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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. I don't mind a crash at all. I collect Valks because I like to collect them. I personally think they are way over priced anyway. Speculators bug me as they play a major role in jacking up Valk prices. Let's have a crash and let the Valks flow back to their rightful owners, cheaply.
  2. Oh No!!!!! That can't happen!!!!! Phalanx, sent your stuff through when they are done, don't cave in too easily. I love to see this post goes past 50
  3. I never treated the TV and Movie as two different things. I always thought the Movie is just an alternative extension to the TV series. I just assumed the movie picked up from the TV (after Captain Global f***ed up the space fold). If you think of it that way, there ain't much explanation is required. I really liked DYRL and I think it is the most cunning adaptation and complete storyline ever written for an anime movie with immaculate attention to details. (Bty, excuse my language above, but every time I see Global’s face after that space fold, I always think: if swearing is permitted on television, I swear that is what Global would’ve said)
  4. Ok, we are now entering the realm of fantasy, which is way beyond the Holy Grail . Bty, you do know chaining up somebody in your own basement is a crime, right?
  5. I don't doubt LORD KUNGFU becomes a millionair by "selling" toys (he is basically a seller: buying in bulk at cheap rate and make profit by margin). However, what we are talking about here is the holding value of Macross toys: will Macross toys value increase or decrease in the future and why?
  6. Monetary value wise, don't care, ain't selling mine. Never treated my Valks as investment. Beside, there must be better ways to make money. As for demand prediction, the following is for sure: - any line of toy ceaes to exist at some point, no toy production last forever; - when that happens, there are always nutty collectors out there willing to pay a hefty price for ceased production items; - when you are lucky enough to bump into one of these nutty collectors, you should robb them. Factors: how greedy is the production line; how nutty is the collectors; & how greedy is the seller when he has a chance to robb.
  7. Mowe

    1/48 Gbp

    Hey, dig up another potential camo armour scheme, more ideas when I get the baby.
  8. I love sport but I am here for Macross, so any rules to keep this Macross forum nice and tidy are fine by me. Beside, you don't talk about sport, you do it!! While we on the topic of rules, EXO, you are a mini-mod, you should know better about posting pics that are irrelevant to the topic. That set of rack clearly belongs to the Toy forum. Somebody good with resin might want to get their hands on one of these and do a PG recast
  9. Totoro, you got me thinking, my worst fear now would be if there is ever a rough argument, my Valks might became the first targets of aggression...must think of a back up plans...must think of a back up plans....
  10. I must confess, whether people are on or off topics, checking this thread has become my daily ritual. I really like to see where this one ends.
  11. Here's my Miria strip, yum...u.mm, green hair babe.
  12. Well, I guess those giant women from the year 2010 are a little more care free..., but like I always say, Max is the cleverest of them all: get to bang the Pomp-Queen, in her own flat, no mess on fuss the next morning, and get to keep both the 1:1 Max Valk and Max Queadluun-Rau. Where's the justice?
  13. Thanks lordmasterprince, I knew it would be something simple like that. It is called a cotton pick if you from OZ. Damn language barrier.
  14. My Holy grail would be the master print of the 16mm film reel of DYRL, and then my couch...yum...umm, 24hrs of projected Valk actions. A moving Minmei doll (if exist at all) would be priceless to me as well. Bty, many posts asked how to tell if the Gold Book was a first print. Correct me please if I am wrong, I think any of those with the film strip bookmark would be considered to be the first print. The resell value of the Goldbook is also dependent on this strip of film, i.e. a nice frame of Misa or Miria would fetch a better price than...say...that nuked fish, a frame of Minmei in shower would be priceless.
  15. lordmasterprince or anyone, I'm from the otherside of the world, so a lot of model tool terms are not familiar to a bloke like me from down under, what's a Q-tip? Picture anyone, sound like a great tools. Bty, no dildo pics please, I was actually tempted to post one as soon as I read what I wrote, please reframe
  16. Just like the caveman in the old days, clubbed her in the head and took her home. If only we could do that nowdays...
  17. Phalanx, slow down, at the rate you are going, you are going to upset a few people. I'm not a mod, but I think you should just keep it easy. Cheers
  18. Mowe

    1/48 Gbp

    Geez, you guys are hard to please. OK, here is the final version of the ultimate MW fan combo version of the Camo Low Vis GBP. I also dig up this pic on my hard drive, can't remember where I downloaded it from, but this is what I call a low vis armour. Bty, Lordmasterprince, I fancy your cust too, one very yummy armour valk.
  19. Hey, hands of my property, you have your opening action sequence, don't be greedy!!
  20. MicronianDevil, Does Iijima’s English sound good? I loved her Japanese voice over but I was never sure about how the dialogue would rolled out in her English tongue. As cute as 20 years ago?
  21. Rocket Punch, I really dig for that striking resemblance between the RQ-4A Global Hawk and the Eva Mass Production, and I liked your humour . ...because I think the resemblance is funny. 376918[/snapback]
  22. I love the DYRL soundtrack, it does so much to the movie, and vice versa. On the "Macross The Complete" collection, apart from everybody's fav "Oboeteimasuka", I would definitely recommend these two pieces: Track 12 of Disc-2 and track 9 of Disc-3, they are absolute gems. Both pieces were arranged/reworked by Kentaro Haneda with a slight flavour of slow jazz, very nice. Particularly Track 12, try and listen to it on a quiet evening by yourself with a book; you'll really get the feeling of floating in space, in a Vf-1, no thrust, just pure gravity from a distant star. Funny enough, it would make a great dinner music with your woman but play it at the wrong time, it becomes elevator music. You heard it from the Man, need I say more?
  23. Mowe

    1/48 Gbp

    You mean this?
  24. A very slick looking site. Love the mech profile stuffs, with more infos from the right people, your site could become the No.1 resouces for Macross modelers and customisers. Well done fellas. I kind of follow with what EXO says, I have enough hard time to follow the MW forum without sleep deprivation. Hope your forum could offer something slightly different. By the way, got registered in zero second.
  25. The Japanese manga Hellsing is wicked. Kohta Hirano's unique & creepy gothic style is second to none. It is one big blender of Vampires, Ghouls, insane Vatican butchers, and swag of Neo-Nazi maniacs with attitudes and violence. IMO, nothing sexier than a police girl (turned vampire) in her mini uniform with guns; big guns, and goes around decapitating very nasty ghouls. Ver much looking forward to the last volumes.
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