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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. As far as I know there are no sponsored tournaments any more and that's where it's popularity came from. Sure people are still playing it but without the lure of prize packs and cheap mechs that were on offer to clubs for their monthly games a lot of clubs have just dried up (at least in Aus anyway). In the last few months of last year I sold off about 400 clicky mechs on ebay so there is a market for them but they didn't sell as well as they did 2 years ago.
  2. There's your problem. If they had of used a knurled pin it would have been fine
  3. Wouldn't matter if they actually wrote on the side of the box that the shoulders were pre broken for your convenience, the Yamato Macross fan boy legion would still buy it and then complain like there was no tomorrow that the shoulders were broken
  4. What's so "high tech" about heat sealed plastic air pockets Tons of places use them and you can even buy them from packing firms.
  5. If you do a search I reckon you'll find heaps of topics covering this.
  6. As NO ONE here represents HLJ, whatever advise you get is just conjecture on their behalf. As I said contact them and join the world of satisfied HLJ customers when they give you their stock answer referring you to their FAQ of all care but no responsibility.
  7. Why are you asking here HLJ is the one you should be contacting. It doesn't matter what bush lawyer advise you get from these forums as at the end of the day the issue is between you and HLJ.
  8. If you grimace and us a bit of lube it will be over in a flash.
  9. I'm sure the script writers would make sure the capacity is just enough to make sure the current episode pans out as planned
  10. Why 2 posts? Your useless post count not high enough this month
  11. That So Ra No Wa To looks like K-On joins the Army The saviour for me is Hidamari Sketch
  12. Glasses Girl AND black lace pantsu!! Can't go wrong
  13. Never said they were the same They both have the same japanese text on the Hobby Color chart. H69 is RLM_ _ _75 & H70 is RLM_ _ _02 (can't be bothered typing the japanese text). The Bandai paint guide only uses the japanese text and not the RLM numbers. Looking at the Hobby Color chart I'd say H70 is more suited to the greenish shade shown in the 3rd lot of 3 colours in the guide & H69 is more suited to the blackish grey shown in the 4th lot of 3.
  14. Here's a list of the VF-27 Sterne colours done in the same 3 colur blocks as the paint guide. They were taken from the GSI Creos catalogue. Pretty sure they are all okay except for H69 & H70 which both have virtually the same name although one is RLM75 & the other is RLM02. VF-27 Sterne Hobby Color codes 1st 3 H43 85%, H93 10%, H90 5% & H1 (drop?) H43 80%, H49 10% & H93 10% H49 65%, H43 20%, H1 10% & H90 5% 2nd 3 H32 80% & H55 20% H77 70%, H54 30% & H1 (drop?) H68 100% 3rd 3 H26 80% & H16 20% H16 75%, H69 or H70 25% (hard to make out which one) H15 35%, H1 25%, H56 20% & H35 20% 4th 3 H53 100% H77 85% & H70 15% H15 100% 5th 3 H35 55%, H19 30%, H93 10% & H90 5% H19 75%, H90 15% & H93 10% H55 80% & H49 20% 6th 3 H39 65% & H15 35% H43 60% & H49 40% H30 45%, H93 35% & H90 20% 7th 3 H30 55%, H93 25% & H90 20% H51 60% & H1 40% H1 90% & H69 or H70 10%
  15. Why when HW Japan has it for 550Y cheaper. The first 3 are: main dark purplish colour is H43 85%, H93 10%, H90 5% & H1 (not sure of the amount, possibly a drop?), the brownish colour is H43 80%, H49 10% & H94 10% with the light purple colour: H49 65%, H43 20%, H1 10% & H90 5%
  16. We've got Kermit. Where's Miss Piggy
  17. Umm could say I told you so
  18. Don't know what you're missing. I've purchased many hard to get & long OOP resin & model kits from these boards at way below what they cost new.
  19. Can't see how you get great deals from them when they sell at retail and their normal postage costs are beefed up quite a bit. There are plenty of other places that have their normal pricing anything up to 30% off retail. The only time HLJ prices are good is when they have their free postage deals or they are trying to off load stock that doesn't sell.
  20. HW Japan have them for 6400Y but they only have Ozma in stock at the moment. Both decal sheets are included.
  21. As I don't drive a Porsche, only a porsche eater my dick is quite adequate thanks. On the toy front absolutely nothing but on the model front just over A$6K.
  22. Welcome. Stay here long enough and I'm sure we can cure you of that problem
  23. customer insert sucker
  24. Or just use usual forum form and wait until someone else does it for you
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