can swing? (for a F-14D?)
  24. Thanks for the link! I've found a "VF-2 Bounty Hunters" version. Anybody have this or know if it's good? I'm assuming so since I haven't heard anything bad yet about the Hase F-14D's.
  25. Since I'm kind of a virgin when it comes to modeling, where is a good place that I can find the Hase or Fujimi F-14D model kit? I've looked for a while and I haven't found it yet. Or does anyone know if the Revell kits are any good? I've found quite a few of these so far. Are there any good online stores that you guys know of that sell this kit? Thanks. By the way, I've already boughten (still in transit) the Macross Zero version for the decals so I'm anxious to find one of these other models so I can get to work on this baby. Thanks again guys for all your help so far.
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