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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. No, it is OK hirohawa, Exo did the right thing. He wasn't aware he couldn't merge topics. He quickly re-opened the topic. Thanks.
  2. Mowe

    1/48 Gbp

    I suppose with the LE label, Yamato would burn its bridge if the product becomes a hit. Just guessing.
  3. I guess I'll start. TV 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru FP): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Miria FP): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Max FP): 001 DYRL 1/48 Vf-1A (Hikaru): 001 1/48 Vf-1S (Hikaru): 001 1/48 Vf-1S (Roy): 001 Variations 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis I): 001 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis II): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth FP): 001 Accessories 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Blue): 001 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Camo): 001 1/48 Vf-1 FP: 001 1/48 Vf-1 FP(Clear): 001 Others 1/60 Vf-0S Roy: 001 1/60 QR Mirira: 001 1/100 VB6 Koeing: 001
  4. Current MW Members' Valk Counts up to #Post 66 Total 1/48 Valk Count: 475 Most Popular 1/48 Valk: Vf-1S (Roy) Only 3 QR Max: a little surprising TV 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru): 027 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru FP): 034 1/48 Vf-1J (Miria FP): 036 1/48 Vf-1J (Max FP): 037 DYRL 1/48 Vf-1A (Hikaru): 036 1/48 Vf-1A (Max): 041 1/48 Vf-1A (CF): 056 1/48 Vf-1S (Hikaru): 037 1/48 Vf-1S (Roy): 080 Variations 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis I): 030 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis II): 023 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth): 008 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth FP): 030 1/48 Vf-1J (Black): 000 (I am waiting, post as guest if you prefer Anonymity) Accessories 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Blue): 049 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Camo): 018 1/48 Vf-1 FP: 079 1/48 Vf-1 FP(Clear): 017 Others 1/60 Vf-0S Roy: 022 + 1 Mistery item 1/60 QR Mirira: 014 1/60 QR Max: 003 1/100 VB6 Koeing: 019
  5. All MW members love their 1/48 Yamato Valks. So exactly how many Valks do we own? Claims have been made that MW members are a major force behind Yamato’s 1/48 Valks production line. Lets collect some hard figures and prove it once and for all. I reckon the end results will be pretty awesome. Who knows, when Yamato see the figures, they might take note of our criticism more seriously. I am not using the Poll feature, it is not suitable for this survey. This is how it will be done: 1. Copy the Valk list from the template on Post#2 (or just hit reply) and amend it to suit in your post. I’ll collect and update this template list weekly. 2. Your first post should include everything you have now or paid/pre-orders that are on the way. Do not include Valks that you once had (very important to note!!). 3. Put 0 next to items that you don't have. 4. Additional Valks brought in the future can be added with a second post. To keep posts short, please include new items only. 5. If you have custom Valks, you first add the count under their original box identification, then you can add a short message at the bottom of your posts to clarify which valks had been customeised, you might even what to add the MW Gallery link to it. However, please not not add pictures, it will be a pain to me when I update the main count weekly. 6. To keep my job easier, please keep the Valks under the sub-titles as I have them, and keep it in that order. 7. Please be honest, this is a survey of facts and not a contest of who has the biggest balls on the table...OK, Godzilla and Kensei will have to slug this title out . Please note, I am not including the 1/60 & 1/72 line to keep the posts short. However, I made a few exceptions with those items listed under others. I considered these toys to be same line as the 1/48 Valks. OK, rules are set, lets begin counting!!! Edit: Note to all Mods & Mini-Mods, I am aware that Graham had a similar topic before but that thread kind of became a mess towards the end. With this post, I am trying to do a survey that has more break down with results that can be shown clearly on the first page. I intend to keep up-to-date count as we buy more valks. In fact, if members take this post seriously, I am hoping the Mods could pin this and let it becomes the MW Official Count of Yamato Valks. That way, whenever members buy a new valk, they can quickly add the number to this post. Thanks Exo for re-opening this topic. OK, lets start counting again!!
  6. Not my type of chicks but these dolls have altitudes. Thumbs up for wickedness. Naughty pose but not quite crossing the line.
  7. Can't blame you for testing the water. There had been a few crazy bidders out there recently. Who knows, you might be lucky.
  8. Have you guys check out Samurai-M's site, he started one already, interesting concept. Rob from Samurai-Monkey is one of the most reliable dealer/MW member, his toys ain't bad either. SAMURAI MONKEY'S SUPER COOL RAFFLE THREAD!
  9. Fast pack on Miria's VF-1J fighter mode is my fav, it just looks hot. I also tend to like all my Valks in fast pack to bulkup the skinny arms and legs. Valks with FP has better proportion, espeically in Battroid Mode.
  10. That's what I've been dreaming.
  11. Ha..ha.. Mr March, you are one hard customer to please or you must really hate NGE. F360°, I think we better pack up our gears and save our breath. Like I said, whether anyone likes NGE depends very much on the person. You had your reasons not to like it and I had mine for liking it. That would probably be a fair comment. Though, mind you, I kept my last post short not because I had little valid arguments, just didn't think this was the right thread to go full length debate about NGE. Start another thread specifically for NGE and I am happy to go full blown with my opinions. Yes, you don't have to take Oshii's words, but he is not too shabby as an anime director, his opinion should count for something... Beside, I posted his comments because he actually made a very specific link between Macross and NGE (which is what this thread is about after all, isn't it?)
  12. I am a big fan of the Eva series (but Macross comes first of course), so I feel the need to lend a bit of support to F360°. Overrated or not, I suppose it is a very personal thing and it certainly depends on how much the person wants to get into the Eva world. But to me it was always clear that the Eva series had been one of the more influential anime from the 90s, much like the way Macross did for the 80s. The Eva series cannot be judged alone without the two followed up movies. I have posted this before on another topic, and hope this could convince a few more people to give the Eva another chance if they’re disappointed by the TV series: “In one of Mamoru Oshii’s (GITS) interview, he commented on the drama aspects of recent theatrical releases and confessed that DYRL along with the Eva movies were the only films that he could remember in the past 20 years that was done successfully†If you don’t trust me or F360°, you can at least trust Oshii. Bty, I think most of you do know that, a lot of the backbone staff worked on DYRL, also worked the Eva series.
  13. ..oops, sorry, hit blank, try again with next post.
  14. Mowe

