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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I loved the first season. Rumors were that its going to be a lot more comedy based instead of the previous mix of mech action, drama, and comedy that was in the first season fo Full Metal Panic! . That doesn't really sit to well with me but since the first episode is out subbed(I think)(well the first aired episode) I'll wait till the full thing has been aired and subbed before I decided if I will spend time downloading it.
  2. As much as I'm looking forward to this game(will be picking up a boot disc to play) just because its by Sega/AM2, it doesn't mean it will be great, good, or even so so. Having such high hopes will just ruin things for you when the game doesn't live up to the high standards you've some how placed upon the game in my opinion. The game may used DYRL? designs but wasn't it said that it actually follows the SDF Macross TV storyline from beginning to finish?
  3. I know how you feel. That's at least 10 hours of movie viewing and sitting(around 3 hours each movie and extra time if it runs over 3 a bit), usually in a cold theater as well(ac is one thing but some theaters freeze you). That's not counting previews they will most likely be showing.
  4. I picked up the widescreen dvd version at walmart today for $15. I might buy the extended version as well when it comes out, it would really depend on my mood and money on me at the time I'm at the store.
  5. I saw it. I haven't watch Raw in a while to do know if that was a good episode or bad one to tell the truth. Didn't really pay that much attention to it. Maybe Kane can get his mask back on.
  6. I agree. For that amount of money the thing should be insanely detailed; also should have working lights and talk while we are at it to justify $3000 price tag. A complete waste of money in my opinion. Would much rather spend the money on other, more important things like buying $3000 worth of Yamatos, candy, getting my driveway paved, or hitting a nice strip club with my friends.
  7. I'd say plot hole. B)
  8. Effect

    Meeting with yamato

    That sucks that they have it and aren't even using it.
  9. B)
  10. Effect

    Meeting with yamato

    Does anyone have the M7 license to make toys? With the movie, ova, and enorce episodes and manga I'm surprised there aren't toys for it.
  11. I think it was said since they didn't do anything about it when it was being released they can't do anything about it now. They missed their chance. So instead they will try their best to stop all future Macross items( ) unless they get some kind of cut if they are entitled to or not, like Macross 7 Trash I believe.
  12. I for one like it but like many have said it doesn't really get good or interesting till after the first 10 or so episodes. That right there could be the real major fault with the series. The middle and ending are well worth forcing yourself to watch the beginning episodes but not everyone will agree on that. The best way to find out would be to download a few episodes or find copy of the dvds and watch them. It also helps going into it with an open mind and not a set view of what a sequel to SDF Macross should be. http://www.animeniacs.com/ is selling the entire boxset(series, movie, ova, and encore shows) for $40. (very happy with my purchase) If you have the money you might want to pick it up, if ya don't like at least you have it for your connection or could turn around and auction it off on ebay.
  13. I can't wait. While I did enjoy Federation vs. Zeon I actually enjoyed the style of Journey to Jarbaro far more. The way the story was told with animated cut scenes, the way the missions were set up, controls, the extra levels afterward were more fun then Fed vs. Zeon. Zeonic Front has a really good style and feel to it that I enjoyed. In my opinion at least. At least there is Encounters in Space.
  14. Not again. I agree to Booker T should have won the title. I haven't watched WWE in months, had no idea Shane was on tv again. Looks like I didn't miss much though.
  15. Currently they are showing FLCL, Blue Gender, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop. They are bring back Inyusha(sp?)(yay ) with new episodes Sept 1.(not really sure on the date).
  16. I have the ANBU-AonE sub versions. They are alright to me. Which version does Valk Exchange sell?
  17. I've been wondering about something over the past few weeks. Since HG only has rights to the animation of SDF Macross, if BW wanted to create a new show with the designs of SDF Macross(an Au, or something completely new), HG couldn't say anything about it if BW wanted to release it outside of Japan could they? I guess that kinda goes along with BW releasing the rest of Macross without HG getting in the way. Also another then I've been wondering about. If HG wants to make the claim that all the Macross sequels are based on the SDF Macross story(one of the reasons they could try and stop them if they don't get a cut, what I heard anyway), what is stopping BW from simply saying the macross sequels are all based on DYRL?(story and designs) Since TP had nothing to do with DYRL?(or I'm missing something) they really can't make a claim on it could they? Since they have no rights to the designs(just the animation only) any claim they could make on it infringing on RT would be mute wouldn't it since they can use the designs anyway they please? Or could the fact that DYRL was based on SDF throw that way of thinking out?
  18. Pretty much the same story here. Used to go by Hazard there. It got to the point where I stopped even thinking about the site all together. To many kids showing(don't mind young members but hate it when they act like jerks and immature brats), to much thread highjacking, and some elitism(rare but was there). It might have improved in the last year or two but haven't been there in a long time.
  19. So who is she?
  20. I don't have a clue and I like think I watch a lot of different anime.
  21. 1/60 = 1
  22. Effect

    Meeting with yamato

    Thanks Graham. B) Its times like this I really wish I could read minds, especially at great distances. <_<
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