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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. If you're lucky you might be able to score the demo after all the smoke settles. I scored a Spartan & a Defender demo from John just recently with most of the hard work already done.
  2. How many times does this question have to be asked? Can't a sticky be made in the noob thread telling everyone that an official sub or dub is coming with the next ice age or better still do a search and stop being lazy
  3. Doh! My bad, didn't notice what section it was in
  4. Don't know about you but the last time I checked my atomic digital wrist watch the laws of relativity didn't really seem that important and Mikura is still hot no matter what laws are in place.
  5. I watched the DB L-E version and apart from a few grammatical errors it seemed alright to me. It played and looked okay on my PC and I converted it to DivX and watched it on my 52" plasma and it looked okay on that as well.
  6. And this what to do with macross exactly
  7. But it wasn't an ordinary digital watch. It was an atomic digital watch which makes her even hotter than she already is
  8. I watch SDF TV series & MacII fairly regularly. Never managed to finish Mac7 (although I should) I've watched Plus & Zero a few times and still don't get what all the fuss is about so they will more than likely never get another airing. Watched Frontier once and that was enough for me I flip through my collection of Macross related books quite often and always mark out any Macross articles in the japanese mags I get so I can refer back to them as needed.
  9. Who died and made you a mod
  10. The cost of an extra room on the house shouldn't faze a serious modeller
  11. As much as I'd like 2 (one for Macross & one for Battletech), seeing as you're only going to do 20 I'll just take one please. On the off chance you don't get to 20 then I'll definitely take 2.
  12. Just work out were you want the head positioned, drill a small hole the size of paper clip through the head and body, insert a length of paper clip and glue it in place and be more careful next time
  13. Can tell you've been a law enforcement arms seller, you're Glock washed I've used and been involved in testing many firearms in my checkered career and been competitive in IPSC at an national level for longer than I care to remember (mainly standard, race is for those that can't shoot ) and good old Mr Browning's children will do me any day If I had to have a 9 it'd be either a Hi-power or a CZ75. I'm sure the zombies would appreciate being shot by a classy weapon instead a piece of tupperware
  14. And all that crap you listed isn't Learn to shoot & reload quickly and a 10mm Para Ordnance is all you'll ever need. One thing to remember that you'll have to use sub-sonic ammo with the 9's if you want the suppressor to work (which reduces their zombie wacking power) and for the suppressor to work properly you have a pistol with a locked breech (which gives you a single shot, once again not the ideal zombie horde wacker) or a delayed blow back action. Just go full loud which the 10mm does quite nicely
  15. That's some pretty out there designs they've got. The last one's rear suspension looks a bit like something Ducati tried a while back. Wonder if they come with a supply of pile cream By the looks of those seats one ride to the shops and you'll feel like you've been the star attraction at the Blue Oyster Bar
  16. Virago's are nice but you really need to get a bigger one (750? not sure, haven't kept up with them) to cure the Shetland pony look, as the 250 is really only a learners or around town bike. Hmm, it would appear that MW bikers are a shy lot. Maybe they don't want their macho image tainted by being linked with anime & transforming toy planes
  17. Annie's got your gun Hmm, reverse cowgirl
  18. We've got a car thread but I've never seen a bike thread. I'll take ten lashes with a stirred up frilled neck lizard if I'm wrong so I'll get the ball rolling. Here's a few shots of my collection. 1st off my Bonneville. Absolute joy to ride. The best bike in the stable . Custom plate to top it off. Next is the Harley that's not really a Harley (at least that's what the purists say) a V-Rod Night Rod. This one has the brakes to match the go, Brembo as opposed to Harley. Can give a lot of jap bikes a scare in a straight line but don't throw too many tight corners at it although I did manage to wear out the Dunlop logos on the outside edge of the last rear tyre. Another custom plate Next is a Harley (real one this time) 07 Dyna FXD. An absolute pig of a bike . Hated every km I put on it. It's a 300kg slug that handles like an aircraft carrier. I had a Dyna when they first came out 20+ years ago and I wish I'd never gotten rid of it, so much for progress. The Dyna just recently made way for a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 custom. I wanted a soft tail chopper looking bike but I didn't want another Harley. Had enough of American iron, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. Haven't had this very long and it definately needs a decent run in period but it is getting better every time I ride it. Don't have a custom plate for this one yet but the nerd in me is thinking something along the lines of SPOCK 3 I'm sure there are a few more bikers on the site so lets see your pride & joy.
  19. Just finished Rocket Girls last night. Nice little throw away 12 episode show. Pretty reasonable artwork and voice acting. Picked up some interesting tid bits on the Apollo 11 mission. The world would be doomed to destruction if it wasn't for teenage Japanese girls About to wade into Tytania. I've got the ANBU version. I hope they have some good translators as I heard it uses some pretty old & formal japanese.
  20. Chicken Little reporting for duty
  21. This is what I hate
  22. Can't resist Gentle rubbing may help firm things up
  23. The theme song is Virgins High and besides it makes a change from the giant jiggling jugs that well, jiggle
  24. I'd be all over a Macross series without Kawamori involvement A change is as good as a holiday.
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