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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I really enjoyed Mario RPG, though I don't think I beat it for some reason. Never played its seque though. Didn't even know one was made.
  2. What type of translation errors? Do you mean they dont' translate word for word but take what the original japanese dialgoue and just reword it so it flows better but means the same thing? Something like that I don't really mind as long as its a good rewording to be honest but some peole consider this to be a translatio error. Or is it something else?
  3. Its been a while since I checked out Gundam Seed. Can anyone tell me which group has done the best job of subbing it? [AJ] or [Ani-Kraze] or [sI & Aoshi & AG]? I'm leaning towards downloading the AJ version since the files are smaller then the other two.
  4. Yep
  5. Some of them are suppose to be. Dark Forces, Jedi Knight games(not sure about Jedi Acadmey since you aren't playing as Kyle(character in Dark Forces, DF2(jedi knight), Jk:outcast) but yourself), Starfighter, Jedi Starfighter, Shadows of the Empire(N64) are suppose to be apart of the post and prequel EU. The novels refer to the events and characters several times, some of them even have novel versions themselves. Not really sure about the Rogue Squadron games. They are basicly remakes previous one(I think) I believe some of the events in them are part of the EU. Like Wedge taking over command of the squadron when Luke is shot down on Hoth, etc. The Clone Wars might also be part of the canon as well but I haven't played it yet to know its storyline, same goes with Bounty Hunter.
  6. I have to say I liked. Thought its been a while since I've watched any type of Joe but watching made all of these memories come back. I honestly went into it not expecting much but enjoyed myself. The fight scenes between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow were pretty nice. It appeared to be low budget but that didn't bother me to much. I don't remember much about Beachhead but Duke, Scarlet, and Shipwreak were my favorite Joes among a few others when I was young. I can't forget Snake Eyes. The voice actings was off that times and I didn't like the lack of vehicles or the dull landscapes but overall I liked it as I've said. A sereis would be nice or better yet another short movie like this.
  7. Oh. I didn't know that. Then again I never got a chance to finish Final Fantasy 5. Not because it wasn't good cause it really was, just haven't gotten around to playing it. I need to start over, its been a while and I don't have a clue that to do next. I don't even remember where I was.
  8. Sine they are now one company maybe we'll get more games like Chrono Trigger. I loved that game.
  9. I wouldn't mind a remake. I really enjoyed Parasite Eve. I haven't gotten a chance to play the 2nd one. As far as Squaresoft games I'd say just about all of the ones they've made. Never played Unlimited Saga though. The only other one I've had a problem with was The Bouncer. It was fun but way to short.
  10. Well not FFX type of graphics. Keep the characters the same size and everything, just make things more detailed or sharper. Have things look smoother. More detaied FMVs would be cool as well but they were the fine the way they were. Of course the music needs to stay the same.
  11. If there is any game that deserves a rerelease with a graphics update its Xenogears. I love it the way it is but I'd be happy for update graphics if only to grab the attention of new fans and those that things graphics are everything. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my favorite FF games so I'll try to get my hands on this if its just a movie. He's hoping Square-Enix has common sense to release it outside of Japan. Question. Does anyone know if Square-Enix has said that they'll include the ending of Final Fantasy X - International to FFX-2? Reason I ask is that, that ending setups up FFX-2 and I don't believe it was in the original FFX release.
  12. I agree. Episode 1 has the best choreographed saber fight. I only watch that movie now for that, the beginning with Qui-gon and the pod race.
  13. The novels for the movies I've heard were pretty good, better then the films. I still need to pick up TPM novel.I've read half of the Aotc's novel. Some of the prequels are pretty good. Cloak of Deceiption(takes place right before and leads up to TPM) is pretty good.
