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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Thanks for the info. I guess Tommy didn't even suggest that they almost didn't get the old voice actors right? Based on what I heard he ended up doing something that pissed off several of the voice actors and they walked out or wouldn't do the movie. It was someone else that got them to come back and do the movie.
  2. Ah I see. Backlash, well it's always been there just that more and more people are feed up with their poo.
  3. Wasn't HG or RT.com suppose to make some big announcement? Did they do it already or has the date not come yet? Just wondering.
  4. I always wished the "Year of Hell" episodes were longer. I think that's when the show started getting darker. That was really good.
  5. Trials and Tribble-ations was a great episode. I love how they edited the DS9 and TOS footage together the way they did. At first I though it was just going to be different scenes together but they made everyone appear together as if was all filmed together. From Worf, O'Brian, the Doc and Odo taking part in the brawl along side the TOS cast tight up to the end where Sisko got a chance to talk with Kirk and liked how not even the people interviewing him could fault him for doing that. That just reminded me how legendary Kirk in starfleet was.
  6. I just wasn't feeling this. I checked it out against my better judgement and I think part of what made the whole thing seem off as that it was in this large arena while ECW was held in smaller places. That's what was part of the draw I think. How intense the crow was, either them being positive or negative. I didn't get that from last nights show. Take the playbacks from ECW: One Night Stand or whatever it was called that they showed and compared them to last nights show. There is a major difference due to the location itself and the larger arena takes away from it I think. It works for WWE I think. Even WcW and TNA have somewhat smaller locations and it works for them.
  7. I'm not sure I'd say strongest. It most certainly has the largest and highest profile musical score. Strongest in terms of emotion invoked as result of the music and how it's used, I'd say that Turn A Gundam is actually the strongest. Music in Turn A Gundam really made certain scenes throughout the series and they just wouldn't have been the same without that music. The SEED series had one or two moments as well like Freedom's appearing at Alaska, Kira vs. Rau, "Break the World", Destory Gundam unleashed and Kira vs. Rey over Orb. Still Turn A Gundam actually made me tear up at moments due to how it's music was used. Musice just resulted in a stronger impact in that series. SEED's music is still very good, not saying it isn't. I love listening to the the songs, more so then Destiny's actual series mind you. Several other series had pretty good musical soundtracks.
  8. Released in Japan? At the rate things are going I question if it will be out in the US? Though by the time it is, I wouldn't be surprised if most people, RT fans don't really care after all this time and will get it whenever.
  9. Haven't been paying attention to Marcoss or anything related to it for a while but wonder, has BW done anything or been apart of anything lately? Save Macross Zero of course. Has anything Macross related been hinted at or talked about possibly happening?
  10. Still think that HG didn't research their customer based very well. Yes most of the Robotech fans will be adults but lets get real here, only the really hardcore are going to spend that kind of money for a "Toy". Even among that once people have one or two they are going to stop. I still think HG would have been better off having Toynami make one version and included stickers in all colors(character themes) and they would have sold better or have certain pieces be add ons with each part being several pieces that each are a character theme as to let people have whichever version they want. Far to late now though. Anyone know when Toynami's license runs out? Will be interesting if they decide no to renew it.
  11. Actually that isn't Stark's position at all from what I recall. In fact he doesn't want the SRA. He thinks it's a bad idea and it's part of why he didn't seek to have the Avengers team to be supported by the government but keeping it independent. What he does want and wanted is a superhero alliance of sorts but no on the terms the government wants. The New Avengers: Illumnati special made this clear I believe in that he knows full well that superhero registration act is going to pass. Even though he doesn't want to. That's what the whole thing in Spider-man: Road to Civil War (Mr. Parker goes to Washtington arc) was about. Him as Tony Stark trying to talk the senators out of it but as Iron Man setting Peter/Spidey up to fight someone as a way to show how superheros are needed and that the SRA is wrong. He just feels that since it's going to pass no matter what it's best to support it while it's fresh in hopes of having some control over it so things dont' get out of hand. For example, someone like Shield's Agent Hill is a clear example of how things can get out of hand. That situation with Captain America is the type of thing Tony wants to avoid. He used the Younger Avengers, Runaways, and Spider-man as example of what could happen. Which is why it might have looked somewhat disturbing that he told the President at the even of Civil War #1 that he'd handle Captain America, along side Mr. Fantastic and Ant Man. I think it isn't going to come to blows which is what it might look like. Tony always seemed to be about being in control and doing things on his terms. I get the feeling it's going to be actions similar to Hill's that is going to cause this whole situation to get to the point where both sides will end up end up bloody. Her actions in Civil War #1 and even in New Avengers #19 just point to that for me. Even going as far back as the New Avengers: Breakout, the first arc where Shield blasted that entire Shield group mining operation, with the New Avengers at ground zero, which really looked like them (Shield) trying to cover the whole operation up.
