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Everything posted by Effect

  1. The best place I've found would be http://www.animeniacs.com/ where you can pick up a boxset containing the entire series, ova, movie, and encore episodes for $40 in US dollars. Much easier then downloading the episodes, especially if you have a slow connection. Plus the subs are pretty good, not the bad HK subs.
  2. Anyone know which CD's have the most Mylene vocals?
  3. Great news. I can't wait for the fansubs to come out.
  4. It does look like something out of Armored Core. Look cool though, can't wait to see it in action.
  5. Harmony Gold was NOT trying to bring over Macross 7 Trash. Tokyopop was, with HG then saying they were cooperating with TP. The quote is in the license thread. Even went as far as to make an article on it with a logo image of SDF Macross as if they were trying to say it was a sequel to SDF Macross instead of Macross 7. At least thats how it appeared. If they weren't trying that then they should have used the Macross 7 logo. There are plenty images of it out there, even on Big West's own site. Tell me why didn't do that if they believe they had the rights to it. I don't think TP even had information on HG on their site. Yet HG seem to make it appear they had a bigger hand in things then were true. We don't know the deal behind HG and TP's deal but I will tell you this. They had no idea of why the manga was pulled cause when people found out that all the information on the site was pulled, Steve Yun in the RT.com chat had no clue as to what was happening and it took him sometime to respond back and even then he didn't give a clear answer. Don't try to make it sound like they have been bending over backwards to push Macross. We wouldn't even have
  6. She didn't say the animation was crummy but that the 30 minutes was crummy. I agree, I hate waiting that long for such a short product as well.
  7. That's how I felt when I looked at them. The coloring is great though. I would have much prefered if they stuck to the style that was used in the From the Stars(prequel story) and Love and War instead of these new style. Weren't they trying to go for a more anime type of style in this? Bad idea in my opinion. The other was working for them and looked great. Oh well.
  8. I agree. I know plenty of women that are into guy type of things that couldn't be more straight and even guys that are interest in say female type of things that could be more straight as well. From my experiences in high school, now college and the real world. Different people just have different interest. That usually doesn't determine their sexual perference from my experience. I've know guys that were heavly into "guy things" that happen to be gay and the same with women that happen to be really intofemale type of interest that happen to be gay as well. Isn't college life grand. One really shouldn't judge a person by their likes alone, you'd be really surprised.
  9. Silverhawks was a pretty cool show. I remember really enjoying that.
  10. I do like this new drawing. I always liked the Final Fantasy artwork like this. For Robotech, my opinion is still out if it really fits.
  11. A Thundercats release would be great to go along with the new comics(into the 4th miniseries I believe with other story collection comics) plus the new animation that is going to be released. I casted my vote for that.
  12. It hasn't been that long, a matter of a few months I believe.
  13. The encore epsisodes take place during the Macross 7 series itself. At different parts but near the end. Macross 7 Dynamite takes place after the series. I believe Macross 7 Movie The Galaxy is Calling me takes place sometime after the Planet Lux arc, not really sure. Macross 7 Series These took place during the series - Macross 7 Movie The Galaxy is Calling me - Macross 7 Fleet of the Strongest Women(this was one of the Encore episodes right)? Macross 7 Dynamite(takes place after Macross 7 series ends.)
  14. That is a wild list but the thing is a lot of those rumors aren't that far fetched and are believeable for a new special addition to actually bridge more of a connection with the prequel trilogy. Some of them do push things but this is Lucas we are talking about, the man that hand entire CG scenes created for the Special Edition release of the OT. I still need to pick that up on DVD, I only have the VHS version and the boxset box for it is completely ruin now with the tape boxest looking their age. That and I need to transfer the Enhance OT trilogy version(my aunt picked this up when it first game out, this is the original version with just small changes like see through things make solid, etc) to DVD now that I have the ablitiy to. My original copy of the OT is years old and are on a VHS tape that has taken its fair share of ware and tear.
