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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I hope people will continue to fansub it. I can't wait till Bandai decides to release it overseas. It could be next year or within two -three more years for all we know.
  2. Its good its being released. Personally I don't find it hard to follow along but I am looking forward to more of the story.
  3. I was wondering, has there ever been a VF-17 and/or(more importantly) a VF-22 toy? If so does anyone know of a store that has one for sale or would I have to check ebay or look for someone on the forum selling one?
  4. Effect

    Meeting with yamato

    To late I guess. Anyway there really needs to be some VF-22s(Max, Miriya, and Gamlin) verisons.
  5. Nice. I can't wait to download it. I have to agree, the last movie will either bring them together or break and screw with everyone's head. Not like its going to end the story since there is suppose to be a Matrix mmorpg coming out. I just hope it brings certain things to a close.
  6. Since I use Effect just about everywhere I decided to keep it. B)
  7. The new forum looks great. Great job.
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