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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. It's been available for about a month. It's only Mercs though, not the whole series. Refer shiroikaze's posts for a link to where it's available for download and how to install without the PITA MekTek X control panel.
  2. The free release is available now
  3. They've been around for ages, it's just a new colour . It's for the 1/48 & 1/60 line up. I think it even fits the Q-Raus. They come with a bag of adaptors to suit just about all different configurations.
  4. I'm sure McDonalds has a hand in it somewhere. The Golden Arches are everywhere
  5. I think production was taken over by "The Way of The Dodo Inc"
  6. Thanks. Every time I tried that damn MekTek control panel it sh!t itself in a different way so I gave up. Hopefully this time it will work.
  7. Yeah the truth can be a bit harsh. I'm sure you'll get over it
  8. Why such an obscure insignificant aircraft I for one wouldn't cough up any cash for it and I've got at least 1 of ever model John's ever released through this site.
  9. Do a search. This has been done to death on many occasions and there are some good discussions to be read.
  10. Doesn't anyone in Hollywood have an original idea any more So I suppose we'll get to see horses drift will we
  11. I'm pretty sure Smurfs, Hobits & Muppets are on her list as well
  12. They're not pre-made, they're model kits.
  13. Just dragged out my Hase kits and the gun must have a James Bond type rotating number plate in it as the instructions and artwork for the fighters have the UN Spacy on both sides right way up when the gun is stowed and the instructions and artwork for the battroid show both sides right way up when the gun is in use
  14. Nice build One thing that I noticed although it's a bit nit picky and 99% of people you show the model to wouldn't have a clue but the UN Spacy on the gun is on the wrong up. It's supposed to be upside down when the gun is holstered (stowed) and is the right way up when used in Gerwalk/Battroid mode.
  15. It's not only Japanese
  16. While it's good to see how people tackle different problems isn't the whole idea of modelling to put the kit together yourself and not just copy how other people did it
  17. Are you watching the TV or DVD version? If you've got the DVD version then yes you will OD on pantsu & loli flesh. If you've got the TV version then there's not as much pantsu & almost no loli flesh.
  18. How about resizing your pics so they download a bit faster edit: Thanks, much easier to load.
  19. I think it's reason enough to get out the tanto & rice paper
  20. The latest Dengeki Hobby has a article on an RG 1/144 RX-78-2 (pg 66 & 67). My Japanese is not good enough to understand the article, so does anyone know what a RG (Real Grade I suppose) is?
  21. So let the merciless exploitation of the Macross modeller begin in 1/48 scale
  22. Don't know about you but I thought it was bloody awful The new OP is woeful (ED is OK) and the laughs were few and far between. Let's hope it picks up over the next few episodes. I saw somewhere that it could be 24 or so episodes so hopefully the only way is up
  23. I'm standing up, at attention even I'll have 2 please. Any chance of a Misa figure along with the death scene extra pilot?
  24. It would also save on ammo as the opposing pilot would probably bust a side laughing so much and crash when the valk turned into a chicken in front of him.
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