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Everything posted by Effect

  1. You know I never understood why Boba Fett was so popular. He did nothing in the OT other then take Han to Jabba. He only fires off one shot in Return of the Jedi and ties Luke up for about a few seconds. His armor was really messed up to begin with. I just dont' see what made him so popular, he had almost no lines as well.
  2. Cool. I have to look for this now. Pretty much I'd love to get a DVD of someone playing the game straight through, doing all the missions, fighting, etc. FFX was just like an interactive movie where you went from point a to b and watched things play out. I'd honestly pay to watch these things be played since its at the point thats what I'm doing. Just cut out the frustration on my part.
  3. Well that as well. It just kills the pacing of the movie. I still feel that things would have been better to have introduce Anakin as a teen instead of this kid. Would make his piloting a naboo fighter more believe able instead of the crap we go in TPM. Our image of Vader wouldn't have been killed the way it was. Plus it would parallel Luke in the OT more. *sigh* To late now.
  4. Honeslty I have not interest in playing FFX-2 I just want watch the FMV scenes. I didn't even bother to finish FFX, stopped at the very end and just had no desire to finish which is a first for me with a FF game, I did the same with FF8 now that I think about it. Hmm anyone know if they(the FMVs) are online somewhere?
  5. True, AotC did make TPM seem better. I've noticed a lot of people seem to feel that way.
  6. My favorites for this year would be: .Hack series(Infection, Mutation, Outbreak(still have to buy my own copy, just played others), GTA: Vice City, Suikoden 3, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon In my system now: Shikoden 3(I didn't get it till early this year) Games I wouldn't buy again or would stop my self from buying if I had time machine: Xenosaga, Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits.
  7. No doubt Lucas still made a ton of money but I can only imagine how much better the movies could have been if he let Spielberg direct them.
  8. Seriously?! Lucas is a major fool. He should have said yes.
  9. War is a crazy time, and with two siblings in the service, both aren't very likely to talk much. Besides which, what siblings talk about flings they have? Seriously! True. A war wouldn't allow them to talk much. If they were siblings and being in a war it would cause them to value each other more. They are family after all. So if they did get a chance to talk I'm sure they would talk about personal things, relationships is a topic that might come up. Granted I haven't seen that flashback scenes in SDF Macross, only have the Robotech versions to go on but I doubt Claudia considered relationships a fling. You could see how upset she got when Roy came to pick her up with all those girls with him. I don't think she was the type of person into one night stands or dating many people at once. I kinda get that feeling from DYRL as well. So if she and Roy were serious to any degree and she did get a chance to talk I'm sure it would come up. Especially since they know either of them could die at any time and any of the talks could be their last. By this time I think the two of them have already meet if we go by the scenes in SDF Macross where there are flashbacks to when Roy and Claudia first meet. That is unless he gets transfered to a base and goes back to flying those Dragon(were those the names?) fighters after the events of Macross Zero are over. I'm guess the scene from "A rainy night" should have already taken place by now as well. I've only seen the Robotech version of that episode but I would think it would have been the same as the SDF Macross other then Roys actual personality but I take it he would have been serious then.
  10. I have no doubt that McGregor, Jackson and Christiansen can act. The question really is will the director let them act. I hope someone is at least helping Lucas direct this one and he isn't at the helm by himself. Lucas may have things one way in his head but things thought up don't always look great on flim once you start directing things. TPM is a good example of this. Presentation is key. You think he'd understand this when ESB and ROTJ are the most popular of the Star Wars films. Two films where outside directors were brought in and others worked on the screenplays.
  11. Correction: Tatu has NO say in whatever turns up in their schedule they basically signed a contract "No Life - No Creative Input - Just Sing and Shut Up!!!" just to be famous Blame those 2 for being dumb, They probably end up like T'pau and TLC (at first) without a dime in their pocket the music/lesbian-scenes/videos/marketing is solely Managers and agents and they will recieve alot of cashflow as for this anime news.... somebody either get me a bucket or that puke-emoticon! That's how I pretty much understood the situation. I could care less if they end up with nothing.
  12. At least its a movie and not a series. Honestly I have a feeling this is going to turn out bad. I can't these two.
  13. Wow. This sounds great. If its true this could be the best Star Wars movie yet. But even with all that what will make or break this movie will be the acting. Things should flow cause if it doesn't its going to bad. Can't wait.
