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Everything posted by Effect

  1. That would be pretty interesting. B)
  2. I don't really mind if HG was payed off so TP could release the title in peace but a HG logo shouldn't be anywhere on M7T imo. SDF Macross is one thing since they do have the rights to that but nothing has been said about the various sequels. I'd much rather the title get pulled and translated(some reason could be made) in Japan and have retailers import it over.
  3. 2051+ gets my vote.
  4. I would go for a hour for the premiere then 30mins to 45 for normal episodes.
  5. Maybe this new series is more important and if it is a new Macross series it would be better for him to be working on that more especially if it expands the Macross Universe more and pushes the timeline further. Either that or he is becoming tired of Macross and wants to move onto something else. Just a few thoughts. B)
  6. I really hope its another Macross series, even if it isn't it still should be good(I hope). Guess we will have to wait for more information.
  7. It is pretty kiddy but it passes the time. There isn't anything on at that times so it alright when I'm reading. Nothing I'm crazy about but if it does well in the ratings maybe they will bring the original SD Gundam series over.
  8. Hmm how fast does it take for a show that airs on TV in Japan to to DVD?
  9. Same here.
  10. I went with the ANBU-AonE verison. I was looking for an r-b version since that is what I have for the 1st episode. Anyway downloading now, can't wait to watch it.
  11. I was wondering which sub copy of Macross Zero 2 is the best? The options i have are [AJ], NLA, ANBU-AonE.
  12. Good review. I actually liked it, while I don't expect it to be to serious I think I"m going to enjoy it.
  13. Yeah I agree. Just because its liscensed doesn't mean they will bring it out now, next year or the year after that.
  14. Cool. No need to worry then on that front unless Sega feels the need to be different in that area for some reason. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
  15. I'm not sure how the transformation controls were in past games but I do hope its like Battlecry(push up to go to one mode, right to another, down to another). Would make for a lot easier game play and on the fly transformations.
  16. Any word on the fansub copy or who is working on it?
  17. This game just keeps looking better and better. Man I so want this to come over or at least have a subtitle option of some kinda. Can't wait for it to be released.
  18. That is an interesting question. Does anyone know if HG or even BW was printed anywhere on the Macross II RPG or if it was just Palladium that decided to make it an addition of the Robotech RPG?
  19. That is true but like you said most companys accept it. Doesn't mean they all allow it and with the way HG is any competition is a threat in their eyes, no matter how small. It sucks what they did but they weren't completely in the wrong for doing it though, they do own all the rights to Mospeada, at least from my understanding.
  20. haha. This is just to much.
  21. Well they were well within their rights to stop it. After all they were aware of it, and the Legioss would have been sold to different people if it had been made. Reason I believe they stopped it was that John had been in talks with Toynami at the time for them to use his version for their MPC Alpha but at the same time he was trying to see who else would be interested in purchasing ones he was going to be building on his own. Basicly he was selling/taking preorders/etc (how you want to look at it) the Legioss in a business like fashion with no contract with HG to do so since they and TP have all the rights to Mospeada. Not really a good idea for him to have been doing that imo but its to late now. I think he did say he was going to finish one for himself, HG really can't do anything about that since it is for personal use, only if he tries to make more and sell them for profit.
  22. nah Jason Todd(aka the 2nd Robin) was never in any of the animated series. They always went from Dick Grayson(Robin 1) to Tim Drake(Robin 3) I don't really remember what Clayfaces real name is, I believe they said it before but never touched on it again.
  23. I was really surprised when I read #10. That was a nice twist, haven't gotten #11 yet but the Clayface thing is kinda of a let down. Was really hoping somehow it was Jason Todd. I going to pick up the first TPB of the series when I go to the bookstore again. Then if I can't find an online store that sells the comics wait for the next TPB. I wish I had got into it before.
  24. Hmm maybe this could be all DYRL?, like said it could start off the same way as SDF did and then fill in the things DYRL? didn't cover(events before the movie actually starts) and then throught the movie and then after it. That would be nice . What would be slick of them would be for them to actually include subtitles in the game(knowing that people outside of japan will most likely import the game if they can't official release it outside of Japan).
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