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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. I like her bottom already
  2. Battroid Mode: top of head to toe (11 inches), top of cannon to toe (17 inch) VB-6 is the biggest of them all (All Yamato Valks). We'll be happy.
  3. Welcome aboard, didn't realize you are from Australia. Sent yo a PM.
  4. Just go to your local $2 shop and get the LR44 batteries. You need 3. I got 10 batteries for $2AUD
  5. That looks sweet. May be you can try the technique here to get rid of that seam on the canopy on your next VF.
  6. I am an artist, and I do nude sculpture, would you like to be my model?
  7. May be Anno should get him to do the opening for Rebuild. This is priceless, my stomach hurts so much afterwards....
  8. Felt a little nostalgic and watched the "Come Sweet Death" sequence on EOE again, and spotted this little trivia: just before Ibuki dies, Ritsuko typed something on Ibuki's laptop. I think it reads: "I need you", how sweet… Eva still surprises me every now and then.
  9. They cost more, you are in a no win situtation...he...he...
  10. Thank you, that is my point.
  11. "Come Sweet Death" was a great choice for the end of the world scene. Even the style was tailored to suit the movie (done in a kind of Gospel fashion, sung in the happiest melody with the saddest lyrics one could possibility asked for) The Beautiful World sounds like a J-Pop tune picked out from Utada's up-coming album. I am not begging Utada's ability to sing but I am disappointed with the direction of the two themes we've heard from the trailers so far, they are just not that coherant with Eva (personal view only). Sumdumgai, just play UNSPACY's Youtube links on Post #169, that's the song.
  12. Funny you should mention the J-pop girls. Up till now, all the Eva theme songs have been performed by people whom can sing rather than their J-Pop status. They were chosen for their ability rather than their look or popularity (I would take away those silly versions of Fly Me to the Moon sung by Auska and Rei - actually I like Megumi's version of Tamashii no Rufuran alot) With the new movie, I am guessing a record deal must have been strucked between Gainax and Utada's record label, so the theme songs are limited to Utada's palette, rather than coming up with a song that is suitable for the movie.
  13. No...no...I am refering to that "Beautiful World" number in the Youtube clip, can't see how it fit into the pace of an Eva movie, and it doesn't feel like an ending theme. I can live with her Fly Me to the Moon, infact, you have to be really bad to stuff up Fly Me to the Moon.
  14. I think they were around $200 to $250 but at the time, I was focusing on Yamato's 1/48, so I thought, meh...what a big mistake. Who knows, never count out 2nd issue, and they might improve the fit better. Right now, prices are too looney to dive into one.
  15. Don't they look lke one big happy family. If anything, the Fewture super robots reminds me of a perfect picture of a liberal 21st century family: Getter 1 is your beefy bloke of the house whom likes to wear his orange underpant inside-out (like Homer Simpson does), Getter 2 is the drag queen whom looks after all the handiworks around the house with his big drills, and Getter 3 is the spoiled little fat kid...and Mazinger 1901 is the regular visiting swinging uncle whom like to dress in goth and idolise Marilyn Manson... Fewture rocks!!!!!
  16. Yeah, a remix of any of these two would complete the package for me. I just think since the first 2 movies are more like a remake than a new story, it would be more appropriate to keep the original main themes or scores. Takahashi might not look the hottest, but she can sure belt out those Eva tunes. Anyhow, just spotted this on you tube:
  17. Amen... It wouldn't be so bad if it was Rei visiting Auska at the hosiptal.... Oh...and I still think Utada and her pop tunes are spoiling EVA.
  18. How about the Bubblegumm Crisis' Night Saber Hardsuit with removable armor...
  19. Actually, was it ADV who put out the D&R and EOE? I thought it was Rei's English voice's (what was her name...) company that took over the EVA. You reckon there will be a battle for this one?
  20. Damn, it is moment like this that you wish you are a Japanese and living in Japan.... which I am not either Actually, anyone knows who is in charge of this movie and how much influences will be coming from Anno? The Japanese fans might have wanted to kill him but I think he is still the father of the Evas and we need him to make Eva quirky - please surprise me with another stunning opening scene, the masturbation scene in the hospital was a touch from the devil....
  21. Congratulate sir. As Sebastian once said, they are the absolute toy porn. Your life is now almost complete...but you know there is one more mountain to climb…go now, my young grass hopper, go and seek the allusive black getter (actually not that allusive, just freaking expensive… ), go now!!!!
  22. Oh, I think Machine Robo had been around for a very long time. I saw it when I was kid (around 10yrs), so it must have been at least 22 years old. The robot design is very kick ass and considering its age, it's design really held up well. Of course, Bandia does a great job to make it looks even nicer by focusing into those panel details and gave it a slight better body proportion.
  23. Me too, the first time I saw how an Eva move and attack, I had tinkles down my spine. But I was also very confused because the Eva-01 vs Sachiel scene were spread over a couple of episodes and they were jumping between different sequences (some were Shinji’s flash back and some were Misato’s report), it just didn’t have the fluidity and length it deserved. Lets hope we’ll see the fight in its entirety with bone crunching sound effects (and John Woo’s slow-motion choreography – the Youtube clips seems to indicated that the director had added this new dimension to the new movie)
  24. That would be alright with me - she and Eva-02 will probaly make a very big entrance with the next movie. This should actually be a good strategy, more screen time for Eva-01 - I never got enough Eva-01 action in the TV and movie.
  25. Back to SOC metal, better pics of GX-38 & 39. They are looking very good...
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