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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. Bum, I was hoping it would stay red. Purple is just not right.
  2. Now, that Minmay is in Red, so what is the deal???
  3. England 1-0 and sits on it until full time
  4. Well, actually, the last time we were there was some 30 years ago and was knocked out before any goal was scored. So you can understand how nuts are the Australian right now!!! This time, we have a great coach (Gus Heddik, we really need to name a city after him) and some very talented individuals. So watch out Italy!!!!
  5. Brain damage might add creativity to his films...help the guy out...
  6. Is the passion, boy...passion!!!! It might be illegal, but football players DO hit people...just look at the USA player whom copped the elbow from the Italian, no padding or helmet, just blood.... Also, just look at all those fake dives, the acting skill is worthy of an oscar...
  7. Not counting Garage Kit, the Rei & Auska Medicom figures will have to be the most beautiful off the shelf Eva figure products out there...how can you beat a leather plug suit and Auska's hair freaking moves!!! It might be pricy, but they have all the potential of being a collector items in a few years time...providing Medicom does not make release after realese...
  8. Socceroos!!! Socceroos!!!! Socceroos!!!! And yes, my world has been upside down for the past weeks. I need sleep...but the beautiful game is like oxygen to me right now...
  9. My heart say VF-0 + Ghost and the whole lot. But I wonder if the VF-0 is capable to hold up on its own in battroid mode with the ghost pack...Yamato must tighten those joints if the battroid has any chance wearing the ghost suit.
  10. Oh man, I am dying here to see the painted finish. Minmay's butt is going to catch one nasty cold this winter
  11. Well...maybe you want to check out the different cup sizes I gave to Misato here, I think you will enjoy it. HobbyFan Misato Cup size
  12. Have yet seen it but I trust Satoshi Kon to do a great job, never doubted him.
  13. VF-0S Photoshop Bash kit updated on Post #5: Progress 2 Progress 2 update: Balanced general lighting levels; refined rough edges; filled gaps; adjusted proportion; removed some "plastic toy" features (such as screw holes, joint gaps); did a bit of anime cheating on the shoulder (the right hip/hing still looks funny). Future plans: apply decals; panel lining; & weathering.
  14. Try this resolution. Is this big enough? Let me know if some bidy need a bigger one.
  15. Thanks Big F, I thought you would be another Misato's fan. OK, next up. This time I gave the chicks abit of rest and tried a Macross mecha. I am still annoyed by Yamato's VF-0S not being able to do kick ass pose. So I am taking matters to my own hands. Yamato 1/60 VF-0S (Kick Ass Pose) Before:.................Progress 1...........Progress 2..........Progress 3............. This process was inspired by the making of Howel's Moving Castle. I was very suprised how simple their CG animation technique was (well, theoritically simple anyway). With this technique, the possibilit is limitless. Bear in mind these are still work in progress. I stuff up the lighting when I took pics of the VF-0S parts. But you can see how effective this technique can be. Keep watching this thread, hopefully I'll get a chance to polish it further in the near fyutre Edit: Progress 2: balanced general lighting levels; refined rough edges; filled gaps; adjusted proportion and did abit of anime cheating to make the shoulder works; Edit: Progress 3: detail works to the legs - panel lining; decals; weathering; material mapping; adjusted the proportion of the legs to give them a more robust appearance; added the accent yellow to the fin and socket to provide a bit of contrast to the very plain white; did another colour balance adjustment to get rid of that "pink' glow.
  16. Mowe

    New Super Stealth Pic's

    Does that mean QC wise, there are differences between Super Stealth and non-Super Stealth? I ordered both but I am still waiting for the non-Super to arrive. Has anyone got the non-super and find those Stealth problems (floppy wing flap, tight nose cone, dented canopy)
  17. Now, that ain't so bad...quick get your LVWL now!!!
  18. Second Up: Misato (Plug Suit Version) Before:......After Chowser, this one is for you. If you look carefully, I've given Misato abit of a "tuck", so to speak. Auska's boobs are too green for a real woman like Misato...he..he..Having gone through this surgical procedure, I can honestly say I envy boob surgeons, that was so much fun .
  19. First up: Walking Minmay Pinky (Ryuji Bask-Kit Style) Before:................After: Thanks to the Samurai Monkey and his friend for the idea. I love how Ryuji slaves his Auska kits into sexy Minmay, well, this is the closet I'll ever be to the master:rolleyes: .
  20. I can't bash-kit and scult like Ryuji. I can't scratch built like honneamise. And certainly can't do step by step like Master Cheng. But I like Photoshop. Having seen how the pros bash-kit with models, I thought may be PhotoShop Bash-Kit could be my thing. So here they are. Hopefully I'll have time in the future to do more!!! By the way, if any of you have wicked ideas, fantasy, or challenges for me, post here, if I have time, I'll give it ago. Or post yours here if you like abit of photoshop fun.
  21. I second those in my list that are already mention by others. I am greedy with Mecha Scenes. BEST SWORDFIGHT Jubei Kibagami vs. Utsutsu Mujuro (Ninja Scroll) BEST HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT FIGHT Spike vs. Vincent (Cowboy Bebop The Movie) BEST GIRLFIGHT Too lazy to look them up, but Rio from Burn Up and Utena from Revolutonary Girl must have some kickass duel scenes. BEST MECHA/ROBOT FIGHT Eva 02 vs Eva Production (NGE The Moview) YF-19 vs. YF-21 (Macross Plus) Nu Gundam vs. Sazabi (MS Gundam 0Char's Counter Attack) VF-1a (Max) vs RauQ (Miria) (DYRL) (Thanks wolfx for picking this up)
  22. Rule No.1 in a relationship with any women: DO NOT , (and I repeat), DO NOT , under any circumstances tempt fate by asking a woman to remove their make up. Lives have been lost. Remember this my friend....
  23. Actually, format changing mid way through a series is a problem too. I pay through my roof for two different lines of incompleted Dark Horse 3x3 Eyes. I believe there is talk of a third one that would stick to Japanese volumn number and size. I've already given up hopes on Dark Horse 3x3 and actually brought the Japanese set with helps of fan translation. So I am literally one step away from learning Japanese because of Dark Horse. Having said all that about Dark Horse, I must say they have done a brilliant job with Hellsing in keeping the format as close to original as possible (though this was at the request of the Japanese author, thank god for that).
  24. Thanks sketchley for the info, I can never work out why there are so many different size for the same comic in Japan (As far as I am aware of, there are at least 5 different format for Maison Ikkoku, just madness for collectors) One thing that is debatable though is the preference of flipped and unflipped manga. I think it is a myth that flipped manga are more popular in English prints. I only say that because if you look at the current English translated Manga market, publishers are moving away from the flipped format and revert back to the original un-flipped format. Look at the later releases from Viz, TokyoPop, Comic One & ADV, all in original format. Only Dark Horse is sticking with their flipped format. Obviousely, the market is demanding prints that are close to the original format. This is what I think anyway.
  25. If you want original, stick with the "no free lunch" motto. Just bite the bullet and spent the $60-70 a pop on amazon JP/Japan CD/ Yahoo JP. Is the only way.
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