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Everything posted by Effect

  1. OMG. Will someone please close this now and please ban these trolls. This is the first time in the years I've been coming to this board that I've ever call someone that but these two deserve it.
  2. That's the thing though. Not everyone is getting the bugs. Groups of people are, yet at the same time there are a good amount of people that aren't getting hit with the bugs at all which is really strange since we are all playing it on the same system when it comes to the Xbox version. There shouldn't be any type of conflicts that are causing the split between players. Very strange. Like I said I didn't even have a clue that people were having trouble. Till I started checking the forums more.
  3. Honestly I didn't run into any bugs when I was playing KOTOR(Xbox version). Though I do know others have. I might have encountered a bug or two but I didn't noitce them and these are suppose to be pretty noticeable. I didn't even know there were bugs until I beat the game and then decided to check out the forums(I tried to stay away from then till I got the game and beat it).
  4. I loved KOTOR on the Xbox. Great story, effects, etc.. As for the PC version being better honestly I don't think so. Its has the potential to have better graphics but that all depends on your computer and graphics card. The PC also has added content like weapons, armor, and one more extra location. A station orbiting Yavin 4. That content is going to be released on the Xbox Live and I also believe on the DVDs that come with the officiel Xbox mag. At least I was told that is how some of the Xbox content is given out if you don't have the Live connection. Both versions have their problems with bugs as I understand it but with the PC version you also have to deal with things like you would with every other PC game. Slow down, blue screens, etc.... Personally I perfer the Xbox version, I love using the controller for the game and just thinking of using the keyboard just seem strange. Especially you are are through commands out on the fly. I'd much rather lay back in a chair and enjoy myself. I'm just like that when it comes to RPGs. I can't wait for Knights of the Old Republic 2 to be released. http://xbox.ign.com/articles/454/454215p1.html
  5. Honestly I've been looking forward to seeing this for a while. Damn, now if only I can find a ride to the movies between now and finals or at least download it. I'm hitting the theaters for sure once I get back home.
  6. Can a mod edit the poll to include Macross 7? If not it would be best to request this closed and just start a new one but I'm sure on like this was done not to long ago or maybe it was on the old forum setup. I'm not sure.
  7. Macross 7 gets my vote as well.
  8. I just finished watching all three episodes and she looks the same in all of them. It has to be the side view, cause we don't really get a good look at her from that point of view until episode 3. Before that its usually from the front or a combination of side and front. I can't think of the word right now for some reason. That and she is pretty much always moving or doing something when she is on screen.
  9. I agree, SWG did get old really fast. I canceled my account before the free month was up. It was really enjoyable for the first few days but after that, no matter where you went it was the same thing. I can't wait to finally get my hands on FFXI, will need to hit someone up for a worldpass though when that happens. Finals can't come sooner to be honest. I'm just dreading the long patch time, oh well I'll just make sure that day is a movie day so I'll entertained while I wait.
  10. Might have to download the AC3 codec. Its linked on the first page. Even with that installed I had trouble getting it to play on anything other then the Divx player which can be got at http://www.divx.com/. It comes with other codecs and also the player which is nice. I use this most of the time to watch .avi files, that and sometimes Real Player and once in a while which is rare, Windows Media Player.
  11. Actually I have the Xbox version, was part of the reason I bought one since I didn't want to wait for the PC version. I don't know if its the way I played the game but I didn't encounter any of the bugs that others have experienced in playing it. Seriously, I was surprised to find that there were bugs in it. If I did encounter then I honestly didn't notice them. I've noticed this of other people as well. Some people seem to hit all the bugs in the game while others like myself haven't encountered any or even noticed them if they do come across them. PC games are always crazy to get running. I know people with better systems then me that had trouble getting Halo to run while I ran just find on my system(still pretty high up there) and others with specs below mind had no problem while others similar to my system had trouble. Strange. I haven't run into a PC game yet that I haven't had a trouble with in some form or another. I agree SWG does suck on its own. I just canceled my account, just used the free month. It was fun for the first few days but it became old really fast. Now I just need to get my hands on Final Fantasy XI but no games like that until after finals in a few weeks.
  12. I wholeheartedly agree with that. Today, I learned that the PC version of Secret Weapons Over Normandy has no multiplayer! None! Not even the "versus" mode, carried over from the PS2! That moved it down a notch to the "rent it for PS" category. And honestly.... if you are going to make a multi-platform game... at least have the decency of working on the PC version separetly. KOTOR is a good example of a game that was rushed for Xbox... and didn't turn out quite well on the PC either. It was hardly rushed in my opinion. Its one of the best RPGs, hell games I've played in a very long time. When it comes to KOTOR, from the very beginning it was announced that it would be released on the Xbox and the PC. They said they were working on both versions as the same time since the setup was similar. The PC version was actually delayed a few months. Word was so it wouldn't interfere with SWG sales or Jedi Academy sales. One or both of them. Then there was Microsoft asking/paying to get it first. All of that seemed likely. If I'm recalling correctly both versions were going to be released at the same time before that.
  13. I think this guys did a really good job. Keep up the good work .
  14. This looks pretty good but I'll get it on the PC. More fun in the online play that way. If I have a good cable connection then Xbox it is. Hell I just might get both if I have the money.
  15. Same here. It would be nice to have a place for real time chat or for just normal everyday chat with other MW members.
  16. I agree the defense around the Asuka was stupid but maybe this will cause a change of command to take place, with the replacement commander being someone from SDF Macross. I guess we'll find out in the next episode. I hope there was some purpose to it if not then... Having the forces lured away is quite possible but even then there still should have been defending fighters around ready to launch or at least in the air. It could very well be case of them depending to much on the destroids, which would be a huge command mistake which could play into the change of command like I thought before.
  17. I just finsihed watching it. Honestly I thought the first 2 episodes were better. This one seemed shorter and not as interesting story wise as the others. At least to me anyway. Hmm maybe I should watch it later when I'm feeling better(kinda sick right now).
  18. I was just about to ask how the fansub was. Any reviews?
  19. The VF-22 were based on gthe YF-21 design last time I recall. Also they are used by Diamond Force as well in Macross Dynamite 7, we see Gamlin in one during the OVA in the black Diamond Force colors.
  20. I can't wait for this to be released. I always thought, while FF7 was a great game the ending really lacked any type of closure. Not a good ending in my opinion. Maybe this will be better.
  21. I was wondering when the love triangle would start, I was still hoping that Claudia would show up and the triangle would be between Claudia, Roy, and Aeris.
  22. I just might watch episode 3 first and then when I get more free time sit down and watch all three of them in a row. Or I might watch them in order. I really will depend on my mood to be honest.
  23. Oh man. That looks great. I can't wait to see this episode.
  24. http://www.icv2.com/articles/home/3937.html
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