  14. **Might contain spoilers** The NJO has to be the worst of the Star Wars EU. Sure it has it moments but it has a LOT more bad then good. I'd really suggest the Thrawn Trilogy, Jedi Academy Trilogy along with I, Jedi, the X-wing series, and even the last Zahn Duology of novels. I wouldn't mind the NJO so much if it actually made sense. It seems to be filled with mischaracizations(sp?) when it comes to characters that have been establish since the movies and dozens of novels before the NJO. Read the back of the novels sometimes. You'll read about Luke, Han and crew yet they might show up for a chapter or two and that's it. Very misleading. I love new characters but not when perviously established ones are made to look foolish or ruined so the new characters can look better. Lets not forget the amount of violence. Sure the films had their share but not to the degree as the NJO(having kids tortured, etc). And if I have to hear about Mara and Luke getting it on one more time I'm going to break something. Lets not forget Jaina going all Dark Jedi using full dark powers and kill at will and not being punished for it once and then made a Jedi Knight soon after with a large cermony while her brother dies and Luke isn't even allowed to greive(sp) cause Mara is being a bitch(sorry Jaina Solo is an even greater bitch though, sucks that she's a main character as well). Some of the bad parts and horrible character writing comes from DelRey wanting to kill off Luke at the very beginning of the series but were told no by Lucas. So they place him in a role that was meant for someone else and it just ruins his character. Enough ranting. I can't take it anymore. NJO has kill the EU for me. For me Star Wars ends with last duology by Tim Zahn.
  15. You gotta love the back button. Put put it back up.
  16. Having Macross and Robotech coexisting isn't the problem. The problem is from my understand from listening and reading is HG claiming things or saying they won't stop things(as if they actually have a right to stop it) when it isn't clear what they actually have the rights to when it comes to sequels. We know they have the rights to SDF Macross but nothing has been said on anything else. I doubt anyone would complain if a court said HG had the rights to all of the Macross sequels. Hell even TP hasn't said that they own all things Macross. It looked like they were fine with their own franchises and could care less before the whole legal mess started. Correct me if I'm wrong. But if they really wanted Macross and RT to coexist why not create an unedited dubbed version of SDF Macross. Or create Macross toys without the RT label at the same prices of the RT items. Or create a website for SDF Macross and have it and Robotech.com have links back and forth to each other. Or attempt to bring over DYRL? or 2012 since they are the ones that are directly connected with SDF Macross. That in my opinion would really go a long way to saying that they want to Macross and RT to coexist, instead of backing a manga of a series that no one in the US other then Macross fans and even then hardcore ones have any knowledge of.
  17. Cool. I didn't know that. I really liked the throne room scenes. Some of the best in the movies. And the end with Anakin, Yoda, and Obiwan was really good as well.
  18. Its pretty much the same thing for Episode 3 but they don't list who did the screenplay.
  19. Lucas wrote all the stories. He didn't do all the directing or screeplays though. From Star Wars.com
  20. Well he can do what he wants since Star Wars does belong to him. People will buy it no matter what it seems.
  21. I have mixed feelings about that. Personally after seeing Luke and Vader fighting in ESB and even Yoda getting down in AoTC. I always feel that fight could have been a lot better and had more to it. Then again I'm not all for change it with CG. Maybe in episode 3 someone could have some sort of vision into the future and show them fighting. We don't get the see the entire thing if I"m remembering correctly. It cuts to other scenes during the beginning of their fight I think. Not sure though. But if that was the case the additional scenes could have happen then. But not actually changing the A New Hope footage.
  22. Alright. Goldberg...Goldberg....Goldberg Maybe now things might actually pick up. Overall how was the PPV?
  23. Oh dear god no. Is there no justice. That guy should have been arrested on the spot for dressing like that.
  24. Spiderman aires on MTV at 10pm and 10:30pm EST on Fridays. That sucks. They get fired for making a great series that caters to both old fans and newbies. Did they also work on Beast Machines or was it just Beast Wars? Or do just including Machines as apart of the Beast Wars name?
  25. Justice League is pretty good. Then again I've always like the DC super heroes with Batman and Superman being my favorites. I try never miss any episode, though its hard now since CN likes to be asses and move shows around so much.. You can't go wrong with Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman,etc). I'm not sure if more episodes are going be made, the past two parter(which seems to be all the time or 3 parter, I happen to like that ) featured Dark Side. I hope there is new season. It was done by Warner Bros. Animation. I don't care for Transformers Armada and neither does several people here, well a lot of people here hate it. Its filled with dialogue and animation mistakes. Not to mention horrible characterization of the characters. G1(series and movie)/Beast Wars/Machines(all three were US made series) were and are far better. Though the comic version are much better though. It was produced by Hasbro I believe. He-man has always been a favorite show of mine since I was a kid. I enjoyed the remake but I can never catch it on TV anymore, damn you CN, and I can't find it on DVD. 26 episodes were done. I hope more is planned. Not sure was responsible for this series.
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