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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I know know if this means anything but when they had the news article on Macross 7 Trash on RT.com, instead of the Macross 7 logo since Trash is directly related to that, they used the SDF Macross one instead. Also seemed by doing that as if they were trying to promote Macross 7 Trash as a sequel to SDF Macross instead of Macross 7 like it should be. We were talking about this in RT.com chat as well one night.
  2. Honestly Final Fantasy 4 is my favorite. The relationship between Kain and Cecil. Not to forget the surprise by Goblez(sp?), the game making you think characters are dead, 3 different lands that you can visit, a constantly moving story line. The game was just great. FF4 in my opinion actually has the more interested, if not straight forward story in a Final Fantasy game to date. Boss battles while simple had a certain challenge all their own. The cave where you couldn' t equip any type of metal weapon or armor unless you wanted to be paralyzed is one of the many parts that I remember.
  3. The ending of Babylon 5 is one of my favorites. Deep Space 9 had a similar ending if you compare Sisko and Sheriden. Next Generation's ending in the series was good. A complete circle with Q. The ending of Escaflowne is nice as well. The ending for DUAL! is one of my favorites as well. Not talking about the episode 14 which is a special but the way episode 13 ends. With the characters on the bridge over the street talking about who really was responsible for how the world ended up being the way it was. B)
  4. Thats called bad marketing. What they are doing is, they are waiting till 1 month before RT hits TV to start hyping it, expecting its former power to help push it in such short notice, so they expect that by the end of the week its announced, RT is in everyones mind. Unless the show is outstanding... it will only be swallowed by the wave of anime hitting the US right now. And its a pretty bad idea if you ask me.... it will be competing with Gundam SEED, its not a battle they can hope to win. <_< There aren't even character concepts, early design concepts, voice cast, the story, anything. In my opinion... it won't be out in 2004. I couldn't agree more to be honest. I have felt that way for the longest time and don't see my opinion changing anytime soon.
  5. We'll see. The direction the comics are going in has me worried about how the series will turn out. Honestly thought while I am looking forward to the new series, really not as much as before, I'm really more interested in the what the new series by SK is going to be and seeing how Macross Zero is going to end. But that's getting off topic, lets get back to the comic and the wrong coloring. Interesting this is after the comic went on sale RT.com put up a image of the cover with the correct coloring. http://www.robotech.com/gallery/galimage/v...mage.php?id=671
  6. Damn that file is big. How many episodes are suppose to be in this OVA? If I recall the first two were 7 episodes each with a special one(carnival I believe) to bridge the two and another once at the end that didn't have anything to do with the story. Could be wrong. I can't wait to see this
  7. Actually. Hasn't the Macross shows, well some of them, been release in other countries in different languages, also aren't the toys sold in different countries as well with no problems over the past few years?
  8. I didn't vote but I've actually enjoyed all of the Final Fantasy shows and movie that has been done. I don't consider myself a fanboy since I can't stand FF8, no matter how much I try and feel that FFX isn't as good as other say it is. Its a shame the movie didn't do well in the theaters but I though honestly thought it was pretty good, so did the other people I saw it in the theaters with and the people I've talked about it with. Crystals wasn't the deepest show. I did like how it was a sequel to Final Fantasy 5. I'm still watching Final Fantasy Unlimited, only up to episode 5 or 6. While not great it isn't bad either. I'd have to give the story right now a C+. Its pretty simple right now, here's hopining it picks up more. Never heard the dub of it. The dub in crystal is actually quite nice.
  9. Honestly I'm with 1st Border Red Devil on this. I liked the first mini-series but didn't care for the ending that much to be honest. Love and War borders on horrible in my opinion. While I still really like the art and the coloings, mistakes are bound to happen but this was reported ahead of time and it still wasn't changed, the story sucks. This story was told during the series, scenes from the series were done in their own way instead of how they were done in the show. When I thought they were going to explore Max and Miriya's romance I was thinking maybe it would take place during the reconstration era of the Macross Saga/SDF Macross. A part of the story where we see very little of them other then in a few key episodes. Personally that's what I would have done and dropped the Minmei story completely. It serves no purpose other then to actually ruin the length of the Max and Miriya story with its pressence. Seriously not thing new is happening here. It was nice to see Dana and Bowie at the beginning of the comics but that's where the good, in my opinion, ends as far as this series is concerned. The transition between times is choppy as well. No statements saying they are jumping ahead a few hours, hours or even days. Oh well I could care less about these comics. That seems to be clear of a lot of fans as the sales of these comics drop with every issue. They should be in the teen thousands now(18k, etc as an example). Granted I don't like the comics, I don't want to see them doing that bad but its HG and more importantly Yune's fault cause of the lackluster story telling and actually doing stories that matter and that would explain more things. Instead we get this. Macross Universe has been getting more attention from me anyway. I just like chatting there because of the friends I've made. It still upsets me that Southern Cross gets the short end of the stick. If it and New Generation were pushed as much as the Macross Saga and payed more attention it would be racking in just as much money but then it would force HG to leave Macross alone. Sorry for getting a little off topic.