  12. It was mentioned that the Boxey kid was dropped for a number of reasons. He originally was to be Boomer's "sidekick" and there was going be a family type dynamic with Tyrol and Sharon but then they decided that Sharon would be a Cylon at the end of the mini so he was just to be a "in the background" kind of kid but his scenes from the first season mostly got deleted. You can see them on the DVD set...they are ok but they just seem out of place in the context of where they decided to go. More importantly, while they liked the actor, he by his very nature of growing up from being young looking in the mini series and season one changed as they went into season 2 and since the events from the mini and to present day season 2 only take place over the course of 9 months, and the actual actor as a kid aging nearly 3 years from the mini, they just couldn't justify how this kid they picked up suddenly grew and looked older faster than he should be. 376991[/snapback] Ah I see. Well they could have made him a cylon instead. Would have made an interesting spin and explained him growing older. They are so set on killing cylons, what happens when they encounter a child cylon, who they've grown attached to. While an adult they can force themselves away could they do the same with a child (not knowing he's a cylon, what about the public). That is if they were thinking that far ahead.
  13. Actually I think House of M is over, they are more dealing with the fallout of it then anything else now. That seems more limited to X-men titles though, especailly the New X-men, Son of M, and Astonishing X-men titles. While titles like FF4, Spidy, New Avengers, and a few others are leading into the Civil War event since they are suppose to be directly related to it. Those that aren't might feel the effects after it's over I think. At least judging by the House of M fallout that might be the case.
  14. Wouldn't this actually increase the piracy? You know, like everything else digital that's ever been released? 378829[/snapback] I mean try to do it in a way to lessen it. Should have worded that better. Though you right it might not work.
  15. I'm still waiting for the day when they'll just stop with the issue a month nonsense and just release TPBs. Not even full arcs but parts of a story as TPBs. I think the waiting is kind of a turn off, having to get an issue each month to read for only a few minutes. Better yet, find a way to do it digital to less the priacy instead of people having to find a comic shop (which seem to be going down in number from what I've heard).
  16. I've recently been reading New Avengers and Amazing Spider-man along with Astonishing X-men and I have to say I'm really looking forward to Civil War. True there is a good chance this could go to crap but on the other hand I like that Marvel does these things since it does change things and makes the universe interesting. No matter how the actual series turns out the fallout of this series should keep things interesting since a good numberof series and a lot of characters will be tied into it. With Spiderman caught on either side of Iron Man and Captain America. What's interesting is that the Young Avengers seem like they might get a focus in #2 of the Civil War series. THe different covers that have come out for that issue I think seem to have them on the cover
  17. How big of a file is it?
  18. Sound be very interesting to see what this new OVA is like, especailly if the main character seems to be a natural. It being set directly after "Break the World" should make for a very intense style of battles. Hatred for Coordinators are or should have been at an all time high and with the main pilot seeming to be a natural, things had better be directed toward this. Makes me wonder if we'll see Neo (pre-return to Mwu fart up) and the other 3 Extended. Hmm is it me or does saying "extended" sound lame compared to calling the other three from GS "druggies"? As for the OVA of SEED Destiny. I'm actually looking forward to this to be honest. Reason being is that I don't care at all for Kira (liked him in SEED pre-Freedom but hated during Destiny) and Lacus(never for her). From Athurn's point of view is good. Like it should have been from the very beginning before Kira was reintroduced. If this has new animation, perhaps they can change the ending so the series isn't a complete horrible mess.
  19. Why did the drop the Boxy character? Just no where to use him or didn't want any kids in the show? How exactly could they have used him I wonder.
  20. Was looking forward to playing this but my PS2 has been shot for some time now. Oh well.
  21. I thought that was suppose to have been Flash. At least that was clear to me.
  22. Which reminds me, was this ever fansubbed?
  23. I agree, I always found that the Souther Cross/Robotech Masters part of Robotech allowed for the most freedom in terms of expanding upon the RT story due to it being incomplete. There is a gap before it and after it. Not only that but it actually open up further doors to explaind the entire Robotech Masters situation and their civiliation, same for the Zents in RT. Then there is the whole Pioneer Mission situation. Yet HG, well mainly people like Tommy want to ignore it and not be creative but rather rehash past ideas (animation and comics) instead of trying push RT in a direction that it could really be it's own show and not have to rely on it's roots and be actually original for the most part. I still havne't seen the original Southern Cross yet, money has been tight and haven't really gotten many anime products in some time I still want to check it out even if it was never finished.
  24. Don't think so. Haven't seen it for a while. It's a damn shame to since it was a really good show.
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