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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. Don't let it worry you. I'm the same but in the end it all turns out. I've had an EZ8 Gundam sitting on my desk waiting for final paint for about 5 weeks and I've just got around to finishing it. I'll assemble a whole heap then all of a sudden I'll get the painting bug (which doesn't happen too often as I love the assembly part but loathe the painting part which is strange as I'm a pretty good painter ) and finish a whole heap. The problem then is I have to find somewhere to display them
  2. I thought this was a news thread and not a speculation thread Isn't there an unfounded rumour/speculation thread somewhere else??
  3. Here's the latest Frontier articles from the August editions of Hobby Japan, Dengeki Hobby & Model Graphix. Hobby Japan Dengeki Hobby Model Graphix
  4. Here's the latest Frontier article from Figure Oh issue 125.
  5. Why don't you get your facts straight FASA did not lift the concept as you incorrectly put it, Jordan Weisman licensed the designs from the various companies in Japan who owned them. It was only when Playmates US started making their toys based on those designs and it all slipped down into the hands of the grubby ambulance chasing lawyers and the rediculous US copyright system that things got messy. BTW FASA won the court action but due to being shafted by some dodgy rulings decided to pull the designs as they didn't want to go through any more court cases.
  6. Hey not everyone's down. Zettai Karen Children was up
  7. Ah a multi choice question. I choose all of the above. It's hard to put my finger on exactly what's wrong. All I know is that I just don't like them and they'll more than likely end up chucked in the back of the cupboard when I need some more room.
  8. Good to hear you like yours. I just feel that once again Yamato has snuck up behind in the shower just as I've dropped the soap When will I ever learn
  9. Got mine today and I'm not that impressed with them The gerwalk VA-3 is missing one very important item. A big red nose . That way the clown look would be complete . Just glad they didn't cost too much.
  10. I've watched offerings from them all and apart from a few clangers here and there I think they've all done a pretty good job A damn site better than I'd ever hope to achieve in the time frame they do it in. Good work and keep up the effort, it is appreciated (well at least by me anyway ) and as a struggling student of Japanese it is interesting to see how different people translate things, especially a subject I'm interested in (beats the poo out of boring old text books).
  11. Geez don't want much for nothing do ya
  12. Our very own valk009 has released some excellent VF-4 recast kits (got a cupboard full myself ) so you might try him as he also has an amazing stash of other goodies that he lets go every now and again if the price is right .
  13. Here's the latest MacF pages from Figure Oh #124. Not much new stuff by the look.
  14. Unfortunately in this politically correct world you don't get comedy like that any more But then there are the DVD's
  15. On colour page 1 Sheryl's hand looks like the rubber hands Kenny Everett used to wear when he did the Brotherly Love segment.
  16. That's what the smily faces are for
  17. Greatfull little buggar aren't you
  18. The Hasegawa instructions give you the blend ratio's to get the right colours. They use Gunze Sangyo colour numbers but it's easy enough to get comparison charts to other brands or just use Gunze Sangyo. I use Gunze as well as Tamiya & Vallejo. Tamiya are not big on comparison charts but Vallejo have quite a large on-line reference section & this site although a little out of date has got mountains of info. Colour Charts
  19. No need to get narky pal. You are constantly bagging Dullcote. Let it go. We all know you don't like it so leave it at that. Every time anyone says anything about Dullcote up you pop and start the crusade all over again. It works for me and it works for others. Accept it and move on
  20. Here's some adverts & articles from the July issues of Hobby Japan, Dengeki Hobby & Model Graphix. From Hobby Japan From Dengeki Hobby From Model Graphix
  21. The Dullcote in the can is more than likely different to the Dullcote in the bottle. This is often the case with model paints. Just about all the models I've used it on are white or shades of light grey and they are still white or shades of light grey with the decals looking as good as ever (method maybe ). It's obvious you're on a bit of a crusade to bag Dullcote which is fine but you've made your point once so let misterryno make up his mind without constantly reflogging the same "Dullcote yellows" dead horse.
  22. I'll throw my 2 bobs worth in and state catagorically that I (with I being the operative word) have NEVER had any yellowing with testors Dullcote and I've been using it for well over 20 years. I thin it approx 50/50 with high grade acrylic laquer thinners (not GP thinners) and airbrush it at around 20psi.
  23. Yep it must pretty awful to be able to survive basically unaltered for 25 years If anyone is interested in what really happened with the original designs (instead of just making up stories that sound good) PM me and I'll send you a copy of an explanation that is in the opening pages of Project Pheonix.
  24. Seeing that it is red, by using a bit of aussie slang it's the VF-27 Bluey
  25. That's the one but there is another set of pics at the top of a page that show a 1/10 VR-052F that looks way better than the CM's. It's only shown in grey unpainted.
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