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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. Mowe

    Another Vf-0s

    Wow!!! That hand/arm/chest plate look so right, if only I could steal that hands and transfer to the 1/60....
  2. Mowe

    New Super Stealth Pic's

    So glad I made the order . But dame, the placement of that tail skull is just wrong!!!
  3. That is just so clever, well done!!!
  4. Don't get too depressed, there has been discussion about cheap Valks from unknow source equal defects...
  5. Q-Rau still hover around the $60 mark and still been picked up by bidders. Q-Rau might be relatively cheaper to buy compare to a VF-1, but I think it is also a lot more cheaper to make?? May be it is more profitable than we think.
  6. More magnet is the way to go!!!
  7. The Monkey will be OK!!!!
  8. Hey, people, give some room to Ryuji to post his step by step, don't scared him away..he..he..
  9. Not so much the look, the DYRL type hands are just a little flimsy/floppy when they hold the guns. I'll wait for some body to do a proper recast hand. All leg joints seem tight to me but like I said, I transformed it once and it was quickly back to (& stay as) fighter mode, just too good looking!!!
  10. I forgot to mention the following: - terrible gun fit to forearm, similar to Miria FP problem, but easy fix; - I pesonally prefer the VF-0S to stay as 1/60. It actually looks right sitting next to the other 1/48s. I am not a scale die-hard. Any bigger, the VF-0S would look out of place from the rest of the 1/48s; - the magnet is a nice touch but i still prefer the 1/48 clip style - the magnet force is just a little weak at times. - like izzyfcuk said, very disappointed that no fat hands were included. Tried to pop the 1/48 armour hands, looks very good except the slot on 1/60 is too big (Yamato is up to something by not using the same circular slot size...um... ) edit: I could swear that I remember the 1/60 VF-0S is a little bigger than the 1/48 VF-1. The picture on ghostryder's post above looks a little deceptive. Must check height comparision again .
  11. MW for Macross stuff. No Macross news or fight; off to www.samurai-monkey.com for japanese toys news and peace; No Monkey; off to www.hobbyfanatics.com for great model feast and very friendly people & chats.
  12. My VF-0S just landed (thank you Rob from samurai-monkey.com for the super delivery ). This baby flew all the way from Japan to Australia, so it definitely did not sneaked out from the Yamato’s back door (so does Rob tells me anyway ) First up, glad to say this handsome is free from defects that were reported from other HK sites (phew!!!! ): none of the shoulder screw; broken tail fin; missing/upside down magnet; ugly gap; & loose joints. Basically, this valk is trouble free. Either I am very lucky or people should raise questions about the origin of their valks . Would be interest to hear from people whom brought their valks from HK supplier and see if there is a higher rate of defects. Moving on. Here are some pictures of interests raised by some posts The rotating pilot: nice touch but pretty meaning less when the heat shield is down. Nevertheless, full brownie points to Yamato for trying and doing it right. The moving chest piece: just stroke of genius . The chest piece can actually glide along where my red arrow shown on the pic above. This is truly perfect transformation stuff. Just wish the 1/48 VS-1 has the same technology so their birdie down there is not so long and out of proportion when in batteroid mode. Having said that, one problem associated with a shorter trunk is the freedom of legs movement. Because the trunk is shorten, the relative distant between top of legs (the vent intake) and the back of chest piece is also shorten. They actually get into each other’s way. Forward leg movement from the hip is very limited – no exciting pose. The 1/48 Valk wins there. I guess this is not so much Yamato’s problem, true to artwork VS playability. The needle: it can be rotated or removed when transformed to batteroid mode (perfect transformation is looking good). Bty, the sculpting of the needle is beautiful . The openable flap infront of the head in fighter mode: a neat trick to make the head transforming easier. They also cover up gaps nicely – again nice details. However, these two pieces are very easy to fall off, not QA issue, just design issue. Personally, I am happier to see them falling off than snapping off. I think Yamato make the right decision here. A look at the back pack: somebody was saying this hinge is an improvement – can’t figure out how it is better. Actually, in battroid mode, there is no clip at the back of the neck to hold the back pack like the 1/48. Personally, I like the 1/48 clip, the VF-0S back pack does flap a little as it rely on the stiffness of the hinge. Backpack thruster: it actually retracts (I am on my knee) The flap behind the back pack: warning: do not force this piece to fold, it doesn’t (unless mine is faulty). Feet thruster: beautiful detail, worth the $160. The retractable hands: actually the hand does retract and as Graham says it is not fully retracted to be true to the original design. The only thing that I could not figure out is whether the hands is supposed to be tuck into the back pack (right) or they should be left exposed (left). When tucked in, I felt the back pack is under a lot of pressure, just doesn’t feel right. I am happy to leave it exposed. Overall comparison to 1/48: bottom line – a slightly bigger toy; better looking & detail sculpt; & some very neat improvement. Fighter mode hot; Gerwalkmode neat; batteroid mode..um… Bottom line: I’ll wait for another week to see QC reports from other MW members but I am definitely getting another one (just incase they make the Armour or the ghost pack ).
  13. Yeah!!!! I've been so looking forward to this!!! I am having the courier standby right now...
  14. Hayao, are your Valks coming directly from Japan supplier? I am just hoping that some of these defects are bootlegged Valks that have yet gone through QC and sleaked out to HK for sale...is that possible??
  15. Phew!!! Just ordered one...pleas Lord, I have been a good boy .
  16. Mowe

    New Super Stealth Pic's

    As much as the love/hate of the Stealth S pack, I can see another Low Viz I in the making in the coming years, just wish I have more money now to grab a few more....
  17. Not all Macross fans can understand English, so I assume there must be plenty more other Macross Forums or fan bases around the world (e.g. Japanese, Hong Kong, Korea, Finland?..etc.). Actually, Yamato is definitely less sucessful without Gozilla and Kensei . Confucius says: "The MW board is just one of the many Macross pebbles, we might be a slightly bigger rock but defintely not the ocean that Yamato take notice" .
  18. You can't remake a classic like Macross TV or DYRL. The raw energy & talents that went to the making of Macross are just not there anymore. Even if Kawamori & Mikimoto are back to lead the team, it will not be the same. You are likely ended up with boobie valks or characters with pointy noses, I fancy neither . To keep Macross alive is not to go backward. New story or re-interpretation are better ways to move forward, if they are good enough, the new fans are more likely wanting to discover the original.
  19. Mr March, I admire your tenacity to stick up for those poor buggers. Uptill this point, your lone effort to fence off the Macross die-hards have been impressive. Not an easy thing to do, considereing your mob is HG! (you better not be spy..he..he ) BTY, I hate HG and I hope they sink to the bottom of the Atlantic sea bed with their Macross licence .
  20. Mowe

    New Super Stealth Pic's

    You know what, most people pop their Strike Cannons onto their 1S or 1A. VF-1Js with Strike Pack just looks a little unusal...
  21. No, there is still a chance that one day they might become handy. I always look for bargins on Ebay/Yahoo JP for cheap valks with no boxes. If I see some body has spare boxes for a good price, I snatch them
  22. If you are throwing boxes out, you should put them up for sales on the MW board, some people might want to pay for them. On that note, you should freak out too when she buys mutiple pairs of shoes with boxes
  23. Phew!!! The $160 bucks was worth it after all
  24. Alright!!!!! The Stealth is a Strike Pack after all . The box art is pretty cool too, much better than the VF-0S. There is still hope that LViz II might come through OK
  25. Wow!!! That model just changed my mind about the VF-0 Battroid with Ghost. Always thought the Ghost Pack looks sluggish but I've just been converted . The VF-0D looks awesome too.
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