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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. With a mop & bucket
  2. So you're not boosting your post count it's just a useless post
  3. Are you for real or is this just another useless thread to get the post count up
  4. Absolutely! Just look at the attempt to dub Riding in your (my?) Valkyrie from Mac II. Barf!
  5. On that note, just eat a heap of corn the night before and let nature do the rest. By morning you'll be able to produce an s bend full of zentradi ships
  6. It takes about as long as the script writers want it to take. Go get some sunlight you lot
  7. Why thanks. Here's the rest The racks come this mob: Miniature Scenery
  8. I'd say a bloody great mess But as KC says "That's the way I like it".
  9. 1/60 = 17 1/48 = 3
  10. I didn't think pencil boards were that tough
  11. Gee looks as if you know more about this than the people involved Get a copy the Phoenix Upgrades Record Sheets and you'll get an account of the whole story from the people who were ACTUALLY involved in the whole saga.
  12. Okay you win it's a pencil board. Who am I to argue with a Macross World specific section, especially when it's on pencil boards Happy now Just wondering if you got out much
  13. Whatever It's still a card poster to me
  14. Thanks for the comments All I need now is a Blue Ray player so I can watch it
  15. Here's some scans of the bits and pieces that came with my 1st Release (mine came from cdJapan, not sure if the contents differ from store to store). Card poster front Back of poster Nyan Nyan sticker sheet & Back Stage Pass Booklet cover pgs 2 & 3 pgs 4 & 5 pgs 6 & 7 pgs 8 & 9 pgs10 & 11 pgs 12 & 13 pgs 14 & 15 Frontier goodies advertising
  16. Might as well put Sheryl in there as well as most of the ones listed are only handbag swingers anyway
  17. So because Roy has more combat experience than all the others put together, is argueably the best pilot that ever strapped on a Valk and has the ego to match, he's not a hero pilot
  18. Missed this bit B4. I'm currently attempting to learn it, so this could be viewed as homework
  19. 1st release has a pile of goodies with it
  20. I reckon the Aussie in the From: sort of gives that away
  21. I'll be taking a whole heap of different types of DVDs in as some of the blue ray players don't handle DivX, some don't to Avi etc, so I'm taking a DVD of every type of format that you're likely to come across except mkv (as I'm pretty sure no DVD player can handle them and besides I can convert them easily enough). Hopefully that will be no later than the end of next week.
  22. According to the all knowledgable Harvey Norman people in my local store most of the latest crop of players released in the last few weeks here in Aus are region free. The new Panasonic player has a sticker on the box saying it has been opened to be functionally checked or words to that effect and in the past that has meant they doctor them to be region free after they arrive in Aus. Im waiting for my 1st Ed Blue Ray Frontier DVD to arrive from Japan (was sent a few days ago) and then take it to the store and prove it one way or the other.
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