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Everything posted by DARTHTODD

  1. Great movie! Very well written story, you'll be thinking about this one for weeks.
  2. Serenity (the ship) grew on me, I really like it now. Otherwise, most of the reavers and Alliance's ships looked cool to me but were pretty much ordinary sci-fi ships IMO.
  3. I hope I don't get ripped on too much but I actually kind of liked the movie. Certainly not cutting edge but I thought it was good.
  4. My guess is once Sideshow does there 12" Han Solo figure, they'll make some Blade Runner & Indiana Jones 12" figures since the sculpt will be essentially done. Maybe, maybe not, fingers crossed.
  5. I HATE hasbro. Other than the 3 1/2" figureline, they've killed off every good star wars line that there was! For SW, the only good thing they've ever done was sell thier 12" license to sideshow (someone who can make a good figure).
  6. Sideshow toys is doing some pretty incredible Star Wars 1/6 figures. Thier attention to detail is pretty amazing.
  7. Saw this movie a few days ago and just couldn't get into it. It was just to "kiddie" for me (which isn't a bad thing if you're a kid or parent and I know that that's what the story is about). I didn't care at all what happened to the whiney kids. I guess that's what really disppointed me is that I had a hard time developing any sort of attachment for the characters.
  8. Except the music industry doesn't put 200-400 million into producing, marketing, and releasing an album. This was Universal's widest release in number of screens ever. Which is half of what they were expecting. 7 other films had a bigger opening this year, with Star Wars and Harry Potter doing twice the business. It was expected to do LotR type numbers, and its not even close. You have to realize, they have to do 300 million+ just to break even. The budget was 200+, but throw in marketing and everything else that goes with the release, its over 300 million. 353567[/snapback] I understand that it didn't break records like they were hoping. Just wait till after Christmas though, this movie will be far into the black by then. Nowadays, anytime a movie breaks even at the box office, it's a win when you take into account the merchandising and more importantly the DVD sales. Trust me, this movie will make a lot of money, perhaps just not oodles of it.
  9. The weekend isnt over to say that just yet. Also I think the film release planning was poor. The date falls on finals week for most schools. 353425[/snapback] As opposed to Star Wars coming out at the end of Spring Semester? By all reports Kong is under-performing at the Box Office by a good amount. 353439[/snapback] $146 million worldwide in the first 5 days?? Please, I wish I underperformed to this extent.
  10. Saw it last night and really liked it. The beginning was a little long & some of the CG was a bit overdone but other than that I thought it was great! There were moments were I just watched in awe. It is really a beautiful film.
  11. The X-wing and Gunship larger vehicles were exclusive to Walmart but the upcoming Droid fighter and ARC-170 are not exclusive.
  13. River is "more special" as far as ascertaining the future. I'm sure this aspect of her would/will be explored in future chapters.
  14. Great movie, really enjoyed it. Very funny, almost too funny. I found myself laughing at moments I didn't feel like I should be laughing.....strange. As far as killing off Wash and Book, I can't blame Joss for doing it. If there's one thing he's proven, it's that he can come up with interesting characters and I'm sure he could fill their void in the future. It's refreshing that this is a sci-fi series where not all the good guys live. I'll definetely miss their characters though. Picked up on the fact (IMO) that Book was an operative. He knew too much about their inner workings. I really hope that this movie does well enough for a sequel.
  15. I didn't think Snake in a jungle fit the series either but it turned out wonderful. I can't wait for this, it looks EPIC!
  16. Well, I ended up stripping it down, repainting it and using different decals. It turned out this time. Thx for the tip, I may have applied too much at one time and I'll keep these tips in mind for the future.
  17. I've been building models for a while now and I came across something wierd. After applying some decals, I sprayed me clearcoat (Testors) on to "seal" the decals in. Everything looked fine, I let it dry.......my clear coat turned extremely cloudy, basically white. It looks almost like I sprayed it with white paint. The wierd part is that when I respray the model, while the clear is wet, my model looks great and the white goes away. When it drys though it comes back. Anyone have this happen before? It seems as if some sort of chemical reaction is happening. Anyways I can fix this?
  18. The 1:18 version of the batmobile made by hot wheels isn't going to come out till august. By the way, loved the movie! It was the best superhero movie I've ever seen (IMO) and I'm a big fan of superhero movies. Can't wait to see it again.
  19. And Cody was used in the comics and the cartoons previously so it was a nice thing for the hardcore fans to see him in the movie.
  20. I think a large part of this was to add some more action in the middle of the movie. Everyone complained that the other two had really slow moments. This battle scene helped pick up the pace during the middle when it was a little slower.
  21. Do you guys know of any online sites where I can buy these models from? So far I haven't found them.
  22. Saw it, man I hate TV. You never get any resolution.
  23. He was briefly seen on the snow planet scene when all the jedi were getting killed. His group killed Master Ki-Adi Mundi.
  24. To me, this says it all. I really feel that 10-20 years down the road, people will have very fond memories of the prequels and appreciatte them much more than they do now.
  25. A little off topic but do any of you think it's a little ironic that in ROTS Lucas had Anakin killing kids/kids getting shot which is pretty violent and yet changes the OT to have Han NOT shooting Greedo first? I guess they're not that comparable but still......
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