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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. That was a draft design that never got used for the OVA. Just another excuse to get Mazinger fans to buy more Mazingers. It is quite kirky, so I am tempted too.
  2. They were from Yahoo Japan Auction site. I think if you search Ebay, you should be able to get them for around $40 each comfortably. But definitely don't over-pay for these toys. Knowing Bandai, they are likely to re-issue, or come up with another version of the Unit-00 when the 2nd movie is released. I get the feeling they are holding back with the weapons. I say the Specs Evas are not a must have, but they good fun. I would wait for the realization and see the quality of that one.
  3. Ok, here are some comments on the Bandai SOC Spec Movie Evas: 1. Improved Sculpt One of the biggest issue that I had with the original Eva Spec was the clumsiness of its armored body, it looked too fat to be the lean Eva beast. To my surprise, Bandai has actually re-sculpted a number of armors & body parts to make the Evas look slimmer and meaner. Most changes occur from the waist up and are relatively minor but are definitely noticeable. The skeleton body has no re-sculpting at all. Changes includes: a. Armored Head - the whole head was resclupted and reduced in size to give the overall figure a more heroic and leaner proportion. I also like the rounder skull look. b. Lengthened Neck - This was done for 2 reasons: slimmer look (the original Spec Eva had a turtle neck) & improved head and jaw movement (the original Spec Eva can't open its mouth fully and has limited neck rotation) c. Smaller Backpack and shoulder cover plate - thus a slimmer look d. Smaller Waist Line - its 3 abdominal pieces had been re-sculpted to give the ab more definition. e. The Shoulder Blades - Bandai has put in a lot of effort to re-sculpt the should blades. Not only does it look slicker, the re-designing of the Progressive Knife Storage is the best I've seen - it is simply a stunner. When it is shut, the right shoulder blades looks exactly the same (and as slim) as the left shoulder blade. The way the Progressive knife is designed to folded should received a Noble Peace Prize for Engineering. They also separated the tricep blade from the main shoulder blade enabling better arm movement. f. The upper arm - the upper arm was lengthen for the slimmer look. g. The Forearm Blade - I am so happy to see this piece got re-sculpted. The old one looked really clumsy and it was always an eye sore (to me anyway...). h. The Thigh Cover plate - very minor re-sculpt, but it is a little wider now, to give the upper thigh a bit more definition. 2. Paint Application - The new purple and green is definitely different when compared to the old. The new purple has a slightly deeper tint and a bit flatter. I like it. The issue that I had with the original paint was that it was too plastic-ish. The new flatter purple has more of a metal feel. The flat white used on the Eva-00 is really beautifully applied. The green is the movie green - less fluro than the original. - I find that the Eva-00 has better paint QC and application than the Eva-01. My Eva-01 has a few minor paint blotches. No big deal at all. - Bandai added more paint detail to the under side of the armor boot (nice touch) but deleted the forearm etching text "EVA 01 TEST" as well as the shoulder etching text "EVA". I think they did it to be more movie accurate (but I personally prefers the old etching) 3. Part Fit & QC - Most part fit pretty well, as good as the original issue. - the right shin armor fit is still not as good as the rest of the armor (the original has the same problem too), but it is bearable. - I heard rumors that the famous groin joint has been redesigned after a few breakage incident occurred. But I swear I couldn't tell the difference when I compare the old with the new. Maybe they improved with the materials. I think the groin joint could be a problem if you bent it without checking the direction of the ball-joint. - all movement joint are tight with very good built quality. 4. Accessories - Mix feeling with the accessories. - The Eva-00 comes with the gorgeous Enchanted Shield of Virtue - I would buy the Spec for this reason alone. It is really beautifully sculpted and painted. Flawless and big. - Other Eva-00 accessories includes: hand cuff; riffle; power cord; melted version of the back pack with the termination signal entry plug (the cross), and the normal entry plug. So I am a bit disappointed not more weapons were included. There are plenty of empty spaces on plastic casing for more weapons or batteries pack. I would pay an extra $10 to get a few more grams of plastic, but Bandai didn't think so...disappointed. - The Eva-01 has the movie version of the Gatling Gun and the beautiful progressive knife. The Gatling gun is really nice but it is quit heavy for the Eva to hold it in a fix pose. - Other Eva-01 accessories includes: riffle (same as Eva-00) and the entry plug. This mean the Movie Eva-001 does not come with hand guns and the twin samurai blade (which the original version has). Bummer... 5. Die-cast Content - The Spec line has the SOC banner but it is really a different breed to the real SOC line (in terms of quality and diecast content). - The Movie version has the same diecast content as the original version: i.e. diecast to the chest plates; the thigh armor; the shin armor; the boot; and to some of the connection joint within the skeleton body. - The rest of the armor are all plastic; but with the movie version, the paint application are much better and some plastic parts has the appearance of metal, this is especially true to Eva-00. Conclusion I got these as a combo for 6300yen on Yahoo JP (about $65USD in total), so I think for that amount, they are very worthwhile. Bandai has now fixed a few of the sculpting issues and made improvement with the paint application. I am now quite happy with these Movie Spec Evas. I like its size (8 inches to the top of forehead), I like it has some diecast content, and it has fairly good movement. It can be a fun toy as well as a display peice. Not the best sculpt but good enough now to be a good all rounder. Also, I am pretty sure Bandai will continue this line with the remaining Evas. Bottom line: for the right price, the Movie Spec Evas are good additions to the ever growing Eva merchandise, but stay away from the TV version. If I have to pick one, I pic EVA00...for now anyway... 2 Ducks: The Movie Spec can arch to an degree but not much, however, it can definitely fold cross arm - see pic. Some pics and comparison shots:
  4. Hey guys, my Spec Movie 00 & 01 arrived. I had to post the Eva00 shield pic, it just look freaking awesome, but I can also tell you that these 2 Specs are not just re-coloured releases, Bandai has actually remodeled some of the armour parts and sculpts. Getting a little late in Sydney, so I'll do a more detail report soon.
  5. Is looking very good already, keep it up.
  6. Ummm....I thought a band wagon of Yamato polices has already been monitoring the site for some time now.... I actually like the banner, it makes checking Yamato's update much easier. Let's start clicking.
  7. I now have seen it all.....
  8. The Red & White works for me. Great job.
  9. Love his wheels!!! But seriously, if he wants to excel in cardbox transformation, he should learn from this group - I love Starscream doing Gelkwalk...
  10. The CG (especially the figure modeling) is still very Play Station - I want to see a movie, not a computer game....looks like another disappointment for Shirow's fans...
  11. Mowe