    1/48 Gbp

    The Yamato site is still sticking with the army green and lime green.
  15. Isn't he the same dude that paid $550 for the shilled Low-Vis, than paid $455 for what appears to another shilled Low-Vis. And now a 2.5K plastic? This guy must have won lottery. He suddenly appears on the Ebay scene and swagged a whole lot of Macross related goodies with an unlimited cheque book. Wouldn't it be great if he is one of my bidder .
  16. Sdf-1, you are following this thread too? We need Phalanx, where are your drawings!!!
  17. I can't stand these arrogant generalisation comments anymore, this is just so Bulls**t. Rich and poor is all relative but this is not the place to discuss it. Read my signature. I'm moving on.
  18. Same plan as LowViz Lurker but I am starting with one, just to make sure the QC is there.
  19. Concure, dig into the movie & do a bit more research on the net and you will enjoy (or addicted like many evamanaic, including myself) the TV series a lot more. What ever disappointment you had with the TV ending, you'll find alot of more answers & question in the movie. AND Auska & Unit-02 really kick ass in the movie.
  20. Here we go again, another business genius telling us nobody but themselves know how the business world works. Yes, we are just sheep, we only collect Valks and do not work in the real world and had never heard of the terms "business" or "world econonmy"…whatever…whatever…whatever...
  21. Crossing fingers...Yamato...crossing fingers...no dealing with the devil...crossing fingers...let HG runs out of income sources to set Macross free...crossing fingers...
  22. Protoplast, don't mean to be rude, but: 1. Yes, many of us are just ignorant fools and do not know how the global economy works, but, if it can be explained in one post in the Macross Forum, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out...or may be it is a little more complicated... 2. I admire your negotiation skill to confront your boss for a raise every year, but trust me, there are a lot of very mean bosses out there, screwing their employees every day. They can do it because they are in the position to do so. We all want a raise but most of the times, it takes a little more than just asking. 3. I bitch about Yamato prices not because I can't afford the toys or I don't have the annual 4% raise. I bitch about it because it is over priced for what it is worth. I also bitch about it because thanks to Harmony Gold, Yamato has limited access to the world market (see Post 16 of this thread Yamato Garland Pre-Order to see the immediate effect when Yamato's toys have access to the bigger market). We might be ignorant Valks collectors but voicing our opinions regarding product prices is the minimum right we have as consumer.
  23. My all time Fav animes: 1. DYRL (its been on the No.1 spot for more than 20 years) 2. Millennium Actress 3. Nausicaa 4. Evangelion Series/ Movie 5. Maison Ikkoku 6. Spirited Away 7. Totoro 8. Porco Roso 9. Jin-Roh 10. Mononoke Hime 11. 3x3 Eyes (had to slip this one in)
  24. Yap, but I am more interested in how Macross reaches Finland? Sorry guys, slightly off topic but I'm just a little curious, please spare a couple of posts.
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