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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. Testor's Dullcote works just fine. Vallejo's matt finish in their air brush line works well too (it can be brushed on as well).
  2. Must have been designed by the military
  3. If it's a thermoset plastic then you're pretty well stuffed. Epoxy & super glue are a waste of time and you'll only end up with a big mess. You could try ether. It acts a solvent for some of the more tougher plastics but be careful using it.
  4. If you use an ink wash it always pays to put something in the water to break the surface tension. A few drops of detergent or better still the stuff used in dishwashers to stop streaking. It allows the wash to flow and not ball up on the surface. 1:4 is probably a bit strong. You'd be surprised at how little ink you need to do the job. Just start with an old paint pot with water and add a few drops of ink at a time.
  5. Thanks.
  6. I've just aquired a 1/60 Super Ostrich and I've noticed in other threads that the 1/48 decals have a reputation of coming off after a while. Can anyone tell me if the 1/60 decals are in the same boat and should I leave them and get some of the better sets advertised in the forum. Thanks thegunny
  7. And Misa was zipping up her top when she came out of the room to stand next to Hikaru when Macross arrived back on earth in DRYL as well.
  8. Brake fluid for plastics (non silicone type). Acetone (nail polish remover will do) or oven cleaner for metals.
  9. If the funds were available I'd rather see the story finished properly than remade. As was pointed out, how many ways can you kill Roy. There are so many stories to tie up and progress with that remaking the series IMHO doesn't make any sense. I've only just discovered the intricacies of Macross (too busy being a macho jock in my younger days) and I would love to see a bit more effort put into closing the story.
  10. Most of thier stuff is pretty poor pirate copies.
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