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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Saw it today myself. Honestly I liked the other films better. What hurts this one is that book itself was far to large for a single film. If anything the film should have been a lot longer. The movie is 2 hours and 18 minutes. It should have at least been three hours if not just touching a 4 hour mark to make the story flow a LOT better. Though they could only do so much I think to keep the time frame reasonable. There is just so much story. The book this is adapted from is close to 900 pages long. I understand not having it all for a live action movie. It just isn't possible and I understand changing things around as well. It works out for the best. However having read the book I couldn't help but notice that certain things that would have made transition betweens better were missing. The film felt very choppy as a result and blew threw things way to quickly. It felt like a clip show at times due to how the film moved from scene to scene, event to event. I'm not sure though if its due to the things that were left out of the film or simply bad editing. Perhaps both in the end. It was still enjoyable for what it was worth but it if anyone really wants to enjoy this they really should take the time to read the novel. It's extremely more enjoyable on all fronts from start to finish. In fact I've started reading it again as a result.
  2. So a Blair Witch type (film style at least) of film?
  3. Maybe it's just me but I really prefer the character designs of the 80s as shown in those images then anything being done today or in the last few years.
  4. That's what came to mind when saw that trailer.
  5. Something I thought was interesting. You know how Starscream is always plotting to out do Megatron, show him up, etc.. I was reading some of the prequel novel in the store today and one part toward the end something caught my eye. Now this could very well be because I haven't read the book and I'm pulling this way out of context. This could be due to the length of the film and it could be a safe bet in a sequel more of his personality could very well come out to fix what I raised above.
  6. Not answering questions straight forwardly is very true of Yune. Anyone that has talked with him in any fashion realizes this or comes to realize this when it comes to try holding any type of serious discussion. There are things you know he wouldn't or shouldn't comment on however things he should be able to answer and that wouldn't be secretive, etc.. you still don't get a straight answer unless it's some foolish type of discussion. You could ask him a question in such a way that you should get back a "yes" or "no" or he could even give a simple "I'm not going to or can't discuss that" answer and you will still get spin with him turing the conversation to something else. Unless you constantly hit him with the question over and over again getting a straight answer is very hard to do and it just ends up frustrating you. Just saying this from viewing this take place and actually asking questions myself in the past. So in the end it seems unless you are just going to talk to him in a "hanging out" fashion it's pointless to do otherwise. People over the years have offer constructive criticism and it simply isn't listened to. Yune's very selective it seems in what he listens to and at times it seemed like unless it was about how good he did something or how you liked something he did it was ignored and dismissed no matter how valid it was unless it was something big that couldnt be ignored anymore and even then the feeling I got was that the acknowledgement was reluctant.
  7. Sad that Tom is gone. Always liked him and it was clear he actually liked Robotech and cared about the franchise. Then again I'm sure he can do a LOT better then HG and hope he ends up doing something he enjoys and doesn't frustrate him. Tommy on the other hand, I would have loved to have been there to see him get hit in the face. I didn't/don't care for him professionally, he was anything but, nor personally. If anyone deserves to be fired it's him and it should have happen long ago. The whole event doesn't make me have more respect for him, he lost that a long time ago. Don't wish him any life threatening harm or anything and I'm glad it was nothing more then a pie. Though can't be upset by him actually being attacked. Sorry. What does annoy me is that it could ruin the convention for others in the future when it comes to what people can bring into it.
  8. Saw it last night with my sister of all people who doesn't really care for Scifi all that must. She loved it and suggestd that we see it again. I was grining ear to ear from start to finish. Action was great, it was actually funny and not in a forced way. The acting was pretty good as well and the Transformers looked great in action even if the designs from stills seemed pretty weird. I loved all of the classic lines Prime used and one key one just made me flash back to the original Transformers animated film. Nice touch. Sequel here we come.
  9. The Crash Holly thing was a surprise, as is Mike Awesome being on that list as well.
  10. The whole Manhunt 2 situation isn't much of a surprised. Rockstar is clearly lying if they didn't expect this, in fact I'm sure they were counting on this. Honestly though I'm torn betweeen buying this just for the sake of having it or not even bothering to touch it at all. Either way there is a very good chance I'd never play game that glorfies violence this much. There is such thing as a limit and Rockstar crossed it with this game. I gotta be honest though I'm glad this rating happen as this game should be limited and minors should never get their hands on this and if Rockstar hurts because of this then they deserve to be I feel.