  10. Very cool
  11. Its things like this that really cast a shadow of doubt on HG's claims. Anyone can see this. HG aren't going to say they are in the wrong, neither is BW. Granted we are only looking from the outside in, and there are things we don't know but it is very hard to ignore these things.
  12. The PvP thing is part of the problem. While I like PvP as much as the next person, not pking. Player vs Environment and Player vs Player work differently. Games seem to be work great on a PvE scale but when you start making changes so things balance out on PvP everything just goes in the crapper. Hmm granted a lot people dislike Everquest and others do. Me I played off and on for several years until I finally became fed up with it. The problem with Everquest I've noticed if that they constantly think of the higher level and powergamer first and the casual and lower levels as after thoughts. Notice all the exspanison. Its all content aimed at higher level players. Mean while, if you don't have a lot of time or know someone in the game, it will frustrating starting out as a newbie, especially when everyone around you is wearing equipment that was passed down from their higher level characters. Everquest may still be one top with the most people but their are a good deal of people with more then on account, more then two at times. I wonder why they removed the server count a few years. Numbers were starting to drop I think. I agree had the SWG taken place during Tales of the Jedi or the Knights of the Old Republic they wouln't be so limited in what they could do. Poo on the NJO. Or better yet they might have been better off having the SWG universe as an AU. Rewrite the story of Star Wars with the events outcoming in the way they wanted. That would make things interesting and surprise some people. The game has potential like everything else, its what you do with that, that matters. Its clear the game was rushed, it seems what they really care about and know what's going to bring the money in, Everquest 2. Star Wars be damned. SWG just might be a test run for the ideas they are going to try in EQ2. I wouldn't be surprised if that was held back till they were sure it was ready.
  13. Speaking of Star Wars. Does anyone know how many disc Jedi Academy comes on?
  14. Last time I checked the Superboy that is around now, that has his one series is the one from when Superman died fighting Doomsday. Unless they did another restart of the continuity it should be him. Not sure about the Teen Titans version though. I don't really follow comics all the much. DC has been doing a few AU stories/series I believe. That fact that stories jump around between the different titles really makes it hard to follow things. Pretty much the reason I don't care for reading DC titles that much or comics in general.
  15. What do you expect. Its from the same group, division that created Everquest aka Neverquest. While it might not have been done by the same exact people they same thought process is there. Very slow advancement, make money impossible to get, screw over certain classes in favor for others, no real purpose to the game(no real goal to reach for unlike AO, DAoC, UXO(soon to be released next year). After all the stories I've heard I'm glad I stayed away from this game. I was going to give it a chance but I might wait a few more months still, by then the price for the game would have dropped and a lot of bugs would have been worked out. I last heard that this game should never have been released when it did, that the first month was basicly still beta. Granted it wasn't as bad as Anarchy Online when that was release. Horrible but not its one of the best mmorpg ever, well it would be if the equipment system wasn't so screwed up, thus causing the monster diffculty to be increase, etc. Endless cycle.
  16. Oh all the.... I was looking forward to this as well.
  17. Yeah. That's the current Teen Titan series. The second group. The original one that was done a few years ago had Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg and someone else. Starfire, Raven and Cyborg are full adults in this one and act as mentors to the new members or so I've heard. While the other new members(Robin(Tim Drake I believe), Superboy, Wondergirl, some flash like kid and Beastboy I think) are in their teens.
  18. I really like the show. Nah this wasn't shown or made in a japan last time I checked. It's just using this style that's all. I'm still waiting if if Batman might guest start in some form. That would be nice.
  19. Still nothing. Maybe groups are actually staying away from this one. I was really getting into this.
  20. Personally I'm enjoying the single player mode. I wish it was longer though, I just fear it will be to short. I just need to get talk some people into purchasing it on campus to get a lan game going.
  21. Thanks for the translation Wrylac. B) The fact that BW has been active, producing, editing, creating Macross items for the past 20year does throw a twist into the works. Also there is the situation of Tatsunko also being very active in the business over the past 20years as well and haven't voiced their concerns during that time. HG can only be granted what Tat has. Question wasn't the Macross 2 RPG release at the same time as the RT RPG? Did HG have any role in that or did whoever released it get the rights from BW? Also does this fit in during the time they say no one was minding the store? Also if they were still granting licenses to make products wouldn't that be considered being active in the business, even if it was only one person granting companies the rights to make items, make that excuse not really work? Reason I ask is that RT comics were still being released over that time, same with the novels. I think up till 1996 but I'm not sure.
  22. So can anyone show good examples as to how the AJ version of Seed is bad?
  23. I have to go with SNES on this one. I still play mine even though I have a PS2 and Cube.
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