  15. Sorry if this has been said before. This was take from TheForce.net. http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/tfn.cgi?storyID=22710 I wish there was a way to know if these were true but it would be great if these were. The replacing of the Han and Geedo scene to the original is a nice change, as is the adding of Temuera Morrison's voice to Boba. I'm sure we saw that coming since we found out that Boba was a clone of Jango. Some of these other changes would be nice as well. Like Chewie finally getting a medal, I always had a problem with that scene. Some I'm not sure if they would be good. If they are true, more then enough to make me pick up these DVDs, especially whe you consider there is a good chance it will have interviews or maybe other extras. Its not crazy that some of these changes could take place, after all most would be CG, or those acts are working on the prequel movies, and the music changes would be easy since they have them on hand. If the replacing of Sebastion Shaw with Hayden Christenson is true, would it be really fair to Shaw? Honestly I would welcome that change, bring more of a connection with the prequel movies. Anyway, just thought I'd post this.
  16. The big difference there is that you are talking about a VHS of one epsidoe. A DVD of a movie. When it comes to RT we are talking about a 85 episode series that is close to $200 total in price when factor in shipping and the price is either higher or lower depending where you purchase the DVDs. Not in the same league. As for X-men, LOTR, those were annouced before the normal DVDs were released. You seem to ignoring that fact. People knew about them and had the choice of either waiting and getting the better version or paying the cheaper price for just the movie. Or getting both. HG on the other hand said that there wouldn't be a remaster. They didn't change their story until now. Had they changed it a year ago or when they began this new project things would have been different and you wouldn't here this complaining. "There is a chance we might be able to do it". "Recently........". Then if a year later the remastered appeared the amount of complaining would be a lot less as I've said. Even after the Legacy sets were being released they said the same thing. No remaster. Now the decision to release something such as this doesn't just happen over night. They had to know long in advance, at least a year maybe longer that they were going to release a remaster. Things such as this have to approved budget wise, especially if they needed to redit the footage, put down the new audio track, put in the spanish dub. And even find these things before hand and then decide if it would actually sell. Then factor in the other projects that HG is actually doing. Do you honest thing this was decided over night or in a few days, then all put to gether right away? Nope. Its not the same as LOTR or other movies that have released better versions on DVDs. Don't even beginning to compare. I got my DVDs when they were first released, I don't even watch them anymore and they are collecting dust. What I do feel upset about is how ripped off those that recent purchased the DVD were. I know quite a few were asking about remasters when the Legacy boxsets were being released and were told no. And now look here comes a remaster. HG never said maybe, we have to see, but no there wouldn't be one. They might not have know 3 years ago but they would have known if a remaster was possible within the last year and still said nothing.
  17. No. I mean the images you posted are on the official site. But they are in flash/macromedia or something like that. Did you get the images from there or some place else? I want to post them on another forum but don't want to directly link them from here.
  18. Great images. How did you save them off of the site?
  19. A sequel to Escaflowne would be great but is there really room to expand that. More information is needed for sure.
  20. I was just thinking that. Would make things interesting.
  21. I agree. The arent' the only ones that put a lot of effort into their animations. You really need to check out more american animation, past and present before you make that kind of a statement.
  22. There is a good amount of action through out the entire series but the most would have to take place during the last 6 or so episode. We get to see Max and Miriya in the VF-22. The ending parts of the Planet Lux arc has some good valk action as well.
  23. True we might be jumping the gun but why make a statement like that on a Macross information site if it wasn't a Macross project. Granted like said the possiblity that it is Macross is pretty high, I can't wait for more information.
  24. Yep, Ali Sama is correct. The toys were from Japan and the animation was done overseas but the actually story, plot, characters, etc were all american based and it aired her before being dubbed in japanese. The same with Beast Wars, it was made in Canada and shown here first before being released and edited in Japan(they actually made female characters male and added more comedy then their original was cause it was to serious I believe). They didn't even show Beast Machines cause it was to strange and out there. True it was, I thought it was pretty good and a good sequel to the Beast Wars. I wish there would be another American Transformer series. True it might be argueable but Armada doesn't hold a candle to the G1 in terms of action, plot(granted G1 was episodic so in that regard Armada would have to be compared to Beast Wars), and animation(I've never seen so many animation mistakes in my life till I watched Armada). Some have been looked for others are just out there. Transformers Movie opening was great .
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