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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. Ok, more revelation of that Rei from Hobbyfanatic but only makes me to crave for more info... Rei Kit
  2. Sebastian, just tell them these "toy" are actually vintage stuff and they worth mega bucks (well, use a little lie does help). I use that line all the time, and as soon as people hear the word "high return", their eyes go chok-chin $$$ and meeting adjourn....of course, I'll never sell them.....
  3. Thanks for the kind words, but I prefer your casting ability...he..he...I really should get back to those photoshop projects, now that the World Cup is over Keep us informed when they are ready for order. EDIT: just a question, how are they snap onto the VF-0S or are they in experimental stages at the moment with glue?
  4. I wonder if this is somebody's scratch built, looks almost too perfect to be a mass product (though I hope it will turned into resin recast one day) The facial features and hair sculpting are exquisite The only thing I am baffling is why is Rei in a Unit 01 armour? Bty, Good moves, Macross73
  5. That is freaking awsome, never saw WL FP coming but it looks hot!!! As for purpose of FP in space, well, it is a big space out there...may be there are planets with little gravity but has abundance of green??
  6. PM me Macross73, I know somebody might be able to help you. I order them through this guy. Don't know if he is till taking orders but I'll ask
  7. Oh... I'll pay for that More info!!!!! More infor!!!!
  8. Do you think a white side plate would look good? I tried to photoshop the white, but to my surprise, it didn't look that good (could be my photshop skill not good enough to create shadow in white)
  9. The Vf-0S definitely looks better with side covers. I lengthened your side cover just to see if it makes any difference. We might have to rely on you to make the side cover if Yamato does not commit themselves to make a VF-0 armour.....
  10. OK, time to recap: The ADV chicks have been called by our fine MW studs as the following: Trannies -> porn stars -> whores -> poor man's ho -> real dogs -> average looking whores -> slu_t -> high class whore Well, at least they are moving up the rank from trannies to high class whore . Summary: Fine looking ADV women with glamour make ups are called whore; Back paddling MW studs with no manners should be called pigs.
  11. Concurre. To those self-indulgent critics with self proclaimed cultivated knowledge of female beauty, whom have called these fine looking ladies a whore, I sincerely hope your woman are better looking than they are….if not, well…that means you have bagged home something less than a …
  12. I Wonder if there are any surprise final coating like other Minmay from the past
  13. Didn't the Italian mumble something to Zidane? Is a real pity that people are taking it out on Zidane. He had been such a great player for the decade and to see him to go out in such fashion is very disappointing. Well, I like to congrate the winner but I won't, the Italian are cheat and I don't know how they have the gut to parade their medal infront of their kids. Well, as they said this is football. What a way to end a world cup
  14. Hat off to the Italian. As much as I want to see the Italian to get bombed out, I must say they did everything they needed to do to beat the German. Lets hope Portugal does win and I will have my pop corn ready for the dirtiest WC final in history Check out this Italian Training Camp video, very funny And of coure here is more Italian WC humour...
  15. So the only moons she is guarding are her own... No... (she is better without ) 413493[/snapback]
  16. Are you going to give her any of your tradmark pokies??
  17. The French played very well against Brazil but I am going for Germany. All they need to do to make me happy is to get rid of the Italian (still weeping for my socceroos....)
  18. I hope my case is all Mini-May
  19. The great DM would if he is a closet Macross fan...
  20. Well….would be nice if it was real but e-mails of the above picture is now flying 100m/hr within the Australian community.
  21. Our local paper front page this morning....
  22. OMG, you are right!!!!! Why??? Why?????
  23. I know, what is the deal with the thumb sucking!? Is bad enough that Totti took all the hot Italian chicks, but we were beaten by a guy whom like sucking his thumb...maybe women likes that sort of stuffs....
  24. Like many of my Australian compatriot, this morning, I am a sombre man… Our beloved and brave Socceroos got beaten (robbed if you are from down under) once again by dumb-ass refereeing decision in our clash with the Italian. We exited in possibly the cruelest fashion you could imagine. We were the underdog, so it was no big deal to lose if we played well. We would have walked away tall and proud for making this far in our first Round 16 appearance….. But….boy, did we played well, that is exceptionally well. We manage to hold off and match up with the mighty Italian team for the entire 1st half and dominated the second half when the Italian was reduced to 10 men. By the 82th minute, we were no longer the underdog, we were on path to cause a major upset…and tragedy striked…the freaking ref handed a penalty to the Italian in the dying 30 secs. Replay clearly showed it was a wrong decision and the rest was history… Anyhow, we are still very proud of our boys and it will be one hell of a city parade when they returned. BTY I want to kill some Spanish referees right now
  25. Mowe

    1/48 Gbp

    Wow!!!! The freaking lime green is gone!!!!!! I dig the black, too. Goal!!!!!
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