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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. Oh dear sorry to have an opinion that differs from yours I'll know better next time. Although I don't have a command of the Japanese language that you seem to thing you have your assumption is wrong.
  2. Here's my stocking stuffer Hope you all have a good one.
  3. Sorry to disagree with you but I reckon they are I like the way they are not manipulated to please US tastes and are for the most case a true translation of what was said (note I said for the most case as some are a bit FUBAR).
  4. Bit Torrent absolutely. The odds of those shows being picked up by a US distributor are going to pretty slim and then you'll have to wait for them to dubbed so if you want to see them within the next 2 years Bit Torrent is the only way. Besides fansubs are usually 99% better than studio subs and a million% better than dubs any day (US dubs suck).
  5. Gomennasai if this has been covered but I did a quick search and nothing showed up. The latest Figure Oh (130) has a pretty good article on Macross past & present. Part 1
  6. It doesn't matter how you dress up the description they are still pirates. Bandai Visual is the official distributer and I bet you won't see their name on the case. As they are releasing the entire series they can only be copies of TV episodes as all the DVD episodes haven't been released yet and won't be until well into next year and as such why pay for them when they are available for download without much effort and it's quite easy to put them on DVD if you don't want to sit in front of your PC to watch them.
  7. I don't consider the fan subs of the FREE to air TV show as pirates since it just a recording of the FREE to air show with some helpful sub-titles added. Surely you record TV shows you can't watch when they originally air, so what's the difference. Where I draw the line is when people start charging for these usually by doctoring the subs to remove the fan-subbers references and passing them off as legitimate releases or when they do copy the legitimate DVD/Blue-Ray releases. I consider that pirating and won't download them and I will usually buy the DVD's if I liked the show. One thing to remember with this Frontier set is that the legitimate DVD/Blue-Ray releases are only up to Vol 4 (ep 8 - 10) with Vol 5 (ep 11 - 13) not out until 19 Dec & Vol 6 ( ep 14 - 16) not out until 23 Jan next year, so this KA set is just a copy of the FREE to air TV series with no extras included. So why pay for it And yes I have been buying the legitimate Blue-Ray releases
  8. Why pay for pirated rubbish. If they are the usual chinese crap the sub titles will be gibberish for the most part.
  9. Got both kits today. Apart from the cannon or machine gun sprues the kits are identical except for the colour of the motoslave sprues. The machine gun motoslave sprues are orange & the cannon motoslave sprues are red. Here's the conversion process. It certainly looks a lot less complicated than the crappy Yamato motoslaves.
  10. Finally finished Idolmaster Xenoglossia. A bit of a slog but it did improve as the series ground on. One thing that I found unusual was that one of the characters, R.I.F.F.A had a tatto on her arm. Apart from Revy in Black Lagoon I can't say I've ever noticed any other characters with tats. Moved on to and finished the whole Stratos 4 series over the past few days. Not bad, nothing really stood out, just a good show with some good characters and a bit of fun. The maintenance chief continually rabbiting on about his lost love got bit second hand pretty quick though. Just started on Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu. Can't understand how Haruka got knocked out the Sai-Moe contest so early, she's a mega moe but at least she lost to the right moe's Tsukasa & Kagami
  11. I'd be in for around 10 ea of the TV atmo & space pilots as well as at least 5 destroid pilots and hopefully Misa in a space suit to go with my Cat's Eye.
  12. You could try Martian Sucessor Nadesico (a bit of both I think) Gunparade March (realistic) The first story line of Gunparade Orchestra (realistic) Sakura Wars for a bit of steam/spirit power mecha (old world realistic) Skygirls for a bit of loli mecha (not sure how you'd class them) Full Metal Panic (mostly realistic) and of course as mentioned Patlabor (definately realistic)
  13. I put my 2 bobs worth in for MacII & episodes of the one & only original Macross. Zero is a dead loss for me, DYRL is okay but it's NOT the original, Plus sucks but I could probably put up with a few later episodes of M7 (if a gun was held to my head ), damn the choice is limited being an original purist. Not sure if I can make it at this point but I'm sure the Harley (or Monaro if its raining) will make it if the dates are right unless of course RT gets too much head room then it's a definate no show for poor old purist me
  14. Just finished Gunparade March & Gunparade Orchestra, again (I've almost watched these as many times as Macross) Satomi just gets better and better and you just gotta luv red earings & Nonomi
  15. Ah but they never ate ice cream in the square like they did in Gunslinger Girl.
  16. Would be nice if we could Can we They spoke tree and birdy num-num didn't they
  17. Sorry to disapoint you pal, I'm no fan boy and it still sucks
  18. Watching: Penguin Mesume Heart Zettai Karen Children Strike Witches Gunslinger Girl Il Teatrino Hidamari Sketch x365 Trying to finish Idolmaster Xenoglossia but it's just not doing it for me but once I start I always finish. Queing: Kannagi Kemeko DX Kyo No Go No Ni To Aru Majutusu no Index Toradora Tytania Oh yeah just finished watching some crap called Frontier. Anyone seen of it?
  19. A load of tree hugging rubbish
  20. Totally OT Madman only sell licensed dubbed & subbed so I'd say it will be a while before they have it
  21. As said they are only worth what people are willing to pay at the time. I picked up 2 Misa swimsuit figures of ebay (1 last year and 1 earlier this year), one cost me more in postage (figure cost $10) and the other was around $25. Both were new un-opened. Obviously no-one wanted them when I did. You need to be lucky enough to find private sellers as the rip off ebay shops from asian areas such as Singapore & Hong Kong will rob you blind.
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