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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Tell us, tell us, tellus Hmm could be those Red Imperial Guards.
  2. Sweet, thanks.
  3. Anyway you can put it up via http so others can check it out?
  4. I heard this series was a complete ripoff of GTO. Especially when both main characters act the same way. Never watched GTO but that's what I was told, doesn't really interest me in anyway.
  5. You can always tell that rude people won't make it. I learned that a long time ago. I had a similar experience of that of the WHM when I frist started playing Everquest when I tried to cross the Karanas zones to get to the wizard spires. I love meeting players like that cause it shows they have an interest in learning the game and I love to help out players when are polite. I tell you just because its a game and your are online manners go a long way. To hell with the BLM. Right from the start it was going to be trouble from the sounds of it. Not surprising he deleveled so much.
  6. Oh I agree with you, there is no excuse. Like you said most players have either played a Final Fantasy game, come from other mmorpgs, or have did the first few levels and should know what their main role is. Its on thing to ask a person what they can do but you should know what your job is in those first few levels. I was just trying to give a different outlook on the situation. Though there are certain things, I personally would never have thought a paladin would have made a better tank then a warrior. I never saw anything before that would have lead me to believe that to be honest and was surprised when I was told that. I always thought Black Mages to be the ones to deal out the most damage in a single hit(ala Wizard and other casters from other games), since its like that in the games, especially against certain monsters. I came to learn from reading post on other sites that wasn't the case at all in mid to higher levels.
  7. How someone can reach that high of a level and not know what they are doing is beyond me. I'm lucky that I never ran across anyone one like that other then that one white mage during the first few levels. He still wouldn't listen we others in the zone shouted trying to explain to him that white mages don't fight. Oh well. Since mmorpg are usually the same in certain aspects I try to take whatever experience I have in others and adapt them to other games. It usually works, I just don't understand how someone can ignore advice from players that playing the advance classes. That right there should show they know what they are talking(not always true sometimes) since they had to have a good knowledge in the game in order to obtain those classes. That sucks about the WHM. That's all a WHM has to do is heal. Its not that hard, you see the warrior coming back start healing them, no one else is in battle. Use the party cure if a bomb goes off. A lot of the problems comes form these games not explaining how to play the characters. It isn't like there are any NPCs in the game give people a small crash course in what their role is. That would solve a lot of problems cause all the manual does is give a short description of the job and that's it. A little NPC help would go a long way to help things out, especially since there isn't an easy way of talking with people in the cities or zones outside of shouting and that seems to get ignored or not seen at all. And people don't seem to be able to join linkshells when they first start playing so they have no communcation with other players and those lower levels is when they should have the most communication and help given to them in some form or another. And major design flaw in my opinion.
  8. I couldn't agree with this more. Sure I don't expect to do everything by myself and one shouldn't, especially at the higher levels and in the high level zones. The fact that you need a full party for anything that gives worth while experince is crazy. Try taking on something with out a balance party is crazy. Having to force myself to play a monk, red mage, warrior, etc when I really wanted to play a Paladin, Dark Knight, Bard, Summonor is just crazy. Look at all the past Final Fantasy games, Only in the first few games on the NES were any member of your party a warrior, red mage, etc. Everything after that jobs are mixed or customed. This is what players have in their minds when think of Final Fantasy classes. Everyone most likely looks forward to the advance classes. Like said by the time you get to them you are so burnt out you don't give a damn about them anymore. True american players do seem to have a problem playing but I don't blame that on because they are american players but on the fact they are console players. I doubt this game attracted many current mmorpg players, if they did then how players played would have been different. Though I can understand some confusion. In all other games Warriors are the main tanks while Paladins or hybrid melee's are weaker and usually used as backup tanks. Its not like anything about a Paladin being better is every said or easily reachable. You can't asked the Japanese players due to the language barrier. Its a circle. They don't want to group with english speaking players cause they don't know how to play and they say they are rude. Well American players can't ask the more experience players questions due to the language so problems arise. Doubt anyone that thinks a healer should be fighting or pulling is just plain stupid and have never played a Final Fantasy game in their life or even read up on one.
  9. Sucks about losing contact but cool movie.
  10. http://www.cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?a...55&obj_id=40634 Things won't be the same with him gone. I do hope the new series is just as good as SG-1.
  11. Instead of starting a new post I thought I'd just bump this one with the new information. http://www.cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?a...38&obj_id=40649 I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing what the new episodes will be like.
  12. Technically this is planned quite well. People don't often care for it, but it can be quite rewarding, especially for a warrior. Start with warrior, level to 18 and get your subjob. Start with thief, level to 15 and switch back to warrior. Take warrior from 18-30 (dont even need to touch thief anymore) then find someone to help you with the advance job of your choice (dark knight, bard, ranger can all be done easily by one's self). Get new job, and just continue on till whatever. You won't even have to worry about warrior until level 60. If you're getting tired of power leveling, then get side tracked. Do some questing. Do some missions. Make some money. Go fishing. Start crafting. Grinding levels isn't what the game is about, so if that's all you plan to do, then there's a million other games out there for you where you don't have to pay $13 a month. True grinding levels shouldn't be what the game is all about but if order to actually explore and do the story, missions, quest one needs to grind levels to safely travel in either a group or solo. It needs to be done in order to get the job class you actually want to play. Either way they made it the main focus of the game, like all other mmorpg. At least in other games which are still level grinds, traveling between the different kingdoms/cities are is less troublesome and safe to a degree. Its more luck in FFXI since you have to run. Isn't like you can be teleported, take a boat out of the city or an airship. In order to get money, one needs to kill. In order to kill things that give items for lot of money one needs to level grind. Its endless and I accept that. To say any mmorpg is different is kinda silly in my opinion. Just that some pull it off better then orders or try to hid that fact more by making certain things easier and less in your face until later one. FFXI makes things very clear how things will be early on. In order to truely enjoy the setting and story one needs to level or they will seriously be held back and limited to one area of the game. Crafting has one result, to make weapons, armor and items to be used in battle to aid the level grind. I just didn't care for how things actually were in this game. I might return if things change a bit later on, better interface for one but not much left for me. I'm better off at a different place. I still think the game was good just not for me. There is a lot of good but also bad.
