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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. Ha...ha...may be, but when she start hip-hoping the tune on stage, it gets abit too rich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfmHAamNaac...ted&search= . Actually, I wonder how it will be used in the film, can't see how it fit into the film, maybe it will be used as an ending theme. Anyhow, I think Clare's version is still by far the best EVA Fly Me to the Moon. By the way, getting back to the film itself, I think Gainax will succeed in blending animation and CG where others have failed. Many CG robot animation looks too much like elaborated computer games (and I dare say the same to Macross Zero, but I love it because I am a Macross fan). I think Gainax has the tech-know-how and the animation artistry to raise animation visual to another level. There are some beautiful scenes in that trailer that would makes me cry
  2. Wow!!! The Re-build project is visually stunning and is in wide screen format. May be they should have rebuild all 26 episodes Two things I noticed: 1. The characters looks slightly different to what I remember - I could be wrong but they looked a little softer and more kiddy. 2. Hikaru Utada's "Fly Me To The Moon" sucks
  3. I am pretty sure it is out, I think I have seen them on Yahoo JP. But do you really want to get the Spec knowing the groin problem??
  4. I really would like to see WETA continue with the Real Live movie. Hopefully, they won't turn the Evas into giant lizards and not westernized the main characters (but these are big ask within the Hollywood culture)
  5. Mowe

    The Ghost pic thread

    I think alot of us were expecting that anyway. But I wish they can come up with a colour scheme that would work well with the VF-0S. To me, the grey and the blue ghost just doesn't quite work with the VF-0s.
  6. Hey, Alpha One, now that you pointed it out, I can see a very fine hair crack on that exact position (as shown on your pic) with my YF-19 (version One). I better watch out.
  7. Oh, and I forgot the neo Getter Weather Version too. I kind of like it, the original non weather scheme was a bit flat for me (l like the sparkle version better, though). Then we are told that there will be the black version of Neo Getter follow soon. Aoshima is killing us....
  8. For those whom missed out the Aoshima Shin Getter (original colour) and does not want to pay $200+ on Ebay, here is the next best thing: Weather version will be out on Sept . The only question is: which wing type will it be Source: diabolos from Robot Japan
  9. O..H... M...Y... G....O.....D......!!!!!! Did I just see what I just read..... Guts' arms and legs were pretty much dislocated into peices by the Fire Dragon but the Berserk armour twisted them back into position by bracing itself onto the muscle and bone like reinforcing steel...that is one image I didn't see it coming....ouch!!!! :o Master Miura, you are now offically my no.1 manga artist... I am on my knees
  10. Yup No.2. He is teasing us again!!! Woo...Whoo.....
  11. Arh......rh.......!!!!!!! the Apostle just turned into a Fire Dragon. Guts the savage beast VS the Master Dragon Apostle. On my god, oh my god, this is going to be one hell of a battle...more vodka...more vodka...more vodka
  12. Mowe


    You can see it coming. It is still a nice package deal, but who is brave enough to be the first batch of customer?
  13. OH MY GOD!!!! Vol.26. Guts put on the Berserk armor!!!! and he frought like Eva 001 at 400% sync. Must keep downloading...
  14. Thanks Area88, it is going to make me feel like a kid again this week end!!!!
  15. Mowe

    Next Project Iii

    But we want you to make it.... Damn, got a little too excited when I saw this thread came alive again...
  16. Does anyone remember Plawre Sanshiro? I remember seeing it as a 10 yrs kid but I don't see any sub DVD at all (even bootleg).
  17. Holy smoke!!!! Just finished reading Berserk Vol 22 where Griffin came back with his new Band of Hawk. The fight between Guts and Zodd at the hill was amazing. And then the new members of the Band of Hawk were revealed one by one. Berserk is definitely back on track after the detour to the Holy Iron Chain and that buffoon inquisitor Lord Mozgus. From now on it will be the battle between Guts and Griffin again
  18. My money is on Daltanious but I'll be happy with God Maz too.
  19. I think it makes a difference if it is a pie in YOUR face
  20. More great SOC news!!!!!!! UFO GRENDIZER Box Set will be restocked in Sept 2007!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky, I didn't dive into bidding the Grendizer with those crazy Ebay/Yahoo JP price!!!!!! And more pics of Iron Gear, but the ship mode dosen't excite me as much as the robot mode. Pic Source: Toys Kingdom
  21. I think you are a D I C K, and here comes your pie!!!!
  22. Wow, that stress mark next to the screw looks scary. Does that part cops alot pressure or because there is virtualy no plastic next to the screw??
  23. Ha...ha....Super-Deformed Valk. We have seem the semi nude Valk Girl, but this is something else...
  24. Tommy smiled because he is a good sport. Had that been a lead pipe, that idiot would be in jail by now. I find it hard to believe that some people could think it is no big deal to have a pie thrown in your face.... I don't like HG, but I find these extreme Macross/Robotech fans are more annoying.
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