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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Do we know they didn't like it? I mean has there actually be a statement on it? I'm seriously interested. I thought that people that worked on Macross II also worked on SDF Macross, even the character designer was the same right?
  2. On the back of the Macross II box it says that it takes place 85 years after the events in DYRL?. Though remember hearing in a number of places that Macross II was just made an AU but still canon but along the AU lines. So basicly there could still be Macross items made that could take place during that timeline if BW ever wanted to go that way.
  3. Makes sense. The Zentradi, the Protoculture, and the Marduk should all fit into Macross II's timeline since its suppose to be a sequel to the events shown in DYRL? and before the timeline change it was actually apart of the official canon timeline I believe.
  4. Effect


    Well said.
  5. When were these aired?
  6. Do any of the other mods feel that this should be closed as well? I haven't heard any of them voicing their concerns over this. Well Roy comes in from time to time.
  7. Effect


    Nope. Haven't gotten a MPC yet and don't have any plans to, not at the current price. Just don't feel its worth the money, especially after I've gotten a 1/60 VF-1S Strike by Yamato. Still need to get at least one 1/48.
  8. Did he also work on the following? Mobile Suit Gundam: 0083 Cowboy Bebop
  9. I always had a problem with the disappearing thing. He could just as easy said that the Megaroad fleet found a planet in a part of the galaxy and settled down. After a few years both Misa and Hikaru retired or held high positions on the colony/planet. As for their children just say that they didn't enter the military but went a different route to get rid of the possiblity for a story about that child. That would have satisfiyed people I think. As for Minmei you can just say she continued to sing and then later retired herself after marrying and having children. Just be vague about the details though. With things are now you have all of these questions as to what happen to them, why did they disappear, were they killed, etc..
  10. We don't know if this was an early build. For all we know it could be very much like how the game will look. I agree we shouldn't start bashing or even praising the game till more information is released.
  11. I know how you feel Hikuro. I haven't played the PS2 Everquest but I understand about the roleplaying thing. As long as their are leveling and skill systems no one will ever be able to really roleplay. Starting everyone off from the start with the power would makes things far more fun then having people work for something. Hell if I wanted to work for something I would be out working not playing a game, a game in which I pay to work.
  12. Interesting. I have to rewatch it to see. I didn't have much of a problem with the Protodevlins but it would be an interesting connection between the two shows.
  13. Thanks. That's good to know. Now Claudia just needs to show up in Macross Zero.
  14. Granted American players can be some real asses to each other. That goes for everyone I guess but but the amount of anti-american/anti-english in some of these games is insane. I've yet to come across a US player that acts like some of the overseas players towards non-americans. I used to help out people all the time in Everquest until I noticed something. I'd help out all of these different people. Then I'd either leave for a few months or play on a different server for a while and then go back. I'd run into the very same people(the same level or higher then me at those moments) that I helped out and watched how they refused to help out the younger players. Just ignored them, were rude, etc. The ones that remembered me and I was friends, I had to go so far as to remind them of when I helped them out(either money, gear, etc) or others helped them out. Wasn't long before I learned that people hate being called on things or having their wrong doings pointed out to them
  15. How serious were Roy and Claudia in SDF Macross? From watching the Macross Saga and other release Robotech seems to make them pretty close. Are they in a serious relationship in Macross or does Roy flirting with other women stop that?
  16. Very nice.
  17. That really sucks. I posted in the second link I posted in my last post. Not sure any good it would but wanted to say something. At the bottom.
  18. Kinda goes both ways though. Lineage players are very serious about that game, more so then US mmorpg players I believe. I've heard mob connects with that. That right there gives asian players in mmorpg a bad rep, not saying US players are saints, far from it. Also I remember hearing things about certain overseas guilds in Everquest that were pretty controlling on certain servers during their primetimes and even off times. Not sure if that's true anymore though. Since in FFXI they willl be the big dogs so to speak due having the game for some time before everyone else I wouldn't be surprised if they were acting bossy or control freaks about areas, especially when new players come in. http://jbbs.shitaraba.com/bbs/read.cgi/gam...5091/1067362093
  19. The US servers went live today. http://boards.stratics.com/php-bin/ffxi/sh...postlist&fpart= It seems that NA and Japanese players aren't getting along. At least some aren't. To be expected I guess. Should make things interesting. Not sure if that's a good interesting or a bad interesting though.
  20. Okay. Does anyone know what the average price for Mospeada was at stores? Seeing as Southern Cross was the least popular part of Robotech you woudl think the price would be lower. Maybe they keeping the price high so they have another excuse to ignore SC/RM part of Robotech by saying the original didn't sell well.
  21. Egan Loo put out an article in Animerica a few months back (I've got the issue, and I'll dig it out later on today for a cite -- I'm getting ready for work, so I can't dig around in my magazine collection just yet) which spells out in excruciating detail how the story was worked out. The gist of it was that IIRC, barring polishing and the last nine episodes, much of the story and plot itself was actually pretty much fully formed by the time Tatsunoko got into the picture (Tat, AWAK, was a last-minute entry after the original funder, Wiz, went under, and BW [who took over (don't you get the feeling I love parentheses? )] couldn't pull together enough funding by itself). Loo actually answers that question about how we went from "Palace Robo Dockingham" ( ) to "Super Dreadnaught Megaroad" to "Super Dimension Fortress Macross." Second, I wouldn't put much stock in the differences between SDF:M and DYRL meaning that the original show's concept changed in pre-production. That's kind of like saying that since "Patlabor" was a cop comedy, but Patlabor: WXIII was barely a "Patlabor" film at all, that Headgear must have radically changed the story before the first OAV was released. Sorry, that just seems too much like cart-before-the-horse thinking. The differences between SDF: M and DYRL probably have much more to do with the medium. Instead of 13 hours of television, Kawamori et. al had 2 1/2 hours of film, with a respectable budget. They had a few choices there. they could have gone the Yamato/Gundam route and spliced episodes of the TV series into a movie (and lose a lot in the translation). They could have gone the Star Trek route and done new adventures of Hikaru, Misa, et. al, but we all know the Hoary Froating Head's position on that... Instead, they did a retelling of the story with changes in the plot to allow for compression of a 13-hour show into 2 1/2 hours. The differences between SDF: M and DYRL, therefore, signify nothing but the creator's desire to do something different with the story after the fact. I'd really like to check out that article. Any chance you could scan it?
  22. Yeah. I'm glad I had seen the first part of the series or I would have been confused by the first half of the first movie. Though there are things that I would have kept in like events in which Loran confesses that he's from the Moon. The scene in the series was moving, especially with the song playing. Things like that make Turn A great. I really want to pick up the rest of the Gundam Evolve series. I've only seen the testing of the Gundam MK II, and the GP-03 in the Deb.
  23. Encounters in Space is suppose to be the sequel to Journey to Jaburo. So its UC One Year War based with most likely suits from surrounding side stories the way JTJ was setup. In that you had suits from 0080, 8th MS Team, Blue Destiny. I have a feeling that EiS will have suits from the same plus maybe 0083 and more from the OYW but not sure. I really doubt their would be SEED suits in it.
  24. I've been wondering how the subs on this were as well. If good I just might pick it up, no way would I try to download all of these episodes. Don't care for the show enough to do that.
  25. The subs for Turn A Gundam were bad but at least the subs for the movie versions are pretty decent. Its pretty much how I watched the show. I made it 20 episodes in the series before I stopped downloading them and just went and found downloads of the movies instead. Granted a part of the story is gone but still pretty pacing wise other then the first half of the first movie that moves at blinding speed.
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