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Everything posted by stram8777

  1. The unfortunate thing is I would love to have purchased at least one of those. LOL
  2. I don't have it but I got curious once I saw your question and looked it up, now thanks to you I am thinking of getting one also. LOL So I am also curious if any has experience with this figure also. I do have a Sideshow Darth Maul I got from a member here, but I have yet to check it out.
  3. Does anyone have any experience with the Sideshow Collectibles 12" Shaun from Shaun of the Dead? Big Bad Toy Store has it on clearance and I am seriously tempted to buy it. I am just getting into collecting 1/6 scale figures and to this point my only experience comes from old G.I. Joe figures. So I have no idea what Sideshows quality is like. They also have the Ed figure not sure if I want to pick that one up also though.
  4. I would like to try and order replacement hinges from Overdrive that were talked about in this thread. Does anyone happen to know what part numbers they are? I can't seem to find this information in my instructions/manual.
  5. I sent a request for replacement neck hinges for my 1/60 YF-19. Have not yet heard back and it's been over a month. Maybe I called them by the wrong name?? SHould I send another request??
  6. So far the B-Wing is one of my favorite Star Wars toys I have purchased. I will also admit that they aren't moving in this area as well, and if they get clearanced I will probably be upset with myself. However the Toys'r'us's in this area do not put much on clearance and if they do it doesn't get much of a discount. Just to illustrate this I think I rmember my local Toys'r'us having Fantastic Four figures still. Now I am just waiting till the release a Y-Wing again.
  7. Just picked up the Green Leader A-wing from Wal-Mart last nightwas on clearance. This is a great toy with a great back story. Seems fairly detailed compared to other Star Wars toys, only two problems I have with it are the front landing gear (stand) is a little floppy when it is not retracted and the cockpit flops open when it is turned upside down. The figure is pretty nice comes with a helmet but no weapon. This is a toy I always wanted as a kid. I am quite happy to finally have one. Now I just need a Y-wing.
  8. I am sure to be called a liar for this but, I had my non-fp VF-11B in battloid mode take a pretty good dive and not suffer from it. No broken hips or anything, belive it or not.
  9. Wow does the Tab B thing really bring back memories. I remember back in the golden age of Macross World Graham used to sport the his picture of the wall of Yamato Macross Plus Valks. That was a great sight at the time. Now I could probably put that together for the price of a Low Vis Ver 1. lol
  10. Thanks Graham!! As always great review, sorry I missed it originally. Now I know what my next Macross purchase is. A Hikaru VF-1J!!! I can't wait.
  11. Thanks for the help guys, but could someone point me in the direction of a review of a version 2 then? I didn't see anything on the main site.
  12. Quick request, can someone take pics or do a comparison of the new version 2 Hikaru vf-1j to the version 1 hikaru vf-1j? I am thinking of getting a version 2 but I am not sure if it is worth the expense. I have also not been following the developments of this line at all. Does anyone have any advice for me with regards to this Valk?
  13. I love it. The pilot figure is pretty well detailed and fairly poseable, but the b-wing is everything I imagined it would be growing up. A couople neat things about it are the fact that you can twist and engine to open the wings, gimicky but it made me happy. I also like the wing tip weapons. it comes with a set of missl elaunchers that fire small projectiles. The other interesting thing is that the cockpit is weighted so that it stays properly oriented if you turn the b-wing. To be clear what I mean is if you deploy the wings and the b-wing switches from flying horizontally to vertically like in ROTJ, the pilot stays upright. Very cool. I reccomend this toy. Only problem I have with the b-wing is i can't for the life of me figure out how it resembles a 'b'. I see it in the x-wing, y-wing, and somewhat in the a-wing, but the b-wing I am guess I am just missing it. If someone could point that out to me I would appreciate it.
  14. I have a broken 1/60 YF-19. It happened in a freak transformation accident. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get replacement parts or if someone had something that could help me out. In the picture the top half of the valk was removed and it is in battroid mode. You notice the two plastic pieces with screws in them that hold the swing bar, these are cracked in half at the white stress marks and prevent the fighter from staying in fighter mode. Any help I can get would be appreciated. Could someone tell me the part numbers of these??? Maybe I can order them from Overdrive?? Thanks P.S. Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
  15. Just got back from Toys'r'us and bought an exclusive B-Wing. I have never had one of these before. Can someone give me the scoop on it before I open it?
  16. Quick question. Can someone explain to me what the deal is with the Cade Skywalker/Darth Talon comic pack? I have been trying to find one for a while, and while a Target this weekend I saw one that was missing the Cade lightsaber. I didn't buy it since it looked like it should be there, however the package wasn't open, so I was puzzled and more than a little disappointed. Now I look on eBay and I see that it is a variant. What is going on here?
  17. Anyone have this on 360 and wanna play a game. Admittedly I am not very good but this game is definitely good times. My live name is stram8777.
  18. no reason i can think of off the top of my head other than, just because.
  19. This is an amazingly helpful thread, but I was wondering if we could stop limiting it to 80's anime and just make it an anime bargain thread. That seems infinitely more useful.
  20. I am going to wait for a second issue, I think. I got burned by the VF-0S second issue. Besides for $200, it has better be close to perfect. I love my Yamato Valks, but I have noticed prices are starting to go up and that seriously disappoints me.
  21. Not terribly sure about this, but I think I remember reading over on the voltron forums, that WEP no longer holds the rights to Albegas. Would be interesting to see it though. I am anxious for GoLion and Dairugger. Both are set to come out next year on dvd.
  22. I just checked the Best Buy ad online. It has it listed as $22.99 in my area. I wonder if this is the regular edition or the collectors edition? I know the collector edition comes in a cool metal case, not sure of the other differences though.
  23. Shoot I never stopped buying the 1/60's. I like them better than the 1/48's if for no other reason than price. I bought my elintseeker and superostrich on ebay for the price of one 1/48. If you watch you can catch them as cheap as $30 - $40 for some of the more common valks. Don't get me wrong I am not saying the 1/48's are bad, I have two and plan to buy a VF-1J stealth soon, but for the money I prefer the 1/60's. I fthey were redone it would drive prices down further thusly making me more happy.
  24. Thanks for the tip about the towbar. I didn't pull on it for fear of what happened when i pulled on the 1/48 towbar. I also noticed the thigh??? attachments are very loose. If i even hold it at there the legs pull away from the backpack attachment points. It seems like where the thigh attaches to the jet intakes the parts are worn out or something, or don't fit right, I can see all of the play there. Does anyone else have this problem?
  25. WOW is all I can say. It is absolutely gorgeous, possibly better than the 1/48 may I say? It is a nice return to the Valk that started my Yamato craze. I just got out my 2nd edition yf-19 just before I saw these pics. I transformed it to fighter mode for display, wow what a horrid toy. I remember it being so much better, back when I got it. Oh well fighter mode for he 2nd edition till the new YF-19 gets here. YF-19 is going to be my favorite valk again very soon. On a serious note, I wonder what the paint quality is like. On my old YF-19 you look at it funny and paint flakes off, assuming a high diecast quality. (if I have somehow overlooked how much diecats this thing is going to have please let me know) I don't think i will be disappointed with this valk. I am still bitter about the VF-0S, but in all fairness it hasn't even been 24 hours.
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