    Disliked Mecha...

    ...and the zapping spark on the shoulder.
  12. Looking nice!! When it is finished, it will be the envy of many MWers.
  13. Wow!!! Yamato is willing to spend the money to put an ad on TV. That is good news, maybe they are trying to bring in more non-macross fans and expand the Macross range. That YF looks pretty yummy. Now they have the mold, wonder what other variants will be forth coming.
  14. Mowe

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Fly4victory, that colour scheme looks so good...argh!!!!!...there are so many good colour schemes out there.....argh!!!!! how could we end up with an ugly one.... I care not about cannon scheme if it means we end up with a "Grandmother Stocking" scheme. Beside, the canon fodders probably had 5 secs of screen time anyway, argh!!!!!!!!!
  15. You should have pulled out DYRL, it never fails!!! Actually, I also find Gunbuster's iconic appeal fairs better than the actual OVA. I love everything about it (the mechas, the characters, the whole Gainax/Anno attachment, the fan service...& so on) but I was never crazy about the OVA itself, I can't understand why....
  16. It is amazing that Shirow's works are so poorly represented on screens. Apart from GITS, others were pure disasters. I don't have high hope with the up-coming Appleseed movie, it looks like another CG orgy...
  17. Mowe

    SV-51 CF!!!

    There has to be better colour schemes than this naked tan. What is wrong with those Yamato's decision makers?? They have a great product and ready to make more money, yet they could not be bothered to try that bit harder to find a more suitable colour scheme. It is really frustrating. Unless they make improvement to this colour scheme, I'll spend my money on something else.
  18. I thought they had one made awhile ago, that was a very sub-par effort indeed. I think Cutie Honey is one of those anime best left as cel production, unless they go all the way with Cutie's transformation....
  19. God Marz is on track in becoming the greatest SOC, the posability of each individual is looking very promising, but the biggest suprise is Reideen, it looks very beautiful, a must have for Super Robot fan. Pic source: CyberGundum at Taysdaily
  20. Sweet lord Jesus, can some one tell me what we are looking at here, namely its size and material, I freaking hope it is diecast and 200mm+ in height. Its sculpt captures Eva really well. Edit: just saw the info myself: PVC/ABS, 180mm in height Pic sorce:Cybergundam from Toysdaily
  21. You don't see much of unit-02, pretty much just her silhouettes and the four eyes.
  22. The indifference was the spoiler....
  23. That is so evil and cunning.
  24. Holly $hit, just realise if you scroll down further, there are more clips from the rebuild (spoiler..be warned!!!).
  25. It is either an Eva-06 or repackaged Adam. And spotted Auska too.
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