  14. They never really said how they are related. For him not to have mentioned her yet I'm thinking some type of cousin. If they had been any closer I'm pretty sure he would have heard of Roy or at least reacted to him differently. What I mean is if they were brother and sister and Claudia had been seeing Roy I'm sure he might have heard how Roy was with women unless she kept it a secret from the family who she was seeing or even interested in. Him being a cousin would make sense for her not to have mentioned him before in the original series. I have quite a few that I don't even know and the ones I do know I'm only close to a few of them, some more then others.
  15. It actually wasn't that bad. True you see people dressing up like characters at theme parks. Just from the start it just takes you by surprise since someone is dressing up as a human character with the mask.
  16. I haven't read them yet. Some people complain they aren't as good as Frank Herbert's books but his son isn't him. The styles are naturally going to be different. Still I woud like to see them made into a mini-series as well. I still need to pick them up.
  17. I agree. The Dune and Children of Dune mini-series were pretty good and a lot closer to the novels then the first Dune movie. I thought those were handled very well. It would be nice if they did mini-series of the books after Children.
  18. I never played Mysteries of the Sith either. I never had much interest in Mara Jade, in fact I hate the character so I doubt I'd want to play a game as her.
  19. After the first few fights with the stormtroopers you get so turned around. Add to the fact that no matter where you go you end up back at the same place since the exit isn't in plan view. Like said its actually under the water in a corner. I was in that corner so many times and I had no reason to think it would be under the water. Nothing before that level suggested they would have done that. Not to mention there was the fog effect in the swamp, seeing the water falling down the rocks is all but impossible unless you pretty much up against that wall. That level is also setup so that you think there are other ways to get out. Like the trees and rocks that are fallen that you can jump up on only to find out you can not go any further because the wall just causes you to fall back down.
  20. Honestly I never cared for the original series much to begin with so I had not real strong feelings for the show. I did like Adama and Apollo though. The space battles were very cool. I did like the situation Balter and a few other things. I thought it was okay so I voted for good. I didn't love and I didn't hate it as some other people did. Now if SciFi turn around and did a series or another mini-series to continue things that that would be great, then the ending wouldn't be so bad. If not then the ending was horrible since they end with a cliffhanger that they have no intention of finishing.
  21. That's pretty much what I thought but still wanted to make sure. The other thread pretty much pust my mind at ease. Some very good arguements. I'm fully satisfied that I was right in my thinking on the subject before. Nothing happen.
  22. That really was a while back. Back in August. Thanks for the link. Still has there ever been an official answer on this just to clear up the confusion?
  23. Another thing is that Isamu isn't knocked out just knocked down and pushed to the side. If I remember correctly. So if things had gone any further I'm sure he would have stopped it. Best guess is that he say himself in the mirror blacked out a bit and when he came to saw her crying with maybe Isamu over her trying to help and thought he did it. Not really sure on Isamu's state at the time, I don't have the show on hand with me here at college so I can't really check. I have Macross 7, II, and DYRL but not Plus with me for some reason.
  24. In Macross Plus, at the end when Guld finally regains his memory. Is that scene trying to say that he raped Myung and thought that Isamu did it due to his blackout or is it simply saying that he assulted her and attacked her and thought that Isamu did due to his blackout? Either way could work and cause him to hate Isamu. Reason I'm asking is if it had been rape it would have been hinted at more wouldn't it? Also if that had been the case then Myung would never had slept with Guld when she did if he really had done that, even if he had forgotten. At least that's what I figured or would have hoped. The summary on http://www.mahq.net/animation/macross/plus/macp4.htm says it was rape but does anyone really know? Was this ever asked at a Macross panel at one of the cons? Just one of those things that has been bothering.
  25. Honestly I enjoyed the Ewok movies. The first one the most. They were really nice. Hmm I haven't watched them in a long time. I think I still have a copy of them on VHS, I wonder if they were ever released on DVD. I mean they are apart of the the Star Wars canon. Girl from them actually appeared in one of the Star Wars novels. Don't remember which one, it was a small part but she was still there. She was actually a news reporter on one of the planets if I remember correctly.
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