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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. When Miyazaki meets Anno... http://youtube.com/watch?v=hDpp0Q38Q08&feature=related
  2. Buy the way, for those who have brought the OVA Issue (The red should cap) or the Reactive Armor Ver, can you confirm if the white shield is made of metal or ABS. Somebody on Toysdaily said CMs had cut corner by making the shield out of ABS. I have the original TV & Movie and I can confirm the shield is definitely die-cast. If it is true, I think CMs has gone totally backwards with their reputation.
  3. oops
  4. Maybe we missed the fine print in Japanese that said: "weathering will occure in 20yrs time..." The weather version is not supposed to be out so soon. So I am sure there is some missed communication within Yamato's ordering department. Unless, the buyers hit the wrong button and ordered the regular re-issue...but that can't be right either, because the buyer would have known they had been charged less for the weather valk. The weathered VF-1s is about $50 more than a regular Valk, there is no way the Japanese customer would just accept a regular valk with the extra money they paid. This is all very interesting...I am buying my pop corn....
  5. The Yamaoto site is very slow, can't even get the on-line page up. Very clever Yamato....
  6. Need reactive armor. My excuse to pick up a new 0S with the fix.
  7. Mowe

    Thunder Hammer

    OMFG Somebody please pin this!!! Screw the weather VF-1S, this is the ultimate custom!!!! PM sent!!!
  8. Ha...ha...there is a part of me that think Anno is doing it deliberately to pi$$ the Eva fans (maybe he hasn't got over the death threat ) For the record, I have no problem seeing Anno keeps refining Eva if it means a better Eva movie landing in my DVD player. But I do want to see him directing again on new materials.
  9. I am sold with L-Gaim. Always wanted a good quality L-Gaim. The Daimos doesn't look as nice as the promo art works...I hope the final product would improve.
  10. This is ridiculous.
  11. Question for the Eva lovers out there. Are you getting the up coming TV Eva Specs knowing Bandai is going to put out the other Movie Eva Specs? I have not made up my mind. I know both version are slightly different, but I would be a sucker to Bandai's and Gainax's evil plot....
  12. I was hoping Minmay would be produced by Yamato's Lab Creators team, like the their Rei or Non Non. She is really too big, too expensive, and too awkward to be a grown up man's toy....
  13. Yes, we have official confirmation from Fewture for the ExGokin Joyumaru. 230mm tall. Nice height. If the final product is as accurate as the proportion of the line works, my childhood dream will finally comes true. And it comes with a judo suit!!! Wo...whoooooo Can somebody translate the rest of the text. I see the word HEAVY!!!!
  14. Sam, did you have difficulty getting Deunan to hold the riffle properly? My Deunan's hand barely able to hold the riffle in any position. Also, Deunan's forearm armors come off very easily on mine but with a bit of double side tape, that was an easy fix. Still very annoying to see an almost perfect (expensive) toy faulted with minor fundamental flaws. Apart from the above two minor problems, she is an awesome figure. Briaros seems to have fixed the above two problems, but as Sam said, Briaros's main gun is a little too heavy and big for it to stay in some poses. Briaros side-arm holders on his thigh do not hold the machine guns that well either. I also didn't like the ankle joint mechanism, too loose in my opinion. Again, minor flaws that should have been detected during design stage. On the bright note, I love the weight of these 2 figures. They are significantly heavier than Takara's or RAH's typical 1/6 figure. The gummy quality of the rubber suits have a very nice feel to them, too. My only concern is, if I bent the elbow for an extensive amount of time, will this type of soft rubber glues to each other...(scary to think it would...). I think Deunan's face got prettier from the earlier promo pics. Some people think her face is not anime accurate enough but I don't see that as a fault because the movie Deunan dosen't look like Shiro's Deunan anyway.
  15. The reactive armor looks cheap. I thought the jacket was going to be made of padded fabric. that's great, the choice is easier, go with the OVA red shoulder version.
  16. That movie must shines in BlueRay, why can't the Japaneses ad English sub to their release, there is so much money to be made.
  17. My shipment have been deferred to March, I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
  18. Didn't some 1st issues had reversed wing pins?
  19. Hell yeah, Seb. The paint job and the weight are really amazing. It is really a show piece. On the flip side, I still think Fewture could have done better with their engineering with joint designs. I also prefer a sturdy forearm than a detachable magnet forearm (and yes, my Mazinger forearm magnets came off as well, they seems to have fixed this problem with the Great Maz, though). Seb, when the scramble jet is properly fixed, it is slight floppy to allow front-back movement (and I think that is a good thing, so it is not set hard against the metal paint), but it is definitely secure and your jet should not be falling off. The trick is push the jet in (push horizontally softly) then press down firmly until you hear a slight click noise. Also, see the last pic and you'll understand what I meant about the Pielder in the Great Mazinger head. See how the folded red wing is fitted in bewteen the grey parts.
  20. Guppy, I just found out that there is a special way to make the jet sit securely inside the Great Maz head. The official instruction is not very clear. Just slot each jet wing in between the grey part of the head. If you have problem, let me know, I'll post pic.
  21. I wanted to write Misa in the Death Note on a number of occasions I actually hoped the FBI agent's wive (in manga) would have longer screen time. She was a very likable character.
  22. Death Note Manga was so addictive untill L dies...it went down hill after that. I was hoping L was faking it and come back to put Light away. I hated the ending of the manga too.
  23. Knowing Miyazaki's retirement is inevitable, the Japanese media has been desperately looking for another animation God. They have compared Shinkai to Miyazaki many times, but Shinkai himself has kindly declined the compliment. Personally I think Miyazaki has done more to the anime industry than just producing brilliant films. There is simply no Miyazaki No.2. However, Shinkai is in a league of its own as an independent director. I really hope he can set up his own studio, finding the right staff and sufficient resources to pursuit his own kind of animation. Shinkai needs to come up with a few more feature length success to earn his place. 5cm/sec is really the first Shinkai's film that I love 100%. I liked the Voice of Distance Star but the mecha animation was rather sub-par due to limited resources. "The Place Promised In Our Early Days" was visually stunning but at times I felt the dialog didn't work that well in a full-length feature film. Shinkai's unique style (dialog vs imagery) is very effective in short films. So I like to see how Shinkai would evolve in his next full length feature.
  24. Damn, I wish I have seen Wolfx's thread a lot earlier. Dante74, you need to get a DVD copy to make the most of the mind blowing imagery quality of this film. Watching it on a computer screen does no justice to this film and will certain to spoil your first screening (I wish I could have watch it in a quality theater... ) ) Just finished "The Girl Who Lept Through Time" now. It was fun, and definitely a lot lighter but it wasn't quite what I thought it was. Must check out Pale Cocoon, too. Got to make the most of the remaining holiday!!! If I have to throw in a recommendation, try Millennium Actress and Jin-Roh.
  25. Wow, just finished watching it. I am completely blown away by the beautiful art works and its simplicity. It has been a while since I have been so engaged to a film. I have no idea what happened near the end but it kind of works for me, I didn't think it was sad, I guess life just goes on... The theme song and the re-working of the theme song were wonderful. I hope the R1 relese will come with the original soundtrack. The interview with Shinkai was great, too, almost as long as the film. He has a very unique way to interpret and describe ordinary day to day events. I am very glad that he is bringing that magic touch back to anime. I also think he is one of few anime director whom really understand how to blend computer effect with great animation cinematography. Now, I need to watch The Girl Who Lept Through Time. Thanks again to dead ghost for bringing this film to our attention, almost let it slipped away.
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