  11. Movie looks pretty interesting. Since this is based on a novel I have to track that dow now.
  12. So they are all guys. Thought as much.
  13. At first that's what I thought it was. I don't see this lasting long if it's even picked up. I don't think you can draw out a Terminator storyline week after week. It could get really boring. Look at the films, all three seem to take place over a few days. It's pacing is what made them enjoyable since it right to the point. If they decide to make it action based I doubt they could give it a big enough budget to make it worthwhile week after week..
  14. I'm starting to think the Wing vibe might be on purpose. Sure it's pure speculation but perhaps that's what they are going of in hopes it really takes off big outside of Japan. Outside of Wing has any other Gundam sereis really blown up to be a huge success? There was just something about Wing that caused it to be so popular and to still be popular. To be honest even after viewing a LOT of Gundam, Wing is still on of my favorites. In my top three to be honest with Turn A Gundam and Gundam Z(Zeta) taking number 1 and 2. They've already tried to recreate the UC with SEED and SEED Destiny and how well it faired is arguable but don't thik it really took off outside of Japan the way it did in Japan. Why not try to recreate Wing in hopes of getting a really huge cash cow.
  15. Was thinking the same thing. The gundams here look Turn Aish. Which isn't a problem for me since Turn A Gundam is my #1 favorite Gundam series but as long as the show is nothing like Gundam SEED or SEED Destiny I hopefully will be fine with it. I enjoyed FMA so hopefully this will turn out well. Just hope it isn't a short mini-series but a full one. That purple haired character is female right? Another nice thing is outside of the last kid the other two guys actually look like guys, ie men instead of that weird blend between man and woman that seems to be so popular in some series.
  16. Wait a minute. There is a new series being done? I thought they were just reairing Macross 7 on TV? New Gundam series and a new Macross series? Good times, very good times.
  17. Looks really good. Weren't the trees in MSG during the attack on Jaburo bigger then the mobile suits then to? Same thing in 8th MS Team I think as well.
  18. I've been hearing a lot of disappointing or mixed reviews about Mario Party 8. Though while the MP games aren't that great I think this one suffers from being a port as well. It was clearly designed for the Cube. I have a feeling that a ground up Mario Party game will be more like Wii Sports and Play then anything else when it's finally done. Also keep in mind that I don't think MP8 was even done by Nintendo themselves. Didn't someone else make it?
  19. While I'm glad that a sequel is finally coming out and I do want to pick it up since I want to know where the story goes I'm pretty blah about the whole announcement. Not to excited or hyped. Just seriously annoyed that it took them so god damn long to come out and it looks very similar to the original game but with updated graphics. Not that I have a problem with that but for the long wait the current result doesn't justify it. What the hell took them so long is what I want to know if this is what they have to show for in the end. Granted nothing is final and the speaker in the videos even said that but it looks like this could have maybe been put out five years ago.
  20. That's what I was thinking. I thought Fearless was going to be his last movie, at least that's what I thought it was promoted as. Guess I heard wrong. Not that I'm disappointed. I like watching Jet Li movies and having him and JS in another one together should be good. I honestly like The One. Not deep but great action.
  21. I haven't been this excited to see a movie in a long, long, loonnnggggg time! Maybe it's the fact that I grew up watching Transformers and have enjoyed the latest versions (more so the comics then the latest cartoons) as much as I can or that the new trailer is what I really needed to see to get me ready for this film but I can't wait to see this. I agree the transforming sound didn't seem to sit well but you know what, I'm willing to forgive that since I want to hear it and was hoping they add it.
  22. Very cool. I'd love to go see this.
  23. I guess so. As long as Steel is in it I'll be happy since his origin is tied in directly with this story. I can see them passing up the Superboy angle but not Steel's. Especially since Timm had no problem with including Steel in the Superman and Justice League (and Unlimited) series.
  24. Not really. There are conflicting statements about Matrix. Some say she was retconned out while others say she still existed. I believe DC's Editor in Chief said she was gone but the actual writer of IC and DC's top writer at the moment I believe said she was still around. Even still with that it shouldn't have any effect on this movie since it's suppose to be based on the Death of Superman storyline that was put out at the time. What I mean was that in the trailer you see Superman in the black suit, when he came back to life. The one with the glowing eyes seemed like he would be the Last Son of Krypton version from the story, the one that kills.
  25. I know a lot is going to be cut out but I hope they at least keep some of the Reign of Supermen storyline in there. From the trailer it seems we have Superman in the black, Last Son of Kryton. Yet there was no sign of Superboy, Steel, or Cyborg Superman. Not saying they won't be there but would feel better if there was some images of them out there. I wonder how Matrix Supergirl will look in this, if she is even in it.
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