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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. I feel so naughty seeing Minmay nake like that. Nice works!!!
  2. Does this interests you guys? Not sure how it will be done but it is from the same people whom brought out the Busou Shinki figures (roughly means Armor Goddess - see the smaller pic below). This could be promising.
  3. I have yet watch Gurren Lagann, but those mecha are growing on me. UN Spacy's pic shows lovely details, hope it is diecast. By the way, for those whom own Fewture Getter 1 & 2, do you find the Getter 2 has better fit than the Getter 1? A few things (e.g. the cape, the chest plate, the belly plate) tend to fall off from my Getter 1 if I don't handle it carefully. Where as with Getter 2, everthing seems to fit better and has better posability.
  4. Actually, you are right. The revoltech joints are visually problematic when used on naked skin. So far, they got around it by not using it (e.g. Revy's elbow and knees). But I am still happy with what Revy can do, so all they really need to do is change the head and cos.
  5. Oh right, Mahoro would be nice Looking at your list, I think there is a general consense that Revoltech needs a separate ecchi line
  6. Maybe it was meant to be a wink-wink joke? I love to see Revoltech of Hakufu and her gangs - just imagine all the fun with their revoltech joints.
  7. Good lord, lorn_13, you need to do a 1/48 version of the head for us!!!! Good work!!!!
  8. They belong to the Ex-Gokin line, so they better have some weight . A good tale-tell sign would be be the soon to come out Bossborot and Doublas.
  9. I like to take a closer peek at your "refence materials"...BenQ...BenQ....BenQ.... Please do what ever you feel right, we have faith in what ever you do, I just wanted to play with Miria's boobs... !!!
  10. Actually, they won't be too pricey, cheaper than the getters. I think the RRP is 25,000yen (a steal in five years time) . By the way, I heard that only 500 black getters were ever made, so I think he is still the King of Fewture
  11. Just have an idea, since we might get a spare devil wing from the weather version, may be I can give one to my Sera figure from Hellsing. I never liked her original wing. I think the Aoshima wing looks cooler on her and closer to the manga.
  12. More assault to our bank balances: Aoshima Shin Getter 1 Weather version. Looks like it comes with everything!!!!! Finally, a red Shin 1 for a normal priceā€¦. Source: diabolos from Robotjapan
  13. Actually, where does the gunpod clamped to? and does the YF-22 has any visable ammo attached to its fighter like the VF-1? It might not be anime accurate, but it would add a bit more playability to the toy... And hell yeah, Yamato can do a red 1/60 YF-22 Miria scheme
  14. The new ExGokin Mazs are definitely punk cool but they had less impact to me when compared to the Fewture Getters and the original Fewture 1901 Mazinger - I was hoping Fewture would Ex-Gokin the whole 1901 Mazinger line, since they are giving that treatment to Bossborot and Doublas. I love those 1901 design but the quality of the resin and fit are not exactly top notch. I am dying to see Joyumaru ExGokin
  15. Thks Js. So I guess conversion won't a factor between the race. I hope who ever wins, they can cut the bullsh!t with region code this time. What is frustrating with the who DVD region code bussiness is that it really didn't protected the dvds from pirate copier - but what it did do was frustrating consumers and PC user who use legit DVD software and some times, you have to folk out for expensive oversea dvds just to get that extra bit of bonus materials because your local region didn't bother to include them.
  16. Shoji Kawamori was a big fan of Michael...
  17. Quick Question (this might sound dumb but I am not exactly on the cutting edge with media technology): Is it assumed that all BR or HD-DVD players can play normal DVD? I hate to replace my DVD collection and start again....
  18. May be the shirt could be a little shorter to reveal the southern hemishere...he..he...
  19. Wooo!!! Took me 2 minutes to scrool down to the last pic. qoo_ysl, your valks display are so tidy, awsome!!!!
  20. Oosp...may be I should explain a little. This is Fate Stay Night's Saber in Revy's boobs and tatts and gun...he...he...
  21. 220mm? They are getting bigger!!!
  22. Could this means there is a possibility that Yamato is totally redesigning the VF-0 arm? Otherwise, what elses are there to be reported under this thread? Keeping finger crossed... *Just joined the queue*
  23. Seeing the pics again, I think they did really well to hide the ball joint. On the other hand, I normally find no faults with Revoltech sculpt, but with this VF-1J, there is somehting funny about the proportion of the chest and tummy, they seem a little small...I can't quit put it, but it is not the best revoltech sculpt...but I'll want one.
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