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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I have the original game and the first exspansion SoU. Its an okay game. I'm not interested in checking out the last version though. I'll wait till the price goes down. I'm not really big on PC rpgs, perfer consoles RPG games to be honest.
  2. That's great. True no matter what game I always like to solo those low levels myself. Honestly I'd like to become a Paladin(I loved playing this class in games) or even a Dragoon. Cecil and Kain from Final Fantasy 4(US 2) are some of my favorite characters. I would think warrior would be the correct base class to start off as. Or is there something else that needs to be done in order to obtain those ranks? I mean do you get to pick which advance class you want to branch into at a certain level by visiting a certain NPC ala Dark Age of Camelot or does a quest need to be completed?
  3. Usually I party when I have a good amount of time and know I won't be bothered by real life things. I might group a lot since being familiar with tons of Final Fantasy material and fantasy mmorpgs it should take to the game pretty easily. The setups are all the same when you really get down to it. Just getting used to to the cities and the land maybe take some time but not to long, I'm pretty good with that type of thing usually. Might be forced to download maps to make things go easier.
  4. Far better then the Christmas events that Everquest had. Though their Halloween events were nice, especially when every zone was over run with undead, even newbie zones for the young ones to take them on. But that was about it other then it snowing in every zone where it had no business snowing like the Ro zones or the Greater Faydark zone. This looks pretty good though. Though would be interested to see things for myself. I really hope I can get my hands on a copy of this game after finals(will be done by Thursday). I'd really like to see how far I could advance my character in a month(the length of my break) by playing everyday for maybe several hours a day.
  5. Should be interesting to see what he comes up with.
  6. I won't be able to see it till after I get home on Friday due to finals. I'm going to make sure I see it during the first showing at the start of the day(on the day I go to see) so I won't have to deal with to many people. After kids will be in school and most people will be working. He's hoping I run into my friends again. During the first showing my dad and I were in the same theater, room that my friens from high school were in. When I saw Two Towers I ran into some others as well. Maybe I'll get lucky a third time and run into some more. I have't seen that many since graduation day back in 2001.
  7. Okay, I'm taking a break from studying for finals and a project due tomorrow. So I turn to RAW, how many times is Mick Foley going to get a tribute. How many times is he going to come back? I mean I like the guy, one of my favorite wrestlers but come on.
  8. Hmm not a bad idea. The VF-11 was shown in a very good light in Macross Plus, well the beginning of it anyway. Its cannon fodder in Macross 7 right from the start. It would be pretty cool if the VF-1A was THE fighter of Macross Zero only to be seen as the CF in SDF Macross. Would keep the pattern up.
  9. I never read the comic but I loved the Fox cartoon that was on in the early 90s(around the time X-men was airing). Hell even my parents and older family members enjoyed watching it and loved the movie as well. Just something about Spiderman that allows so many people to connect with the character, that and he's one of the coolest superheros around. I can't wait for the new movie. I agree, no reason to rush Venom.
  10. Just watched it. The trailer was nice but its so damn small and far to short. Though even with a high speed connection it paused a lot in the loading which shouldn't evne happen on suck a small size. Dr. Oct will take some getting used to, doesn't look like cartoon/comic version much but then again I didn't get a good look at him, the trailer was pretty quick. Nothing related to the story as I could see was in the trailer. Then again it is a teaser trailer. Still it was good to see spidy in the air. The nice scene change to Dr. Oct claiming the building at the end was good. Looks like most of the actors who's characters appear in the first film and now in this film are back. Didn't get a good look at Aunt May to see if it was the same person from the first movie though. She's like in one scene of the trailer. The car scene was pretty cool, can't wait to see that in a bigger trailer.
  11. If it is placed upon the body. Could this be the very thing that alerts the Zentreadi to the pressence of the Macross on the planet? I don't remember what was the reason for them coming to earth in SDF Macross. I only have the Robotech version to go on. Don't worry though but this christmas I'm getting the original series on DVD. Have everything else, its about time I had the original story. Well at least the first boxset anyway till more money comes in.
