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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. The moisture trap / regulator is screwed directly to the compressor outlet in the picture. Where else do you think it's going to be It is not on the end of the gun as you seem to think, it's just the way they've lent the gun against the compressor to take the picture. The air line from the compressor connects to the gun at the mid point of the gun.
  2. Er where do you think the water trap should be The regulator/water trap has to be where it is to do it's job. Both those kits look pretty cheap and nasty to me. You only get what you pay for when it comes to good airbrush set ups. Delta make some good airbrushes, they are all metal and parts are easy to come by (well at least where I am they are). Badger & Paasche are also good brands.
  3. I got one about a year ago. Nice kit but DEFINITELY NOT worth the money They are not rare as he has sold quite a few of them and has had them up on ebay quite often.
  4. You've got a choice from: 54 Aerodyne dropships weighing between 400 to 17,400 tons 59 Spheroid dropships weighing between 1900 to 100,000 tons 25 Jumpships weighing between 50,000 to 500,000 tons 74 Warships weighing between 6100 to 2,500,000 tons To give you an idea of what each class does, the heavier warships have both normal ground type weapons as well as long range extremely powerful space weapons and usually carry some amount of dropships and aerospace fighters. The jumpships are usually not intended for prolonged combat and are more transport oriented. The spheroid dropships are fairly heavily armed with ground type weapons, with some even carrying aerospace fighters and can carryout engagements in space but are not manouvereable enough to do much in the atmosphere. The aerodyne dropships are fairly small but usually well armed and perform a similar role to the spheroid dropships except that they can perform manouvers in the atmosphere similar to an aerospace fighter. I suggest that you check out Chaosmarch Under Technical Readouts in the left hand menu just select either Inner Sphere, Clans of Kerensky or Star League then select Ships. If you spot any ship you like let me know and I'll send you a copy of it's specs and history.
  5. Had pics turned off so didn't see them Like I said I can help you out if want to use any of their designs.
  6. What about Southern Cross? It had a fair selection of capital ships didn't it If you're just looking for ship designs then why not check out Battletech (CBT). It has a huge line up of ships from tiny dropships to massive battlecruisers. Be happy to help you out with details if any CBT ships take your fancy.
  7. They've been up for ages Pity the Patlabors look the same as in the first set as does the command car but the mechanics and Noa ready for some more polishing action look okay. No secret figure this time. Pity as a gantry would go nicely with the mechanic figure but you never know I suppose they have to keep something back to get us suckrs to buy the next series
  8. And hence a post count of over 1000 in around 4 months
  9. Maybe they only comment when they've got something useful to say
  10. If he sets the ambulance chasers onto to you and they spell as badly as he does I don't think you've got too many problems and besides I got my kits from the elves at the bottom of the garden
  11. Okay I'll be a sheep as long as I get to play with Mary
  12. Spoken like someone who's been there and done that
  13. As I'm not a New Zealander I'm not into sheep or sheep dogs but I can put you in contact with someone who will do you a good deal on gum boots and velcro gloves.
  14. Um wouldn't that have something to do with the script
  15. Got it. Thanks.
  16. Never happened to me and I've been using brake fluid to strip various types of plastic for years. You just have to make sure you use every day plain old brake fluid. Some of the more high performance brake fluids may have additives that could effect some types of plastic but they are expensive and you are wasting your money because you only want it to strip paint not stop you from 200mph
  17. Where be this "Enable email notification of replies" box All I've got at the bottom of the reply page in the Post Options is two tick boxes with; Enable emoticons? Enable signature? Then a line of text under the tick boxes which says: "You are currently receiving email notification of replies" but nowhere to turn it off. Then below that is the Post Icons section.
  18. Okay now that the emails are up and working how do you stop auto topic subcription? You can delete the topic subscription via your control panel but as soon as you post in the topic again it goes back in the topic subscription list
  19. That statement pretty much proves you haven't got a clue I'm pretty sure all the crews that flew in the cold war would feel honoured that you think so highly of their dull safe lives.
  20. Who watches too many Chuck Norris movies
  21. Um the one they told me to fly You don't get to pick and choose in the military. I can just picture it; Pilot: Morning Chief, what's on the lot today? You got one that matches the colour of my eyes? Chief: See that one over there with the pointy nose and black tyres? That's yours you over inflated gas bag! You fly what Uncle UN Spacey tells you to fly!
  22. After having spent 1/2 my life in the military I'd say I'd have to say I'd choose hanging out on the corner next to the school perving on all the up & coming Minmays will do me fine Gung Ho is for those that don't know any better
  23. The other poll gets shut down so it's poll by stealth now
  24. Why would Yamato do this @ 50% discount when they know there are enough suckers who will pay full price anyway
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