  13. It seems only to the PS2 and Xbox. When the game was first announced people complained about it not being on the GameCube as well but they were told only the PS2 and Xbox. Which just sucks in my opinion. No PC version(which is ideal for FPS) and no GameCube version it seems as well.
  14. Also it was said in RT.com chat a while ago that RT:Invasion would have weapons based on unused Mospeada designs. That gun could very well be one of those unused designs.
  15. Yeah, I noticed the little comment as well. Anyway I hope this game has the gameplay to back up the look. As a FPS it doesn't have blow the othes away but it should at least hold its own and be decent. And for the love of god they need to make a PC version of this.
  16. There was a new ending done I believe.
  17. Though I wasn't near the level that Abombz was I can understand where she is coming from. I've actually already stopped playing and went back to Everquest of all things. My characters were actually there but I'm broke . Honeslty I really wanted to play the advance classes but I don't care for having to force myself to play another basic class just to get to the level to start the advance class quest then find a group of likewise level if not higher level people in order to actually gain access to it. Then comes the level grind again just to get back to the point you were before to continue with missions and to explore more areas. It was fun for a while but just not for me anyway.
  18. Yup. The way I heard it was that it would be similar to the way the X-files movie was setup in that it could be a standalone story but at the same time the season finale would sort of set things up and the next season premire would pick up from where the movie left off. That's what they did with the X-files movie and I thought it worked well.
  19. I love this show. I had been a fan of the movie when I first saw it on VHS and have been a fan of the series from the beginning when it used to come on Showtime before it came to the SciFi channel. This is one of the few shows that have lasted a long time and just keeps getting better and better with each season and has strong writing, those it does have its dull episodes and its really strong ones. I'm really looking forward to the spin-off series. There was also talk of a movie that would be done that would setup the new series and setup the final season for SG1. The new series and the final season are suppose to air at the same time as to make the change better which I think is good.
  20. I have MGS for the PS1 but I'm going to pick it up on the GC for sure. I'm really lacking in games on that system. All I have is Tony Hawk Pro Skater and the one Luegi(Sp?) game. I usually just borrowed games from my younger uncles since that is their main console.
  21. I saw a think on G4, the gaming chaneel about that game. It was on the show Pulse I believe, they were covering gaming in the military explain how certain games were adapted for military use like Delta Force and how some games went from military training programs to retail games, America's Army being one of the later. Not sure if this was changed for civilian use, it could be the very same one the military uses or used.
  22. You give the adventurer's ticket to guards near the apartment area. In Bastok give it to Reed, I think that is her name in the Market area. She is near the fountain on the side towards apartment area right at the steps on the right when you go down. Trade it with her and you will get around 50gil. Which is really small but hey every bit helps. For the first few levels I found it easier to hunt in the Zerhun Mines in the mines district of the city. Its pretty empty so you don' t have to fight for mobs or be blinded by the landscape once it gets really bright out like you would fighting on the outside. Its small and nothing aggros on you or teams up. I usually go from 1/2 to 7/8 by fighting there. Things get slow around lvl 7 though. You can bind at the homepoint in the mines district so it isn't a long run and there is a auction house right there. Plus the person you have to talk to for your first mission is down there as well, she's in the back where the crabs are. The area seems to work will for all classes it seems. Though I've only done Redmage, Monk, and Black Mage down there. In a similar case, been playing Asheron's Call 2 along with FFXI. Both are pretty good so far. Both do things differently but AC2 is easier to get into since things are so simple, which happens to be a good thing since the setup is more interesting once you start moving along the skill tree. At times it really makes you happy to have a class system since things are so much easier then or more defined. I'm so glad that Trubine though is buying the Asheron's Call franchise back from Microsoft, MS seemed to be doing nothing with it, it even stopped printing copies of both versions and didn't advertise them at all even though both have gotten good reviews. MS being the publisher and parent seemed to be the one that pushed the game out before it was ready or finished. AC2 has actually gotten 100 times better it seems from when it launched and both AC1 and AC2 will be getting more expansions once the transfer between the two companies is complete. Things already seemed to be getting better and tons of people are happy MS will be out of the picture.
  23. Cool. I'm enjoying the original since its airing on Starz on the weekend. Looking forward to seeing this new one.
  24. I'm really looking forward to this movie.
  25. I remember the show, had the movie on VHS before it was ruined when my basement flooded. It was a nice to watch. I've actually been trying to get a copies of the series and movie. My mother enjoyed watching when it came but I haven't had any luck in finding it. Most places I find anime well have anime, Rainbow Brite isn't anime so its hard to find. I forgot who made the show. I miss 80s shows.
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