  12. Are they planning on releasing the Megaman Legends games? Those were pretty good, different but good all the same.
  13. This sounds pretty good. A high speed connection being a must, looks like I'll only be able to try this at school unless my parents get a cable modem finally put in. Then again I'm hardly home since being away at school they might feel they won't need it.
  14. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=4352
  15. If its true that's going to be covered I'm sure its a closely guard secret that Lucas doesn't want out. After all it was said that EU authors weren't allowed to cover that situation or coming back as force ghost. Reason was not until Episode 3 was release since he was going to explain it in the movie. Yet they did it anything in the New Jedi Order novels.
  16. Honestly I've always though some fansubs were better. Like signs and letters and things were usually translated in fansubs I've watched but when it came to the official R1 release while the subs were good things like translating of signs or letters that added to the show were missing. I really like how some fansubs have little notes at the top to explain certain words or explain certain reactions of characters since sometimes you might not understand things due to the differences in culture. I really wish companies doing official releases would take the time and care that some fansub groups do, they even do all these just for the love of the show and getting anime out to the public. You think companies would do the same since they themselves are actually trying to make a profit and charge a good amount of money for the dvds.
  17. I think it means they are doing editing, special effects, cgi, and doing reshoots if needed. The actual main filming should be done. We still won't be seeing the movie for a while though. Its suppose to be released in 2005 right?
  18. Is the manga in english? What about the series or is it fansub only right now?
  19. Yep. The credits roll with animation being played in the background on the R1 release.
  20. I really liked Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero. I love coming home after a stressful day and sometimes just doing the freeride with the traffic on and riding around the highway. Relaxing. Isn't there suppose to be a Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 coming out? I know Zero was pretty much a PS2 version of 2 that was on the Dreamcast.
  21. How is the game? Offline and online?
  22. Maybe but there is also the fact that they constantly put you in situations and battles where you are forced to use your Gears(don't remember the name used in Xenosaga) with no way to repair them. You die if you don't use them cause there are so many enemies on screen and they hit insanely high even if you try to level up your characters. Top that off with limited areas where to pick up health items or ether items cause you end up running through a lot of them or ether skills after each random battle if you don't use you mechs and you are forced to use them anyway even if you don't want to. The leveling system is another thing I had beef with. The setup was messed up like that. I perfer Xenogears where there were situations when the Gears were needed and situations when you were on foot. The enemies were scaled because of that. You didn't get any insanly hard hitting mobs when you were on foot when you were inside buildings but when you were out in the open you were expected to use the gears. Also there wasn't any problem repairing them since you could buy attachments to do that which aren't in Saga.
  23. This sounds pretty interesting. I think I'm going to try and download a few episodes to check this out.
  24. Its the fact that you don't play the game but watch it. You end up playing for say 5 to 10 mins but then end up watching a 5 to 20 min FMV. Honestly before I got the game I though people were making a big deal out of nothing. That is till found myself dropping the controller and found myself watching Xenosaga and watching a fansub episode of a show on my computer at the same time. The show was almost over when on cut scene ended. That right there really makes me dislike the game. That and the main character makes me want to take a fist to my TV. Ziggy, Momo, and others were cool but I couldn't stand Shion. I was watching more then playing and when I played it was a boring game that seemed unbalanced to me in terms of gameplay and pacing. I played the game on Saturday, well watched it and when I checked out a FAQ I noticed I was almost done with the game and I didn't play nearly enough for the price I payed or start down in front of the game. Don't get me started on the blah storyline in the game. Xeongears completely outclasses this game. I went in Xenosaga with an open mind thinking that people were making things bigger then they actually were only to find out what they said was completely true and more.
  25. Your right. There were suppose to be 9 but then he cut it down to 3 which would have been the middle of the story and the one that he thought would be the most successful. Then he changed his mind about the prequel sometime in the mid 90s I think. Before that I believe he said he wouldn't do anymore. Now he says that these six will be it. I guess that's true until he changes his mind and decideds to make 7 to 9. I really wish he would cause it would then cancel out the EU novels. While I enjoy them, some of them are really good reads I'd much rather see them thrown to the waste side.
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